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:laughing7::laughing7::notworthy::occasion14:Good one Homar, Crosse. I enjoyed it.

Senor Don Jose,

I know that you must have, in all of your travels and exploring, many times
over, rode and walked, prospected in many places, where various important
historical characters, maybe Conquistadors, Jesuit Priests, Inquistadors,
banditos, maybe even some other spiritual men, have prospected,
hiked, camped, lived, worked, maybe where some died, etc.

And lived to tell the tale... well maybe little hints of yer preface. :laughing7:

Here's to the fun along the way, and hope for continued successes, good health,
family and good friends, and to the spirits, that may guide one to real treasures...
Crosse de Sign
:occasion14::occasion14::occasion14::occasion14::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::3barsgold::coins::gold-bracelet::treasurechest: :fish:

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Crosse de, I admit to faulty information. Being inherently lazy I attempted to use past posts, but I forgot that every post is tailored to a certain time element on a particular subject and probably will not fit the timing or context of a new post, I apologize and will not do it again,

Crosse de, I admit to faulty information. Being inherently lazy I attempted to use past posts, but I forgot that every post is tailored to a certain time element on a particular subject and probably will not fit the timing or context of a new post, I apologize and will not do it again,

Since it (timing?) didn't seem to hinder your point, no one noticed, didn't
have to apologize, er, I guess ye do have a soft... hmmn, I mean a reale :love9: :laughing7: :icon_scratch: :thumbsup:
8-) :cross:

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Just kiddin.

Maybe if ye weren't so distracted with the lingerie
of many colors, could keep data more current, I mean
focus on yer science research.

Goin down to the river today, yee haaa...
Getting ready now. Got fresh coffee made...:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
Now just need to make a couple of sandwiches, load up,
pick up brother and hit the road. 8-) :fish:

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The old ones that taught me to dance by firelight. Picture is on my way to themj.



  • Date with the old ones.webp
    Date with the old ones.webp
    60.3 KB · Views: 83
No damn Yankee ??? ya mean a cotton pickin rebel ?? Southern trash also probably.

I feel betrayed, so let's go see if the coffee pot has enough. If not we will have to stir Oro for his sock coffee, but
watch out, when he ia dozing with his sheep, he comes out a-shooting, until he wakes up, but his fresh sock coffee is worth it.

Don Jose de La Manchadamn Y

I wonder, if the north/south thing has any reale creedence. :laughing7:

It seems the kind and mean souls' spirits are all spread out,
looking for the passage. I reckon' about the cotton part,
and then the d--- y. :icon_scratch::dontknow:

Those are interesting pictures, wish you had more, and films,
that's why some may get a reale good visual, without account.

The pictures you would have with point and click, (sigh) so many
more good ones. That one must have made it cross the river... :thumbsup:

Sorry, ran out of coffee. must travel to trading post, directly, with furs... 8-) :fish:

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The old ones that taught me to dance by firelight. Picture is on my way to themj.

View attachment 1112488

What ya doin there, is that a big enough knife,
fer whacking weeds, or cutting firewood in desert land.
It's hard to tell what yer holdin, if that's a canteen, or maybe :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

You sure that weren't some reale colorful spirits ye drank, :tongue3:
or maybe some strange lizard or wildflower that ye ate, and had a big dream? :laughing7: :fish:

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K' crosse here is a little post===

I was laying here half asleep. My mind wandered back a few years ago to one of my prouder achievements. I remember standing up and saying in a loud voice, : room attention, I, aviatian Cadet Curry,JJ,L soloed today" then sat down to the usual congraulatons and horse play that accompaanies every Cadet's first solo..

For years afterwards I flew the USAF way, 'by the nunbers', which has proven to be the best way in general, They now hava fantastic instruments and computer systems that speak to you , even many systems that in an emergency that can fly the aircraft, in many cases far better that a human pilot can, but it wasn't until I drifted into agriculture flying that I really discovered true flying.

In Ag. work you are flying low as possible to the ground or trees, often less then 10 ft to apply the chemical with the most efficiency. At those low altitudes you simply do not have time to canstantly scan your instruments You have a constanly varying load .with steep climbouts. You are constantly playng with a potential stall - which gets most pilots in Ag work, along with running into objects, in my case a telephone pole guy wire.

In another caseI I was the wingman flying on the lower side. the ground curved to the left nd our sppeed should have been set up by the pilot flying rhe sloweset speed sector, me. My instruments were ahowing everthing as fine when I felt that lil suspicion of loss of air support, so without thinkig I broke formation and slid off my left in a shallow dive, hoping to build up airspeed , I was still in a sloppy prestall condition when i spotted branches sprouting of my engine. I was still too close to a stall for any evasive movement so I hit an enormus dead Sprrce tree squarely on my nose spinner, which decreased my speed further. from there on it is a litle hazy but I remember trying to trade off the tree's heght for a little speed gain. iIt worked, I gradualy started a slow climb above the surrounding forest,. I have the impression that I maintained a relatively level flight path , Althugh later they told me that the plane had dived straight into the forest and that I was killed ?????

Another time I was flying low man on the totem pole in a deep curving canyon when my hi pressurt hose line broke and eventually dumped 150 gallon of diesel into the cockpit. I couldnt see anything, Instruments , clothes, gogles were coated with diesel, eyes were burning so I had to resort to the feel of being one with the aircraft and attenptwd to fly a level, silight climbout of the canyon. I was lucky, I succeeded and when the last of the Diesel had drained away and I could see once again I ws flying up, out of the canyon.safely.

These are two prime axamples where "by the numbers" would had gotten me Killed.

I frst experienced this when just flying, It was a bright summer day when I just knew I was one with the aircraft, I could feel it with my whole body, That is when I started have marvelous experiences with flying. I would seek Out Cumulos cloud formations, turn on the radio and have a sensous 3D waltz in the many hidden canyons of the cloud. It is hard to describe, just fantasric.

Todays pilots do not have that feel for' impending' stalls, in fact the civillian market has eliinated Spins which are a direct reult of a stall and kill many pilots very year

In Ag work you have a constant change of load and speed to contend with, which naturally modifies your Aircraft stall characeristics, even the temperature and altitude varies it.

I eventually settled on the Navy carrier aproach, semi controlled stall. The stick was for controlling the airspeed, the throttle for the rate of decent I could land across a standard runway.

I could go on for hours on the pleasure that flying gave me.

It is hard to be an athiest when you are dancing in the clouds Gals???I

Great story, if you could go on for hours, encore, as the Hacienda De Los Santos
folks smile a lot with fly in friends, but still shots, except Jamie in the videos.
That's a lot of modeling and artistic detail. Nice planes.. :fish:

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Hi Crosse, where did you see that on the hacienda and Jamie.Jodies' sis.??

Nother lil thingie. Ever been without water? This picture is of my partner. We had been without water for two days when we came to this iil river - no thought was given to sanitary conditions Incidentslly the long knife is a machete. The same man and I lived off of the jungle in Quintsna Roo for 6 months while looking for Mayan ruins.


I was looking at the plane video of "The Magnificent Four" on pg. 76, clicked on
youtube, watched some clips and typed in Hacienda de Los Santos, Alamos, Sonora.
Saw that there are others, named de Los Santos. Looked at local Alamos videos.

There are a few of her folks Hacienda, some good filming, a couple I think,
with fly in friends, including "The Last Supper" Some happy looking people. 8-)

One titled: "Hacienda de Los Santos, A Good Fly In", done by a guest.
Also one, a brief walk through the Hacienda Courtyard filmed live, others
of the rooms, gardens, fountains, pool, dining, etc.

In one, "Two Alamos Residents discuss Life In Mexico".
Jamie and another local lady, did an advertisement about the
town in a short video, where they also talked about moving there.
They mentioned the tranquility of the layed back non rat race life
style, and helping her folks at the Hacienda de Los Santos, which
she said used to be a bed and breakfast, and is now the resort/spa
23 bdrm. Hacienda... :fish:

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Hi Crosse, where did you see that on the hacienda and Jamie.Jodies' sis.??

Nother lil thingie. Ever been without water? This picture is of my partner. We had been without water for two days when we came to this iil river - no thought was given to sanitary conditions Incidentslly the long knife is a machete. The same man and I lived off of the jungle in Quintsna Roo for 6 months while looking for Mayan ruins.

View attachment 1113528

Nice lil' river, for a thirst buster, no purification tablets?
Sock filtered coffee probably was not invented yet... :laughing9: :thumbsup:
I was just quoting another, explorer bout size of the 'knife'. :laughing7: :fish:

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Any spirit treasured football fans?

Go Patriots!!! :occasion17::director::violent1::bronzetrophy: Stuff the Seahawks...

Enjoy the game if so.



Well, 14-14 @ Halftime, Go Patriots!!!
Come on, get it on up in the air Brady!

Strip them sea birds tail feathers, kick some class action :boxing: :pain10: ... :occasion17: :angel12: :thumbsup:
:fish: :cross:

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Yeah Malcolm Butler! Very Nice Pick... He He :occasion17: :goldtrophy:

"I had a vision I was gonna make a big play".

That is super cool stuff, a good close game... 8-) :thumbsup: 8-) :fish:

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*sigh* don't know why they call it 'football' - they seem to use their hands to handle the ball ... if it hadn't been for the fact that 'handball' is allready taken, it would be far more appropriate!
and yes *chuckles* obviously I'm not a native!! :laughing7:

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