G'd afternoon, pretty doggie's companion, That is a natural defense mechanism. I am not sure which varieties use it, but as far as I can remember no venomous snake uses that tech.
At la Sabina mine, the kitchen wall was an open brick design for air. In the Hot months it seemed to amuse our Jefe to sit there watching the huge toads slurping up the bugs that came for a brief romance with the light

? However this paled a bit when an 8' boa cameslitherg in also and proceeded to slurp up the toads. He said " who in Germany would ever believe me sitting here watching this in my kitchen".
Ghostie story: Here in my comb. computer and guest room in my small home in Alamos there seem to be one, or more. The house was owned by two sisters and when the last one died, their jewelry box could not be found - the walls are almost 4 ft thick of adobe. Every so often I smell soap, freshly washed hair, perfume, food odors, ad occasionally when I lie down on the bed, someone tweaks my big toes ?? Whatcha think?? Do I have a hidden admirer or is the box in the walls of this room ??
Don Jose de La Mancha