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Yes. I put him into 'time out' after biting my dog's nose, then let him go into the preserve. :)

Jeff, I am with you in that without our snakes we would be absolutely swamped with rodents of all kinds. I never normally kill one, just move them away from my doggie and g g kiddies back out into the brush. This goes for lil ole lizards also , unless I need one to eat. Yes I have eaten many large Iguanas, good eating , and provided the necessary protein at the time.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I am glad to see that our newest spur winner isn't squeamish around them ----hmmm come to think of it, females and snakes have been acquaintances since it began no ?? sigh.

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Jeff, I am with you in that without our snakes we would be absolutely swamped with rodents of all kinds. I never normally kill one, just move them away from my doggie and g g kiddies back out into the brush. This goes for lil ole lizards, unless I need one to eat. Yes I have eaten many large Iguanas, good eating.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I am glad to see that our newest spur winner isn't squeamish around them ----hmmm come to think of it, females and snakes have been acquaintances since it began no ?? sigh.
Since it began,... Uh Oh!... Party Foul?...:angry7::nono: Party Foul! :laughing1::icon_pale::protest: Party Foul!...LOL!

I may help Copperheads out, by cutting their heads off, not many for years lately though,
dogs help keep them away...

Black snakes eat rodents and Copperheads, and Chicken eggs? I may have caught a 4' big fat Mohave Green, with only 3 rattles once, with a 3' forked stick I found, my buddy liked him... in his display...

When chicken hawks or bull snakes, got my Indian Grandma's chickens and chicken eggs, she got even...:sad1: :angry4: :angry5:

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I have NO rats. Only the tunnel kind, ha-ha. I have released them ALL, except for one Coral which took a ride through the lawn mower blade.

He he - there are snakes and snakes ...
I was once told that in TX - only poisonous snakes have slit pupils - all the others have round pupils (still not quite sure whether that is true or not).
Well, I was asittin' (half asleep) on my mower one day when one of these 'thingies' slithered away - barely escaping the mower blades. I stopped the mower and ran up to the house to get a rake - managed to place the rake over the neck of the villain and bent down to have a good look at his pupils - and they were round, so I let him (or her?) go ... In all honesty - I believe it was a rat-snake which are only dangerous to the small critters in this world.

And I have another one about rat-snakes too ...
One of these hot, sultry TX summer days - my wife saw a snake trying to slide up behind the bookcase. I ran out to the garage and got my trusted 3-iron and just manage to squeeze the sucker between the golfclub and the skirting. Well now - the snake obviously didn't care for that and let go of his anal content - it took us about 3 days to get rid of the stink afterwards - it's the most foul thing I've ever come across!! With the help of a machete and my 3-iron - I must admit I paid him back for his offensive behaviour.

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What a story! Yep. This is a yellow rat snake. 6 ft. I have a pic holding it. It did spray its musk. Not pleasant. From a distance it mimics a rattler. I actually had my metal detector in my hand, and was going to whack it when I saw it bite my Mastiff's nose. I realized what it was and put it in the bucket. I don't make bad guys walk the plank anymore, they go 'in the bucket'. :)

Btw, Loke. You are right about the pupils! I avoid those cat-eyes! Now, shall we talk about the gators?

Really, I want one more campfire story. This sock coffee is sort-of growing on me.

G'd afternoon, pretty doggie's companion, That is a natural defense mechanism. I am not sure which varieties use it, but as far as I can remember no venomous snake uses that tech.

At la Sabina mine, the kitchen wall was an open brick design for air. In the Hot months it seemed to amuse our Jefe to sit there watching the huge toads slurping up the bugs that came for a brief romance with the light ???? However this paled a bit when an 8' boa cameslitherg in also and proceeded to slurp up the toads. He said " who in Germany would ever believe me sitting here watching this in my kitchen".

Ghostie story: Here in my comb. computer and guest room in my small home in Alamos there seem to be one, or more. The house was owned by two sisters and when the last one died, their jewelry box could not be found - the walls are almost 4 ft thick of adobe. Every so often I smell soap, freshly washed hair, perfume, food odors, ad occasionally when I lie down on the bed, someone tweaks my big toes ?? Whatcha think?? Do I have a hidden admirer or is the box in the walls of this room ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hi Mast luv: You do know that we have a special breed of giant corals up on the mt? 1+ meters long. Quite venemous -story how I know if allowed.

Don Jose de La Mancah

Ya don got no Pichiquatis in Florida, so there xxxxxx !!!!

I think I'll take the corals over the piñacates. Wow. I thought I was in the Twightlight Zone when I first saw a nice summer swarm of them. Yes, your description of the corals here are correct. If one is able to capture them alive and safe, they sell for up to $1500, as the antivenom is so low here. And, here I am, everyday, digging up bottles and cans. Ha! Once, in Alamos, I was bit by a brown recluse on the leg. Dr. Navarro and my mom were the lucky ones to tend to it's lovely aftermath. It is amazing what a little sucker like that can do.

G'd afternoon, pretty doggie's companion, That is a natural defense mechanism. I am not sure which varieties use it, but as far as I can remember no venomous snake uses that tech. At la Sabina mine, the kitchen wall was an open brick design for air. In the Hot months it seemed to amuse our Jefe to sit there watching the huge toads slurping up the bugs that came for a brief romance with the light ???? However this paled a bit when an 8' boa cameslitherg in also and proceeded to slurp up the toads. He said " who in Germany would ever believe me sitting here watching this in my kitchen". Ghostie story: Here in my comb. computer and guest room in my small home in Alamos there seem to be one, or more. The house was owned by two sisters and when the last one died, their jewelry box could not be found - the walls are almost 4 ft thick of adobe. Every so often I smell soap, freshly washed hair, perfume, food odors, ad occasionally when I lie down on the bed, someone tweaks my big toes ?? Whatcha think?? Do I have a hidden admirer or is the box in the walls of this room ?? Don Jose de La Mancha
Oh my gosh! I believe. We have to talk. I have plenty to share on a similar note, personally. Publically, remember the stories of 'Violeta' in Kissing Alley? How about the girl in the pink taffeta dress that was sealed into the wall, many, many moons ago, after her father found out she became pregnant in boarding school? He felt she disgraced her family and it was unforgivable. Holy moly!

G'd afternoon, pretty doggie's companion, That is a natural defense mechanism. I am not sure which varieties use it, but as far as I can remember no venomous snake uses that tech.

At la Sabina mine, the kitchen wall was an open brick design for air. In the Hot months it seemed to amuse our Jefe to sit there watching the huge toads slurping up the bugs that came for a brief romance with the light ???? However this paled a bit when an 8' boa cameslitherg in also and proceeded to slurp up the toads. He said " who in Germany would ever believe me sitting here watching this in my kitchen".

Ghostie story: Here in my comb. computer and guest room in my small home in Alamos there seem to be one, or more. The house was owned by two sisters and when the last one died, their jewelry box could not be found - the walls are almost 4 ft thick of adobe. Every so often I smell soap, freshly washed hair, perfume, food odors, ad occasionally when I lie down on the bed, someone tweaks my big toes ?? Whatcha think?? Do I have a hidden admirer or is the box in the walls of this room ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

I heard it's the tarantulas who like toes

I've seen rattlers and copperheads in southern part of my state
Alas, here in the middle I only find garters and rat snakes. How I wish for variety? ( oh for a nice corn or milk snake, or the improbable boomslang) When I see one I jump off the mower ( careful not to spill my cervesa) and grab it .
They give less musk if you get them by hand instead of pinning them with a tool.

There was a little green snake I saw in Vietnam that must have been deadly because our point man ran across a couple of them being used like a booby trap. They had been tied in the bushes along a trail up in the mountains. I didn't see this trap myself but I trusted the guy who was on point and that's what he said he saw.

They also had what we called a F... You lizard. The first time I heard it, I thought there was an NVA outside our perimeter messing with us. The old guys got a kick out of watching the new guys the first time they heard this lizard sound off.

G'd evening Luv: I believe it was in the reception part of your poppies Hotel that I first saw a discrepancy in the plans and the visible walls suggesting a hidden 'V' shaped small room.

When I mentioned it, it ws remarked "tis far better to speculate, than just open an empty room."

So ya see, you personally have been concealing a crime against some poor servent gal. Shame on you.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s and one wonders why we have sooo many ghosties in Alamos.

Hi Jeff you posted -->I heard it's the tarantulas who like toes

La tarantela, once bitten you must dance til sundown. Ya earned yer coffee.

don Jose de La Mancha

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