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doc you posted --> for us disabled veterans, the gov's pensions do not allow for such….

Arr doc, I am hesitant to ask, but was that for addiction ???.:laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2:

Seriously sorry to hear of that Doc, yet, in some perverse way I am glad that the Gov't recognizes their debt to you.

Gentle men That is her home. she clued you in long ago. After all who would be driving ?? an expensive station wagon, swimming in her private lake, looking for Indian artifacts on her ranch, etc. etc. A prime example of a well balanced and lovely gal. psst did I speak out of line love?

Her parents exquisite hotel has international honors.-->

Nice place to have my coffee with Nancy and Jim, her delightful parents.

It's kinda' fun, gettin' little schoolin, from such a nice
and great Lady writer, ocean adventurer, prospector, author,
rock hunter, comedian in her own right (Just to name a quick few),
even if she is smarter... Can't win em' all pilgrim, just maybe go on
down in flames writin' too. :laughing9:

Just keep on a laughin' with my good 'ol country friends,
go out an' hunt, take a few pics, when I get the chance ...:cross:

What's for dinner? Tender White Chicken, broccoli, carrot, parsley
fresh garlic, whole grain rice w/onion and seasonings, Casserole?
I Don't Know, Coffee Anyone? :coffee2: :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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Gentle men That is her home. she clued you in long ago. After all who would be driving ?? an expensive station wagon, swimming in her private lake, looking for Indian artifacts on her ranch, etc. etc. A prime example of a well balanced and lovely gal. psst did I speak out of line love? Her parents exquisite hotel has international honors.--> Nice place to have my coffee with Nancy and Jim, her delightful parents.
. Don Jose', you ARE family, as far as we are all concerned. My Dad has enjoyed your friendship for so many precious years, as has my sweet mamacita! Nobody ( that I know of, to date) has matched his caliber of genuine kindness or true passion for adventure, than you. I remember one afternoon, many years ago, sitting on his room, and I caught him smiling so big at the laptop screen in front of him. I had to peek at what was SO good, and it was, of course, a letter, from you. He is my hero, and nothing delights me more, than seeing him HAPPY. Your friendship has given both he and my mom nothing but PURE JOY, and I just have to thank you, from the bottom of my heart) for that. In addition, to every other friend of mine on this thread (my favorite one, thanks to Crosse'), if you should ever head down Mexico way, we will always have a spot for you. Lastly, if you check out Posada Tacubaya (B and B) it is the sister hacienda adjoining 'Santos', which is also truly remarkable and much more affordable. Just send me a note if you ever plan to go, and I will set you up. My sister, Jamie, is the General Manager, and she is such a gracious cutie and will help you arrange anything you could possibly need. Alamos, the village, is a complete experience one will never forget. Every square inch has been hand-patted with love, right Don Jose'? In fact, it held one of the largest silver mining strikes, ever. The land holds unending promise for untold riches and treasures, as our friend, most definitely knows. They didn't coin it Treasure of the Sierra Madres for nothing. Smile, smile. But, the real treasure of this town is the striking yet simple beauty of the land/people, carefree lifestyle, and most especially, our Don Jose' de La Mancha!!!

Don Jose, hope you got enough to eat and drink, friend.

That is a really nice thought, how thoughtful to write.
If I can get some work done, an' some travelin' time...
Would be fun, to see some new country, especially such
as you speak of, sounds excellent. Anyway, my friend at
the Restaurant, talked about going treasure hunting,
maybe sometime, around his home town.

That would really be lots of fun. I was born in S. Oregon
(Douglas County), and have been thru to Roseburg, beautiful.
Been in a lot of states, never was out of them...

Tho', I've never have been any closer to going So. across the border,
than San Diego, Nogales, El Paso, from Ruidoso Downs, NM., to the
Los Alamitos, Ca. racetrack (hauling racehorses), etc. some in the 90's,
and 2000's...

Hacienda De Los Santos, Would that be anything like?

"I'll just sit right here, have another beer, in Mexico,
Do my best, to love another day... 8-) ...Yeah sit
right here, an' have another beer in Mexico, oh-oh
Let the warm air, melt these blues away...
...Down in Mexico"...

A good song, and a huge hit for Kenney, a few short years ago...

Thanks Mi Friends... Crosse :cross:

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Sigh, kinda different from my one room shack on the other side of town, but they ain't got no place to tie up my mule while "I" do,

Hafta walk a block to the restaurant once I am inside. All cotton picking gardens, nice if ya like drinking yer coffee amongst humming birds and dove, plus a handful of hanger-on boids..

But I can assure you, the coffee is good.and they make a marvelous Mango marmalade.

I'm Still looking at the awesome pics, WoW! Looks like where a Dove(s),
would be at peace, quite lush and elegant, a very good place to write, yes... Thanks,... :cross:

Hola amigos - I will tell you one, which is fairly recent (a little over a year ago);

Mrs O and I were in a particular canyon south of Tucson, hunting for La Esmerelda. The place we had picked for a base camp was a little spooky looking but not to the point of un-nerving, just a little creepy. We had brought enough supplies for a couple of weeks, and had spent the two weeks, so packed up to head out for a re-supply trip. Unfortunately the battery had completely died in the vehicle and in this place, other vehicles are fairly rare so we got to spend a few extra days there. On the first night after discovering the dead battery, while getting ready to cook dinner, we heard a terrible groaning and moaning, which seemed to be coming from the canyon behind the ridge where we were camped. I hiked up to the top of the ridge to see what was making the sounds, in case it was someone hurt or lost. On arriving at the top, I could still hear the terrible moaning as if someone were terribly hurt, but could not pinpoint the location due to the echoes off the canyon walls. The moaning stopped in a minute, and it was getting fairly dark so I planned to go check it out the following day.

The next morning after coffee I headed up to the top of the ridge to get another look to see as it was better light, and saw a huge silver egg-shaped thing on the bottom of the canyon, very shiny like a mirror. To estimate the size I would say as large as a console stereo or a bit larger but smaller than a VW. So I hiked around the ridge (it had cliffs from the top down) and then down the canyon, finding fresh boot tracks that matched my own for size and tread pattern exactly, even though I knew that I had not been down the canyon and no one could have gone through without passing our camp. On arriving at the spot where the silvery thing was seen, it was gone! NOthing was there, not even a piece of aluminum foil or balloon, which I was thinking perhaps was the answer. The boot tracks I had followed to the spot, stopped there and no other tracks were to be seen besides my own on the way out.

As a side note, it was a further three days before a vehicle came by, and that was the Border Patrol whom kindly gave us a jump-start, so I cannot throw stones at them any more. We did not go hungry however as we always pack extra food and water, nor did that moaning sound ever repeat after the one night, which was moonless and overcast. There are no cattle or any kind of livestock in that area, nor for miles in fact so it was not likely to be a cow or bull. But as for that silvery sphere, I am still puzzled. I asked the Border Patrol if they had some kind of monitoring device or something there and they said they do have monitoring devices but not there and certainly not like that. The other noticeable thing was the night of the moaning sound, we did not hear the normal night sounds at all, just complete silence with not even a distant coyote calling.

Now please do continue, I look forward to reading more!

This, too is one of the best posts on this thread.
I miss Oroblanco's periodical posts, alot too :coffee:... :cross:

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Want more X de sign Have seversal more, some personal.

Don Jose de La Mancha???

Doc Don Jose, Amigo:
You Wrote: Have several more, some personal...

Maybe we need to sit down, Relax, on the couch some more, :laughing7:
for other potential traumatic treasure memories, to come on out...:thumbsup: :cross:

Only Spirit credentials, then on a Wing and a Prayer,
or Three. A few cups of coffee, pure water... :cross:

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Corozone fe fierro, you posted -> Don Jose in his underwear

Skivvy drawers ? who uses them , just another thing to wash semi monthly.

How can you get offended if I am comparing you to a saint? :icon_scratch:

Yes, I was enjoying all the breath taking pictures of the Hacienda De Los Santos, when I came across a picture of a statue of a saint in undies. I am not familiar with all the saints, but this one I had never seen before, and was wondering who he represents. He may represent guys like me who have nothing.:dontknow:


Someone asked in a a post on traveling in that time

Burro loaded -- maybe 10 miles a day

Mule Pack. maybe 15 - 20 miles a day

Mule, horse saddle around 20 30

So you can begin to appreciate those early California Migrants that left Alamos. 10 miles a day was good progerss.


I was blown away with the beauty of the Hacienda De Los Santos, topped by the beauty of your family. Heaven on earth I would say. I imagine the Hacienda already had that name when your parents bought it? Either way, it could not have a more fitting name. From what little I have learned from you, and your family, I can see that Los Santos of the Hacienda are in reality your family, and not the stone statues. I am humbled to be considered a friend.


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Guerita, I was blown away with the beauty of the Hacienda De Los Santos, topped by the beauty of your family. Heaven on earth I would say. I imagine the Hacienda already had that name when your parents bought it? Either way, it could not have a more fitting name. From what little I have learned from you, and your family, I can see that Los Santos of the Hacienda are in reality your family, and not the stone statues. I am humbled to be considered a friend. Homar
Dearest Homar. I have to tell you sometime about the condition it was in when they bought it. Yeeks! The renovation has taken over 25 years, because they wanted to restore it to it's authentic grandeur. The exact same way they built it 300+ years ago. Which meant, no electric tools, and finding the 'masters' of this way of building in different parts of Mexico. It has been very hard, consuming work, for sure. A total labor of love. That is why, when most walk through the doors, they feel like they have stepped into another world. A world of long ago. A world where dreams come true, and where stress and today's busy, hectic lifestyle, just melts away. Many artists and writers find inspiration there. I am both. I started painting and writing there. All of my paintings depict the other most beautiful feature of Alamos. The women. They are glorious there! Seriously, no matter the age or size. There is something about them, right Don Jose'?' Wink. He married the prettiest one! I hear many were fighting for her attention, but only one took home the prize. :) When I walk from one corner of the town to the other, I have received so many hugs and smiles, or galletas y cafe', that it feel like I never want to leave because of such pure nurturing. The locals and expat's, traveling wanderers, and adventure seekers, all seem to find something they have been seeking but have never found before. Mostly, genuine kindness and hospitality, that seems to have somehow been lost, somewhere in time. As you can see, I am affected by this little place, that is really off the beaten path. A bit challenging to get to, for some, but definitely worth it. It is a bit like San Miguel de Allende, before the boom. Alamos is colonial. Rich in a thick, tale-filled and wild past. Upon that foundation, lives, to me, the best life has to offer. Really. Sounds. The sounds speak to my heart; the roosters, followed by the gentle swishing of determined brooms, giggling voices, the patter-pat of children running to school, the bumps of the trucks maneuvering over the cobblestones, the birds (every kind) singing above the gardens, and whispers at night of ghosts with secrets from looooong ago. Put your boots on Homar! Get your map. Walk out the door. Head south. Keep going until you see the Sierra Madres in the distance. Go on, go up. Further up, past the arid, dusty land, and straight into the rainforest. Past the Rio Mayo. Until you finally see Don Jose' and I waving you into, Alamos. Down Mexico way. Now, what would you like in your coffee??? :)

Guerita, I was blown away with the beauty of the Hacienda De Los Santos, topped by the beauty of your family. Heaven on earth I would say. I imagine the Hacienda already had that name when your parents bought it? Either way, it could not have a more fitting name. From what little I have learned from you, and your family, I can see that Los Santos of the Hacienda are in reality your family, and not the stone statues. I am humbled to be considered a friend. Homar

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Lastly, here is my adventurous group. My ultimate and priceless tesoros. Here to welcome any of you, anytime (enter the sound of Ranchero music, drifting off lightly in the background).

Mastiff, thanks for sharing the pictures and stories……..the haciendas are truly stunning…….and I am sure well worth a visit…….

Senor Don Jose……in life, most things have good and bad components to it……and it is up to us what to make of it……for me, injury and disability was unexpected and took years to overcome…….it took everything away from me, I pretty much had it all according to the worlds standards before…….yet with time and God's grace I have gained so much more………… life is very much different now, but I am better off, even if I have far less material things…..

I am Still blown away, also. Picture sitting with Don Jose,
Trappergirl, visit, and share good stories, there drinking coffees.

laughing, exchanging tales and pics, showing specimens of treasure
hunting successes, the peaceful music, and glorious scenery. One day,
I hope to see you , talk and laugh, until everyone has to go rest their face
smile muscles for awhile... Then do it again, till it's time to go on out for
a field trip, that's on my list... :cross:

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Jodie, I have to save that post for posterity - with your permission - thank you for a lovely post, and yes, Jamie is a wonderful girl also. Jim and I communicate daily, sometimes it is a bit of news that we think the other might have missed, to a racy post , which " I KNOW' Nancy never sees , sides He is a nut on Aviation, we occasionally swap flying stories. He Is a damn good Pilot.

To show just how dedicated they, Jim & Nancy, are to La Hacienda, Jim recently sold his second love, his Cessna aircraft in order to finish another part of the Hacienda. He was showing and describing it to me the last time we had coffee.

Hey Luv did you know that I found that there is a hidden, still closed room near the street ? It is rumored that a servant gal ended up in there with just a small table and bed? She was sealed up because she had the audacity to become pregnant by the master. If so, she is still there because when I suggested this to Jim he decided that nothing could be done for her after some 3-400 years and it lends a touch on mystery. A favorite ways to dispose of embarassing problems.

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Let's go find it, and give her peace and closure! Walls, secret rooms, and underground tunnels. We sure have a lot of exploring to do! ;)

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