And, Doc D. I am sorry for what you have faced, though your gifts are obvious and endless. Material goods come and go, like the wind. But, experience and character is what makes you salt of the earth, in my opinion. To Crosse', a field trip, all of us, around a real campfire has just been etched into the most upper-side of my bucket list. We will need to make that happen. Family and friends, around a campfire, with YOU as the chef! Now, we are talking. Life is good! And Doc, btw, I hear you. Some of our journey is most definately a challenge. Humbly (and even proudly) I am a survivor too. I had cancer (25 surgeries), and have Grand Mal Epilepsy, in fact. My child has Asburger's, and was selectively mute for 12 years. Often, I wondered why I was handed such a big plateful. But, for me, nice places like this site, metal detecting, digging for bottles or relics of ANY kind, and simply being outside in nature, seems to keep this hopeful engine going. Like Popeye stated it best yesterday on my son's cartoon, "I yam what I yam". I stand on many semi-unusual platforms, I believe, to help others. That is my mission. Oh! And, to find Don Jose's Tayopa. I can't forget that. Thank you for sharing, btw. Really cool to be real, wherever we are and to whoever we are with. That is my favorite icing on the cake, which is also sitting upon my infamous plate. It all seems to balance out, in the end. I hope. Smile.
Howdy Trappergirl,
"Hopeful engine, semi-unusual platforms, favorite icing on the cake, salt
of the earth, sharing very hard and challenging personal things, really cool
to be real, much sitting on your infamous plate" and all with an humble Spirit...
What An Awesome, Ever Continuing Testimony.
You have expressed things, that only some very few brave souls,
can ever talk about dealing with. Your positive Hope and True Courage,
is inspiring to all of us, that are of an humble kind of disposition.
Thank You! For your Bravery, to Speak of your life's many
challenges, with such strength and Real honesty, in such
a positive, and faith filled tone. There are very few people,
that have been given the gift to speak, with a true, and
pure compassion, to be such a great benefit to others,
by offering a word of encouragement, while maybe
profoundly hurting personally, because of those
things we have been dealt, likely totally not of
any of our own fault, or of Natural Control...
That's All, that we take with us, are
good acts of generosity, sacrifice, the
Kind things that we may have had the opportunity
to say, or do, in the time that we are here, in this often
fallible flesh. Those things though, are infallible, and also
for an ever lasting example, a testimony of knowledge, of
much Greater things that do not become unperfected,
that really, are not to be seen, by the Natural Eye...
I could go on and on, having well understood these things
for also, most of my own life. It's one thing, to say I'm
sorry for your pain, and really mean it. The ability to
speak real Hope, to be an Inspiration by Example,
I Truly Believe, Is Only Given To A Very Few,
Select Individuals, to Grace them, that those
Rare Individuals may come into contact with.
It IS, Supernaturally Appointed. NO, Not the
Pain, the ability to Speak Love, Hope, Faith,
With the Grace of He that will be the Happy,
very Generous and Gracious Rewarder, who
gave the Rare and Extraordinary Special Gifts
and Callings, His Treasured Spirits, to His Own,
that HE Admires, Understands, and so Loves
