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And, Doc D. I am sorry for what you have faced, though your gifts are obvious and endless. Material goods come and go, like the wind. But, experience and character is what makes you salt of the earth, in my opinion. To Crosse', a field trip, all of us, around a real campfire has just been etched into the most upper-side of my bucket list. We will need to make that happen. Family and friends, around a campfire, with YOU as the chef! Now, we are talking. Life is good! And Doc, btw, I hear you. Some of our journey is most definately a challenge. Humbly (and even proudly) I am a survivor too. I had cancer (25 surgeries), and have Grand Mal Epilepsy, in fact. My child has Asburger's, and was selectively mute for 12 years. Often, I wondered why I was handed such a big plateful. But, for me, nice places like this site, metal detecting, digging for bottles or relics of ANY kind, and simply being outside in nature, seems to keep this hopeful engine going. Like Popeye stated it best yesterday on my son's cartoon, "I yam what I yam". I stand on many semi-unusual platforms, I believe, to help others. That is my mission. Oh! And, to find Don Jose's Tayopa. I can't forget that. Thank you for sharing, btw. Really cool to be real, wherever we are and to whoever we are with. That is my favorite icing on the cake, which is also sitting upon my infamous plate. It all seems to balance out, in the end. I hope. Smile.

From Jim's side of the family , naturally.

Psst If you ever have a reoccurance of cancer, i believe that I can cure you of it, it will cost you about $ 120 dollars and a Years coffee. (I'll donate the $120 )

From Jim's side of the family , naturally. Psst If you ever have a reoccurance of cancer, i believe that I can cure you of it, it will cost you about $ 120 dollars and a Years coffee. (I'll donate the $120 )
I know you CAN. You did it. I don't plan on it ever coming back, but if it does, I am going to you and Trini, for sure. What a bargain! Way more fun, too. Of that, am most certain. High fiver!

This Is some of the very Best writing I have Ever read.

For all of the good thoughts, and kindnesses, I am humbled and Thankful.
I must finish this chapter in my life, before I can refer to much of it. I can talk
about my kinfolks, and tell true stories about them, the good ones, that should
be spoken of. Some, just have to rest in the Centuries of time, long passed
under the bridge, though etched deep, now there in peace...

Unforgettable, Graceful, Timeless...
Yes it reminds me of an old saying...

:goldtrophy: "He shall bear you up, as on the Wings of an Eagle" :key:... :cross:

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My Dove hatchling on the line, the old TV antenna,
or in the pine tree, calling for a mate, like it's parents
taught it to do... :cross:

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You know that dove mate for life, when one is killed that srops the line.

When I first came to Mexico, about 5 in the afternoon you had to stop your car because of the flocks of thousans looking for gravel for their crops. now you only see flocks of a dozen or so ---- Mostly caused by American, So called Sportsmen, each killing hundreds each day; No, they didn't eat them, most just rotted in an arroyo.

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Hi Luv, The tunnel system exits at Edith Garcia's house, Bley's on the plaza, Macor's home which incidentally also exited in the Arroyo. and one in one of the alley homes, whch I was naver able to confirm since it was destroyed in the flood of the 18--'s It was many times worse than the one of a few years ago.

They all converged under the church.

Hi Luv, The tunnel system exits at Edith Garcia's house, Bley's on the plaza, Macor's home which incidentally also exited in the Arroyo. and one in one of the alley homes, whch I was naver able to confirm since it was destroyed in the flood of the 18--'s It was many times worse than the one of a few years ago. They all converged under the church.
Man, worse than Norburt? That was insane. Did he waters hit your home? What a mess!

You know that dove mate for life, when one is killed that srops the line.

When I first came to Mexico, about 5 in the afternoon you had to stop your car because of the flocks of thousans looking for gravel for their crops. now you only see flocks of a dozen or so ---- Mostly caused by American, So called Sportsmen, each killing hundreds each day; No, they didn't eat them, most just rotted in an arroyo.

Sorry to hear about that evil, ignorant sporting.
That's wrong, and should be a crime against Nature,
punishable by fine, and permanent banishment... :cross:

Mine own thoughts...

Howdy Team :cross:,

Doc-d, we're in the same boat, rocking to the up's, and down's of life, happy to be afloat.

Mastiff4me, great group picture of all the saints on the bottom row with the angels on top.:icon_thumleft:

Yes we all carry our own cross, that's why friends are so important. A good friend will help you when you stumble with your cross. It may be by just lending and ear, offering a shoulder, or giving advice. A good example was Don Jose's offer to help la bonita if cancer were to strike again.

In solving the mystery of the girl in the Hacienda, we would look a lot like the Scooby Doo team, going down the tunnels. That's if one of the Mastiff's were to be along.:laughing7:


Him luv, it occiured to me that you might have missed this = I reposted it tonight for Crow on his Dowager 's lost treasury.Thread.


  • Re: Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

    Bien venidos mi amigos "
    It started in the winter of 46. We were curious on the military status of the Tsingtao - Tsinan rail road so decided to make a navigation flight following it.. We didn't realize that we were creating an international incident, with just was effectively a joy ride.

    On the morning of Christmas eve, we left Tsingtao in one of our B-26's in the early morning in beautifully clear, but coooold weather. We soon picked up the RR and followed it north west at about 300 feet. As we flew along, I started photographing the old China landscape and villages. The most remarkable thing that I noticed that as we left the Nationalist holdings, and crossed over into the communist ones, was the sudden lack of anything, especially food. There were no pigs, goats, dogs, chickens, or pigs running around, just little old ladies that ran after us waving brooms? There were no men or children evident ?

    As we flew over a crest we came to a RR junction where there were thousands of men, animals and trucks milling about, we learned later that they were forming for an attack on the nationalists. We circled, and came back over them. at about 50 ft waving at them, then circled again. But this time all that I saw were men diving for cover and pack animals scattering their cargos everywere with men frantically trying to catch them.. We realized our boo boo and climbed to about 500 ft and came back rocking our wings, then continued north on the RR. .

    There were no further incidents, so we decided to return much further to the East and finally landed at our base in Tsingtao. We were met with several truckloads of Chinese soldiers fully armed pointing their rifles at us There were also a large no. of Chinese and American officials. They promptly demanded my film, but let me keep my camera. We were then escorted to the central office building and interrogated one by one about our flight. About this time I heard the local Chinese P-51's coming in to land, I had wondered why there were none when we had landed, but assumed that they were attacking the communist troops some where. I made a remark about this to one of the American consulate men. He just looked at me for a moment, then said "they were looking for you , in fact all of the Chinese National Air forces were. They had flat orders, backed by the US, to shoot us down on sight.. It seems that the Communists and the Russians had complained officially as to why the US was commencing combat flights against the Chinese Communists. We had broken up the planned attack, it was never carried out.

    We then explained just what had happened and why, so soon it was brushed aside for what it was worth. . No one was officially repremanded nor were any notations put into our service records, but we were told that we had been extremely fortunate, That every one was looking for us to eliminate a potential problem.

    That afternoon I decided that I would have a delicious shrimp dinner. This consisted of 3 huge shrimp / prawns cooked in hot sauce and were out of this world. The airfield was some miles outside of Tsingtao, and as part of the road was controlled by the Communists, it was the custom during the day for us to unfurl an American flag when we approached the fire zone, at which time an officer from each would appear, stop the firing, then escort us through the fire zone. We would then go on our way, and they back to their shooting.

    When I arrived in town, I took a rickshaw to the restaurant, After, I decided to see "the Bells of St Mary, with' Bing Crosby. I was surprised to find that he spoke excellent Chinese he he. Due to the many breakdowns, it took longer than usual, I didn't notice the time, just that sitting a a flat board bench was a bit uncomfortable

    When it finished, I Ieft the theatre, but found that I had overstayed and my ride had gone. Since it was the last one for that day, no-one tried to go over the disputed area at night, I was marooned in Tsingtao for the night. No problem, I would just go get a room in a hotel right? WRONG. I had forgotten that there were a few million refugees in town, there were no rooms available. I was dressed with my nylon flight suit under my uniform and long coat, still, I was freezing and trembling from that cold wind that was blowing right off of the Gobi desert, the coldest and most penetrating wind that I have ever experienced. My poor rickshaw man was dressed in only a padded cotton vest, his legs were bare.

    After some hours we both were beat, everything was closed, no rooms. I was stopped, when he said "there is a place that has rooms, but is not normally used by white gentlemen. I said "let's go, we both have to get under cover or we will freeze to death tonight"

    So he padded his way down to the docks and into a huge sprawling collection of shacks that were constructed of whatever could be found and used. There were no streets or alleys, only some space between the shacks to walk in. The entire compound had an indescribable horrible odor and oozed a palpable feeling of pure evil. I learned later that both the police and the military refused to go in there, yet here was a prosperous American stumbling around in the dark?? An obvious target . With every step the.45 under my clothes grew smaller and smaller.

    We eventually ended up in front of a sprawling compound of perhaps 10 shacks connected together that were lit with candles. We entered, and he disappeared, I could hear distant voices raised, then quiet. He appeared from the shadows and said "Yes, you can have a room for the night, it will cost ---" "ok" I replied, "now go home and get warm.". I thanked him, paid the lurking madam, then gave him what I had left, except for breakfast - if I was lucky.. I figured the poor guy might as well have it as the bandits in the morning.

    The madam then led me through the rooms and we ended up at the last one. It had a blanket to cover the door, and was about 8' by 15 ft. As you entered, it had the ever present charcoal stove at your right, which almost killed me that night from the fumes. At the far end, at right angles, it had two saw horses with planks over them. There was a cotton pad covering the 3 planks, and had a pillow that consisted of rice hulls. .There was a gal sitting at the end of the plank the shadows.

    I thanked the madam then approached the pore worn out gal on the bed, I said that I was too tired for any activities, and to go sleep with one of her friends. She never said a word, but went to the the blanket door and left. Soon I could ear some low sniffing, so I went to the door and there she was crouched on the cold floor gently crying ? I asked she was crying ? She answered saying that if I threw her out, she would then have to live in the streets, that they wouldn't want her any more.

    So what could a red blooded Yankee guy do ? I told her to come back into the room and sit on the bed. the plank bed wasn't really big enough for two to sleep on side by side So I was wondering how to pass the night. she solved part of it by rolling up the cover for a pillow to sit against the wall while leaving the rice hull pillow for me. Incidentally, for those of you that are not familiar with rice hull pillows, they are exactly the same if you fill them with sand.

    So there we sat, even 'Ivan' wouldn't have touched her, so I scouted around about how to pass the night, then I found out with my "Me Tarzan you Jane Chinese " that she didn't know how to read or write, so I spent Christmas eve teaching a pore, worn out Chinese Ho basic written Chinese.

    The next day as I found my way out the sprawl it didn't look nearly as bad in the sunlight as it did the night before. Although I later found that they collected a dozen or more bodies nightly. I presume that being pure of heart and action, the Lord was watching over me..©@

    Don Jose de La Mancha ( al virtous saint )

    I almost forgot. To us it appeared that the Communists were through, they were bunched on the Shantung Peninsula, but they manged to receive arms etc from N.Korea, and retrurned to the fighting, while at the same time The Nationalists had had everything frozen for a year or so and their equipment, from trucks to P-51 's had creaked to a halt -- they swept through them like mowing wheat.


And, Doc D. I am sorry for what you have faced, though your gifts are obvious and endless. Material goods come and go, like the wind. But, experience and character is what makes you salt of the earth, in my opinion. To Crosse', a field trip, all of us, around a real campfire has just been etched into the most upper-side of my bucket list. We will need to make that happen. Family and friends, around a campfire, with YOU as the chef! Now, we are talking. Life is good! And Doc, btw, I hear you. Some of our journey is most definately a challenge. Humbly (and even proudly) I am a survivor too. I had cancer (25 surgeries), and have Grand Mal Epilepsy, in fact. My child has Asburger's, and was selectively mute for 12 years. Often, I wondered why I was handed such a big plateful. But, for me, nice places like this site, metal detecting, digging for bottles or relics of ANY kind, and simply being outside in nature, seems to keep this hopeful engine going. Like Popeye stated it best yesterday on my son's cartoon, "I yam what I yam". I stand on many semi-unusual platforms, I believe, to help others. That is my mission. Oh! And, to find Don Jose's Tayopa. I can't forget that. Thank you for sharing, btw. Really cool to be real, wherever we are and to whoever we are with. That is my favorite icing on the cake, which is also sitting upon my infamous plate. It all seems to balance out, in the end. I hope. Smile.

Howdy Trappergirl,
"Hopeful engine, semi-unusual platforms, favorite icing on the cake, salt
of the earth, sharing very hard and challenging personal things, really cool
to be real, much sitting on your infamous plate" and all with an humble Spirit...
What An Awesome, Ever Continuing Testimony. :thumbsup:

You have expressed things, that only some very few brave souls,
can ever talk about dealing with. Your positive Hope and True Courage,
is inspiring to all of us, that are of an humble kind of disposition.

Thank You! For your Bravery, to Speak of your life's many
challenges, with such strength and Real honesty, in such
a positive, and faith filled tone. There are very few people,
that have been given the gift to speak, with a true, and
pure compassion, to be such a great benefit to others,
by offering a word of encouragement, while maybe
profoundly hurting personally, because of those
things we have been dealt, likely totally not of
any of our own fault, or of Natural Control...

That's All, that we take with us, are
good acts of generosity, sacrifice, the
Kind things that we may have had the opportunity
to say, or do, in the time that we are here, in this often
fallible flesh. Those things though, are infallible, and also
for an ever lasting example, a testimony of knowledge, of
much Greater things that do not become unperfected,
that really, are not to be seen, by the Natural Eye...

I could go on and on, having well understood these things
for also, most of my own life. It's one thing, to say I'm
sorry for your pain, and really mean it. The ability to
speak real Hope, to be an Inspiration by Example,
I Truly Believe, Is Only Given To A Very Few,
Select Individuals, to Grace them, that those
Rare Individuals may come into contact with.

It IS, Supernaturally Appointed. NO, Not the
Pain, the ability to Speak Love, Hope, Faith,
With the Grace of He that will be the Happy,
very Generous and Gracious Rewarder, who
gave the Rare and Extraordinary Special Gifts
and Callings, His Treasured Spirits, to His Own,
that HE Admires, Understands, and so Loves 8-) ... :cross:

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Holy Moly! Whoosh. Those have to just be the kindest words I have ever heard. I am sitting here with 'electrical dreadlocks', the silliest and most unattractive hair-do a girl could ever not-hope-to-have, as I read that, Crosse'. I have been at the Neurologist's all day doing the usual tests and having them 'pick my brain' for anything new going on in there. Ha! I always have something! Now, we are doing a 48 hour study, while the glued funny looking nodes over my head, wrapped it with gauze, and sent me out into the wild blue yonder. Whew. What a make-over! But, you know what, I am grateful. So grateful that today's technology has advanced so much, that we can find what's wrong, or right. Right? :) I am also grateful for techno-awesome sis that I can send this to you now, that you made my day! I admit, I was feeling a bit grumpy earlier. Don Jose's crazy-cool writing, Homar's, RC's etc... also gave me an unexpected grin. Say cheese! :)

Mastiff, thank you for sharing… for me, I have gained far more than I have lost………and were it possible, would not go back……
As scripture tells us, not a hair on our heads fall without the Father knowing……so all is permitted or willed by God………and while with our limited understanding we may not know why bad, or good things happen, nothing happens by chance…….
And it seems to me that money will never buy happiness, nor peace, nor love………and as difficult as your challenges have been, it seems clear from your posts that you re a very special woman (even if you suffer the occasional electronic bad hair day)…..may God bless and guide you.

Senor Don Jose……..I would guess you are aware of something with respect to cancer….there are many cures out there, about all are nutrition or supplements and not available in the USSA……… I am aware of Mexico having a few clinics that specialize in cancer therapies that actually work……
Yet we can decrease our risks greatly by eating well (avoid GMO, artificial sweeteners, microwaves and processed foods).

Homar, Crosse…….nice posts…….may God bless you.

Smile, smile. The girl with the 'electrical' hair. Cracking up at myself. At least, it is not made of snakes! Doc, you are always so right on, you know that? Funny, this thread went from ghost stories to the current ones with a whole lot of our own 'spirits' as well. One day, you never know, someone, may just end up talking about our stories around a campfire.:)

Campfires……..sounds like a plan for tonight as my brother is staying the night with us and the weather is getting cooler here in very rural NY state….
Time for coffee, perhaps with some supplement now that Señor Crow is not consuming it, and with campfires and supplemented coffee, stories need be told……
Guess I need to head out to the woods and get some wood……...

And speaking of the black bird……he has not been with us much since meeting up with his two friends and attempting to get new younger feathers…….
Perhaps we shall hear tales of his adventures once he returns to his roost…..

Howdy Team :cross:,

Doc-d, we're in the same boat, rocking to the up's, and down's of life, happy to be afloat.

Mastiff4me, great group picture of all the saints on the bottom row with the angels on top.:icon_thumleft:

Yes we all carry our own cross, that's why friends are so important. A good friend will help you when you stumble with your cross. It may be by just lending and ear, offering a shoulder, or giving advice. A good example was Don Jose's offer to help la bonita if cancer were to strike again.

In solving the mystery of the girl in the Hacienda, we would look a lot like the Scooby Doo team, going down the tunnels. That's if one of the Mastiff's were to be along.:laughing7:


Howdy coazon,

I can't add anything to that...too good 8-)... :cross:

Doc, we May or may not, depends upon need to know---also some things are best not pried into.

as for Mast, relax my friend , she is just another 'Broad', course kinda important to me.

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Dearest Homar. I have to tell you sometime about the condition it was in when they bought it. Yeeks! The renovation has taken over 25 years, because they wanted to restore it to it's authentic grandeur. The exact same way they built it 300+ years ago. Which meant, no electric tools, and finding the 'masters' of this way of building in different parts of Mexico. It has been very hard, consuming work, for sure. A total labor of love. That is why, when most walk through the doors, they feel like they have stepped into another world. A world of long ago. A world where dreams come true, and where stress and today's busy, hectic lifestyle, just melts away. Many artists and writers find inspiration there. I am both. I started painting and writing there. All of my paintings depict the other most beautiful feature of Alamos. The women. They are glorious there! Seriously, no matter the age or size. There is something about them, right Don Jose'?' Wink. He married the prettiest one! I hear many were fighting for her attention, but only one took home the prize. :) When I walk from one corner of the town to the other, I have received so many hugs and smiles, or galletas y cafe', that it feel like I never want to leave because of such pure nurturing. The locals and expat's, traveling wanderers, and adventure seekers, all seem to find something they have been seeking but have never found before. Mostly, genuine kindness and hospitality, that seems to have somehow been lost, somewhere in time. As you can see, I am affected by this little place, that is really off the beaten path. A bit challenging to get to, for some, but definitely worth it. It is a bit like San Miguel de Allende, before the boom. Alamos is colonial. Rich in a thick, tale-filled and wild past. Upon that foundation, lives, to me, the best life has to offer. Really. Sounds. The sounds speak to my heart; the roosters, followed by the gentle swishing of determined brooms, giggling voices, the patter-pat of children running to school, the bumps of the trucks maneuvering over the cobblestones, the birds (every kind) singing above the gardens, and whispers at night of ghosts with secrets from looooong ago. Put your boots on Homar! Get your map. Walk out the door. Head south. Keep going until you see the Sierra Madres in the distance. Go on, go up. Further up, past the arid, dusty land, and straight into the rainforest. Past the Rio Mayo. Until you finally see Don Jose' and I waving you into, Alamos. Down Mexico way. Now, what would you like in your coffee??? :)

Wow! Glad you have the pleasure of your world, that helps.
I live where no one is very close, to my view. Like living
on a much larger acreage than what I do, not like
the beautiful gardens that you have shown
and described, though really private...

I can relate to that, though quite differently. One place that
Is really pleasant, and of a thoughtful frame of mind, is this
special, particular place. Where possibly some of the visitors
of the past, may have encouraged some strange, heathen spirits...

Though, I can sit there, on the altar, by the monuments, and speak
to the Spirits That I Trust, with NO static from any other spirits...

That may sound kinda' strange, but take my word for it, it is
quite Peaceful, mysterious, mostly quiet, and too much fun... :cross:

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Him luv, it occiured to me that you might have missed this = I reposted it tonight for Crow on his Dowager 's lost treasury.Thread.


  • Re: Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

    Bien venidos mi amigos "
    It started in the winter of 46. We were curious on the military status of the Tsingtao - Tsinan rail road so decided to make a navigation flight following it.. We didn't realize that we were creating an international incident, with just was effectively a joy ride.

    On the morning of Christmas eve, we left Tsingtao in one of our B-26's in the early morning in beautifully clear, but coooold weather. We soon picked up the RR and followed it north west at about 300 feet. As we flew along, I started photographing the old China landscape and villages. The most remarkable thing that I noticed that as we left the Nationalist holdings, and crossed over into the communist ones, was the sudden lack of anything, especially food. There were no pigs, goats, dogs, chickens, or pigs running around, just little old ladies that ran after us waving brooms? There were no men or children evident ?

    As we flew over a crest we came to a RR junction where there were thousands of men, animals and trucks milling about, we learned later that they were forming for an attack on the nationalists. We circled, and came back over them. at about 50 ft waving at them, then circled again. But this time all that I saw were men diving for cover and pack animals scattering their cargos everywere with men frantically trying to catch them.. We realized our boo boo and climbed to about 500 ft and came back rocking our wings, then continued north on the RR. .

    There were no further incidents, so we decided to return much further to the East and finally landed at our base in Tsingtao. We were met with several truckloads of Chinese soldiers fully armed pointing their rifles at us There were also a large no. of Chinese and American officials. They promptly demanded my film, but let me keep my camera. We were then escorted to the central office building and interrogated one by one about our flight. About this time I heard the local Chinese P-51's coming in to land, I had wondered why there were none when we had landed, but assumed that they were attacking the communist troops some where. I made a remark about this to one of the American consulate men. He just looked at me for a moment, then said "they were looking for you , in fact all of the Chinese National Air forces were. They had flat orders, backed by the US, to shoot us down on sight.. It seems that the Communists and the Russians had complained officially as to why the US was commencing combat flights against the Chinese Communists. We had broken up the planned attack, it was never carried out.

    We then explained just what had happened and why, so soon it was brushed aside for what it was worth. . No one was officially repremanded nor were any notations put into our service records, but we were told that we had been extremely fortunate, That every one was looking for us to eliminate a potential problem.

    That afternoon I decided that I would have a delicious shrimp dinner. This consisted of 3 huge shrimp / prawns cooked in hot sauce and were out of this world. The airfield was some miles outside of Tsingtao, and as part of the road was controlled by the Communists, it was the custom during the day for us to unfurl an American flag when we approached the fire zone, at which time an officer from each would appear, stop the firing, then escort us through the fire zone. We would then go on our way, and they back to their shooting.

    When I arrived in town, I took a rickshaw to the restaurant, After, I decided to see "the Bells of St Mary, with' Bing Crosby. I was surprised to find that he spoke excellent Chinese he he. Due to the many breakdowns, it took longer than usual, I didn't notice the time, just that sitting a a flat board bench was a bit uncomfortable

    When it finished, I Ieft the theatre, but found that I had overstayed and my ride had gone. Since it was the last one for that day, no-one tried to go over the disputed area at night, I was marooned in Tsingtao for the night. No problem, I would just go get a room in a hotel right? WRONG. I had forgotten that there were a few million refugees in town, there were no rooms available. I was dressed with my nylon flight suit under my uniform and long coat, still, I was freezing and trembling from that cold wind that was blowing right off of the Gobi desert, the coldest and most penetrating wind that I have ever experienced. My poor rickshaw man was dressed in only a padded cotton vest, his legs were bare.

    After some hours we both were beat, everything was closed, no rooms. I was stopped, when he said "there is a place that has rooms, but is not normally used by white gentlemen. I said "let's go, we both have to get under cover or we will freeze to death tonight"

    So he padded his way down to the docks and into a huge sprawling collection of shacks that were constructed of whatever could be found and used. There were no streets or alleys, only some space between the shacks to walk in. The entire compound had an indescribable horrible odor and oozed a palpable feeling of pure evil. I learned later that both the police and the military refused to go in there, yet here was a prosperous American stumbling around in the dark?? An obvious target . With every step the.45 under my clothes grew smaller and smaller.

    We eventually ended up in front of a sprawling compound of perhaps 10 shacks connected together that were lit with candles. We entered, and he disappeared, I could hear distant voices raised, then quiet. He appeared from the shadows and said "Yes, you can have a room for the night, it will cost ---" "ok" I replied, "now go home and get warm.". I thanked him, paid the lurking madam, then gave him what I had left, except for breakfast - if I was lucky.. I figured the poor guy might as well have it as the bandits in the morning.

    The madam then led me through the rooms and we ended up at the last one. It had a blanket to cover the door, and was about 8' by 15 ft. As you entered, it had the ever present charcoal stove at your right, which almost killed me that night from the fumes. At the far end, at right angles, it had two saw horses with planks over them. There was a cotton pad covering the 3 planks, and had a pillow that consisted of rice hulls. .There was a gal sitting at the end of the plank the shadows.

    I thanked the madam then approached the pore worn out gal on the bed, I said that I was too tired for any activities, and to go sleep with one of her friends. She never said a word, but went to the the blanket door and left. Soon I could ear some low sniffing, so I went to the door and there she was crouched on the cold floor gently crying ? I asked she was crying ? She answered saying that if I threw her out, she would then have to live in the streets, that they wouldn't want her any more.

    So what could a red blooded Yankee guy do ? I told her to come back into the room and sit on the bed. the plank bed wasn't really big enough for two to sleep on side by side So I was wondering how to pass the night. she solved part of it by rolling up the cover for a pillow to sit against the wall while leaving the rice hull pillow for me. Incidentally, for those of you that are not familiar with rice hull pillows, they are exactly the same if you fill them with sand.

    So there we sat, even 'Ivan' wouldn't have touched her, so I scouted around about how to pass the night, then I found out with my "Me Tarzan you Jane Chinese " that she didn't know how to read or write, so I spent Christmas eve teaching a pore, worn out Chinese Ho basic written Chinese.

    The next day as I found my way out the sprawl it didn't look nearly as bad in the sunlight as it did the night before. Although I later found that they collected a dozen or more bodies nightly. I presume that being pure of heart and action, the Lord was watching over me..©@

    Don Jose de La Mancha ( al virtous saint )

    I almost forgot. To us it appeared that the Communists were through, they were bunched on the Shantung Peninsula, but they manged to receive arms etc from N.Korea, and retrurned to the fighting, while at the same time The Nationalists had had everything frozen for a year or so and their equipment, from trucks to P-51 's had creaked to a halt -- they swept through them like mowing wheat.

Doc Don Jose,

That is very interesting, scary and awesome. Thank You,
for your excellent service, hat off and salute, a toast Amigo.

Great story, and I know that's only a small part of what you went thru... :cross:

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