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I believe I just have to repeat my initial statement:
"There is more between Heaven and earth than anywhere else"

As a general rule - I am not easily swayed - and I have an (unfortuneate) itch to just wanting to explain strange 'happenings' - if I can't, I just shrug my my shoulders and say 'manjana'.

What I have digested so far - there _are_ 'things' where logic does not apply - but I will not (openly) admit to being a true believer. As for 'waves' (or particles) that roam space - who knows - maybe - and then again - maybe not. I guess, that in the end - it all boils down (in one way or another) to plain faith. If we believe there are unexplainable (for lack of a better word) things out there - we open our minds and are (probably) far more likely to experience 'deviations' ...

Quien sabe?

As for some silky smooth amber liquid to eek out the now (in)famous sock-coffee - count me in!

I do have an unexplainable happening. I lost my dog (the border-collie that is my avatar) some 3 years ago - she run towards my truck on my blind side and came under the wheel - had to put her down :-(
Whenever I was out in the garden weeding, she used to come up behind me and 'kiss' me on the cheek. Several times since then - when I have been weeding - I have felt her kiss on my cheek. Several times it has been so real that I have had to turn around and check that she has not come back ... I _know_ it can't be her - but the feeeling is eeriely real ...

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Loke, I know exactly how you feel. I miss my pooper very much still. Shr occaisonally rattles her food ish an also loves to pull my sheet off, but when I look she is gone, so I merely pull my sheet back up feeling her loss, an thanking her for still being around to comfort me.

Loker, those pretty Border Collies are famed for their intelligence..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose de LaMancha

8-) I figured it out... Some of you people are as sentimental as me...
But, is that a bad thingy?... Yes, just keep 'er workin around this way...

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Losing pets is a painful deal - I've dug more holes than I care to remember. I still carry Burny's picture in my billfold (died 20 years ago), and sometimes I still wake up in the morning expecting to see him. What helped the most was getting another dog(s). Those are gone now too - Aggie led me to dozens of old mines and Indian ruins. Life moves on, and quickly too - my current two pups are 14 each.

I believe I just have to repeat my initial statement:
"There is more between Heaven and earth than anywhere else"

As a general rule - I am not easily swayed - and I have an (unfortuneate) itch to just wanting to explain strange 'happenings' - if I can't, I just shrug my my shoulders and say 'manjana'.

What I have digested so far - there _are_ 'things' where logic does not apply - but I will not (openly) admit to being a true believer. As for 'waves' (or particles) that roam space - who knows - maybe - and then again - maybe not. I guess, that in the end - it all boils down (in one way or another) to plain faith. If we believe there are unexplainable (for lack of a better word) things out there - we open our minds and are (probably) far more likely to experience 'deviations' ...

Quien sabe?

As for some silky smooth amber liquid to eek out the now (in)famous sock-coffee - count me in!

I do have an unexplainable happening. I lost my dog (the border-collie that is my avatar) some 3 years ago - she run towards my truck on my blind side and came under the wheel - had to put her down :-(
Whenever I was out in the garden weeding, she used to come up behind me and 'kiss' me on the cheek. Several times since then - when I have been weeding - I have felt her kiss on my cheek. Several times it has been so real that I have had to turn around and check that she has not come back ... I _know_ it can't be her - but the feeeling is eeriely real ...

Hi Loke, That would be real tuff, not realizing she got too far over...
I had something like that happen, though not my pooch, I still felt horrible...

Was driving a propane truck on a county rd. (gravel), passing a place getting back to the highway...
Made sure to be doing the 35 mph speed limit, as this guy had a 4'x4' hand painted sign
out in front of his place, reminding everyone passing by like a threat to let you know,
if he thought you were going faster...

As I was going past, one of his little dogs made a beeline, straight for and up under the front driver side
wheel but I didn't know at first, jut didn't know where the little dog went, so pull over and stopped...
There was the man, he was big and intimidating and saying loudly, "you did that on purpose"...
"No sir I did not", I firmly replied... I know how it feels, as I have had a dog or so get ran over...

He called the office manager and told her... She knew me, and that was all that was said...
Animals are such treasured companions...
I lost my two blue merle/red tri Australian Shepherds to age
some several years ago...
I'll always miss their warm dedicated personalities, that just can't quite be replaced...
Y'all have a good one!

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Do Treasures have real Spirits?...
Or, do Spirits have real Treasures?

If there is really some good, bad, or neutral guardian(s)
associated with the Treasures that ambitious mankind
has continually sought after, and mortally always will...

Is there known good ways to be prepared for what may
unexpectedly occur at any time in a known, or unknown
situation involving spirits...

Or, are we just to take it as it comes, and hope for
the best...

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I believe I just have to repeat my initial statement:
"There is more between Heaven and earth than anywhere else"

As a general rule - I am not easily swayed - and I have an (unfortuneate) itch to just wanting to explain strange 'happenings' - if I can't, I just shrug my my shoulders and say 'manjana'.

What I have digested so far - there _are_ 'things' where logic does not apply - but I will not (openly) admit to being a true believer. As for 'waves' (or particles) that roam space - who knows - maybe - and then again - maybe not. I guess, that in the end - it all boils down (in one way or another) to plain faith. If we believe there are unexplainable (for lack of a better word) things out there - we open our minds and are (probably) far more likely to experience 'deviations' ...

Quien sabe?

As for some silky smooth amber liquid to eek out the now (in)famous sock-coffee - count me in!

I do have an unexplainable happening. I lost my dog (the border-collie that is my avatar) some 3 years ago - she run towards my truck on my blind side and came under the wheel - had to put her down :-(
Whenever I was out in the garden weeding, she used to come up behind me and 'kiss' me on the cheek. Several times since then - when I have been weeding - I have felt her kiss on my cheek. Several times it has been so real that I have had to turn around and check that she has not come back ... I _know_ it can't be her - but the feeeling is eeriely real ...

Loke Amigo,

She is letting you know that it was not your fault, and thanking you for your act of mercy.

Living on a ranch for most of my life, having so many different and numerous animal friends, I have preformed many acts of mercy, and it is never easy. I remember each, and every one.


Perhaps you will go into some more of these physics thoughts, if you get time, whenever... Thanks

I don't know Crosse, it only take a small short in the waves of another brain fart like that to possibly trigger me into spontaneous combustion. :blob8:

Ah horses! :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:Just made it. Bingo was the horse that I learned to ride on, we had some good times, never will forget him.

I have broken and worked many good race horses in my life. We are always learning more things about them, no matter how long we have been around them. They are all different, you have to figure them out, and work with them to get the best out of them.

One of the fastest mare that my Father had, would buck if I did not ride her for two, or three days. If not ridden for a month or more, I would have to break her again. I don't know how many times I broke that mare, but it was due to the the fact that she had too much Top Deck blood on both sides. Top Deck was a Thoroughbred owned by the King Ranch where they had the best trainers around, and yet they could not get him to run without bucking. They did manage to get one good workout from him against the reigning world champion quarter horse mare, where he lost by a nose. This was a green horse going against a mare in her prime, at a quarter horse distance.

It is quite a rush breaking them out of the gates, I still cherish those moments. I miss going back to read the tracks they left, to see who they could beat, or what their distance was. No stop watch is needed to know who you can beat, if you have the chance the see the tracks of the competition.


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Ah horses! :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:Just made it. Bingo was the horse that I learned to ride on, we had some good times, never will forget him.

I have broken and worked many good race horses in my life. We are always learning more things about them, no matter how long we have been around them. They are all different, you have to figure them out, and work with them to get the best out of them.

One of the fastest mare that my Father had, would buck if I did not ride her for two, or three days. If not ridden for a month or more, I would have to break her again. I don't know how many times I broke that mare, but it was due to the the fact that she had too much Top Deck blood on both sides. Top Deck was a Thoroughbred owned by the King Ranch where they had the best trainers around, and yet they could not get him to run without bucking. They did manage to get one good workout from him against the reigning world champion quarter horse mare, where he lost by a nose. This was a green horse going against a mare in her prime, at a quarter horse distance.

It is quite a rush breaking them out of the gates, I still cherish those moments. I miss going back to read the tracks they left, to see who they could beat, or what their distance was. No stop watch is needed to know who you can beat, if you have the chance the see the tracks of the competition.


coazon de oro: 8-) Good coffee yes Amigo,
Thank You much, and for sharing some of your
awesome insight, in your extensive work with horses...
Sounds like a lot of fun, mixed with a whole lot of mostly hard work...
Did you get to enjoy many winners?
Getting a chance to read the tracks, interesting,
unlike reading the tracks of a long ago potential treasure
story and clues, left behind centuries ago...

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There is an unwritten contract limiting time of our pets. Maybe some will outlive us but for many we part in the physical sense.
I,m getting away from the dog business and while there,s still sixteen there are names unremembered but characters that are indelible over the years.
One who learned French as easy as any learn language,he also could detect a gaze.Decades later another learned the gaze technique though this time its reversed.The same dog not missninging a thing or having any conflict with a lead attached to a chair heading out to hunt when before we ran in a more liberated sense.Another a last pup from a litter cried greatly like she was hurt as a greeting having been overwhelmed by being parted.Having often said after losing a close canine friend there would be no other it seems all ways there would be another looking to adopt a human. The timing of a couple that turned up at mine or someone I was close to,s door had me inquiring who arranged for them to show up when no one could be found.I never cried when I lost a limb but all ways do at the death of those canine friends who shared a path with true trust and faith in me.

Hi Relevantchair, what kind of dogs are you raising, & training?...
I can tell, you must be much more brave than me, as I would cry like the
separated pup, if I was losing a limb... Would be very tough...

My father had a good friend, he mostly liked to hear play country
and hillbilly music with his brother, and drink Colorado coolaid, as he called it.
I played guitars with them some...

They could play every stringed instrument very well,
and never ran out of songs, and laughs...
Homer had lost a leg in Viet Nam, but had a kinder heart,
and better disposition, than many I have ever known...

coazon de oro: 8-) Good coffee yes Amigo,
Thank You much, and for sharing some of your
awesome insight, in your extensive work with horses...
Sounds like a lot of fun, mixed with a whole lot of mostly hard work...
Did you get to enjoy many winners?
Getting a chance to read the tracks, interesting,
unlike reading the tracks of a long ago potential treasure
story and clues, left behind centuries ago...

Thanks Crosse, it is Texas A&M coffee, Brazos Valley Pecan blend. You don't have to go to College Station, Texas to get it, you can just order it online. Help yourself to some more :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: it's the first thing that goes in my survival pack.

It was mostly all fun, it's never really work when you are doing something you like, and we did have our share of winners.

Finding the trail to lost treasure is the reason I sit among such nice company. I don't go public with what I have learned, but I am working on trying to open five legends. It could be six thanks to Truckinbutch, it looks like Don Jose is getting ready to spill the beans on his Tayopa.:laughing7:

Anymore marshmallows left? Ah Gracias Guerita!


I do have Marshmallows! I will return with a story, too. I need to get the family ready for the day, and I will be back. Good posts, everyone. So fine! I like this Texas Blend, Oro. Sip, sip.

Ah sigh Corozone, mi compadre, I have 'already' told you 'where' Tayopa is, but not precisely. For that you need to ask Jodie Or Amy (Corp) Delectable females have natural talents for worming secrets out of males.:laughing7:

You would only need some 50 years to home in it from the data that I have posted in the internet. I is a sneaky OIRISH guy. Now you are beginning to understand why I stay away from the actual entry.

Don Jose de La Mancha

As for the rest, most is in the public registery in Mexico city, freely available. That I can't hide, so why not be open about it to a point ??

Ah sigh Corozone, mi compadre, I have 'already' told you 'where' Tayopa is, but not precisely. For that you need to ask Jodie Or Amy (Corp) Delectable females have natural talents for worming secrets out of males.:laughing7: You would only need some 50 years to home in it from the data that I have posted in the internet. I is a sneaky OIRISH guy. Now you are beginning to understand why I stay away from the actual entry. Don Jose de La Mancha As for the rest, most is in the public registery in Mexico city, freely available. That I can't hide, so why not be open about it to a point ??
Amy and I are sitting in the very cave right now. It is laden with everything a girl could ever want... Shovels, sifters, metal detectors, pointers and picks. Oh, I forgot to mention a GIANT TESORO that the Jesuits must have left behind, upon a quick, sudden get-away. :)

Amy and I are sitting in the very cave right now. It is laden with everything a girl could ever want... Shovels, sifters, metal detectors, pointers and picks. Oh, I forgot to mention a GIANT TESORO that the Jesuits must have left behind, upon a quick, sudden get-away. :)

8-) Any good treasure spirits' activities to talk about?... Yet...:evil6:

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Hi Don Jose, hey cous'... Ya mean something kinda' like these good lookin' guys?... <img src=""/> Did you get it down in blood pact signature contract?... LOL!
Okay, with these ultra handsome adventure heroes, who needs movie stars??? Brad Pitt, sorry dude, you didn't make the cut. Okay, how's that??? Smiling.

I see that you did not include a handsome male such as my self projected image. figures now that you have the co-ords sigh Don Jose de La Mancha
As for the co-ords, we will never tell. We are having way too much fun in here! What a fabulous collection of EVERYTHING!!! Smile, smile.

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