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HA! Bought a MUSCLE SHIRT that has Outer Banks, OBX, 1870; problem is... I HAVE NO MUSCLES... LOL! I WILL do R & I
on Light House Keeper of the Ocracoke Island Light House in 1870; hmmm... he was dressed in ALL black like Keepers of the Light Houses do. There is a GRAND INLET to the Ocracoke Bay; the little village of Ocracoke was once known as PILOT POINT or SOMETHING like that... in the days of the greatly FEARED pirate, BLACKBEARD! AHOY!


I am quite amazed with the experiences, and didn't even really suspect
that everyone would have this much encounters to glean and learn from...

Those of us that know very well, the spirits are no joke or imagination...
as Don Jose' had also mentioned, and apparitions, this we know...

My hope is that everyone supposedly qualified as "Worthy", or "Lucky",
(for lack of a better choice of words),
that the Spirit(s) so choose & desire, will be inspired, or Led, if you will, to excellent
successful recoveries, for theirs as well as others benefit,
even after taking care of Uncle Sam...
Maybe it is true that the ones who find treasure, was always destined too?...

I think if I had opportunity, I would be glad, to be able to contribute to various children's programs, all cancer research,
and among other things, also Nutrition Education...

It really hurts my heart, the pain and suffering,
that so many good people have to endure in a lifetime...
The choice to have faith in spite of the misfortune,
Is true evidence of being way ahead of the game,(spiritually) I believe...

Somehow the spirits, I believe, know of these things also...

Thanks, ~: Crosse De Sign :~

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X- heart: That would be a silver mine no??? Where were you basically bass fishing ?? If you are a true fisherman there is no need to ask if you enjoyed yourself or how many did you catch.

Dame Mast, I only wish that it could have been me that said "Rise sir (Dame) as Airthur did to his round table gentlemen.

Nother ghostie story coming up.

Don Jose de La Mancha
El Tropical Amigo, I seriously do wish I could say, Yes I'm Killer Bass Angler,
But,[Grin] I spend way too much time picking and playing guitars,
like maybe I forget why I was there, to pick, I mean fish...

Anyway, there are some decent fish to be had, in the nice rivers & lakes
we have enjoyed thru the yrs., and I have seen Largemouth Bass,
that way bottomed out 10 lb. scales...

Some of the most fun though, helping to land on the sandstone bank, a 76 lb. Spoonbill below the Ponca City Lake dam (gates open, good water flow), on the Arkansas River,caught with a rod & reel, using 108 lb. braided nylon, that got broken a little later...
In that current, was great fun!

There are some old places that are underwater now,
where many a human drama events occurred, back in the settling
of the country going all the way back (including prehistory)...

But, now, I have never had a pet green or yellow lizard, or tasted one,
so that's one experience I may never know...
Sound fun though!...

I wish that was a mine, but it sadly is not, just a "stayover" (campground)
There's more tails, but won't bore you with them right now... ~: CDS :~

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G'd morning Ladies & Gentsmen: Where is that fresh coffee that is being bragged about in here? Soo many things to talk about, especially ghosties etc, so where does one begin on a 'campfire session??'

Cancer ?? k as our fav lovely has mentioned she has conquered an extremely violent form of cancer. She did ask me if I, in turn, had used a Natural cure in my case, that is questionable I had been studying the Cesium Chloride method for months before I made my decision to NO Chemo,or radiation, but 'was' talked into a radical neck dissection which eventually curtailed my high country treasure hunting when combined with the other two cancer surgeries. All three simultaneously.

When I asked my son why all three simutaneously, he merely grinned and said they knew enough about you to know that if you had knoen they could never have gotten you in te hospital. Nuf said

Luv if you wish more detail, let me know and how to send the data, incidentally the same technique apparently helped several others.

Regardless, other types of stories, such as the sea stories, pirates, etc. etc., are welcomed by me fora bit of a break, since there are a very limited no. of ghostie stories , personally experienced.

As for explaining them, may I suggest that while we have hopeful explanations we still haven't explained matter itself as witness > We now have evidence of the subatomic particles Quarks and now anti Quarks. so where do they fit in Ghostie experiences? Holistic theory etc., etc.

Then we have stories of Herpetology, lost mines, historical inaccuracies etc., all of which are fascinating,

Now for today's true ghostie (?) story. If I had an unusallly dangerous experience my mother always knew it from WWII on. For example when I had the back my left arm nicked by a bandits bullet while exploring, or when I crashed my aircraft, she knew instantly ?? Is there any factual difference between Ghostie experiences and this?

In 1942 while on Guadalcanal, I had a vivid dream. I had it again from start to finish the next night, then again on the third night. It has never repeated itself since. The curious thing is that in the proper sequence every thing in the dream to date, has happened. Baaed upon that I know basically how it will go up to a certain critical point, then??? Is this a ghostie story or a classic example of a Holistic Universe ??

I could go into a classical experience in 'actual' one way telepathy while experimenting in the paranormal in those days, successful dowsing, predicting how many points would show up in a cribbage kitty, .or the fantastic results of my wife calling every card in a deck of cards, as to being black of red successfully and on.

So where or how do we differentiate in the reason for Ghostie experence and these results??

Life is soooo interesting, so many new things daily so post peeps or I'll sabotage the coffee wiith a purgative.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Fresh Coffee?

Will think and study on that...Hmmm Is that like divining, familiar spirits?

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I got left behind, :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:fungus free coffee for everyone, won't make you dance with the old.:laughing7:

Truckinbutch, I didn't like your story, I loved it, my father has stepped on two rattlers. The first, he was looking for a cow that was supposed to calf. He thought he had stepped on a slippery cow pie, and turned back to look after a step or two, to see an angry rattler. Years later on the other, he thought he had stepped on a cottontail because he felt bones crunching.

Crosse, thanks for relating your tornado incident, now I can tell others how I learned that they turn counter clockwise. I have danced the Huapango with death herself. After being the sole survivor of a head on, and later walking away out of a pipeline accident that would have killed an elephant, they started to call me Superman.??? Incidentally, even though a head on happens in the blink of an eye, one sees it happen in slow motion. It does make me wonder why I am still here? Might it be just to tease El Duende de Tayopa?:dontknow:

Getting back to the topic, I don't know if treasures themselves have spirits, but I do believe that spirits let us know of lost treasures. On the outskirts of our small town there is a small hill that everyone knows as Billy Goat Hill. It is on the side of a road, and we would all go to drink there every now and then since you could drive almost to the top along side the fence, and see the town lights. We all knew the story of the two men who had found a box of gold coins in a well there. When they were younger, they had looked into the old well, and noticed a pocket on the wall close to the bottom. One of them was lowered down, and retrieved a box of gold coins. An elder friend of mine told me that hill was named like that because they would see a spirit goat there, after the gold coins were found, they never saw the goat again.


Is that what it was, causing the hallucinations? LOL! Maybe I would be dancing too?...
Your father didn't get bitten? Whew!... It's something, the way the venom
eats the flesh system so rapidly...

Can't imagine a head-on... Sounds too painful, sorry to hear of your loss...
Pipeline accident sounds real dangerous... now that's 2x Big ouch...

The box of gold coins treasure story, is very interesting, I guess it worked,
the right guys found it...

And to "tease El Duende de Tayopa" sounds like one of a very good enough
reasons, to stick around, Yes...

" I do believe that spirits let us know of lost treasures",
couldn't have been better written, I think...

Thanks, ~: CDS :~

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Right on, Superman!!! It sounds like your Dad is/was quite super himself! Whoa!!! I love the outer banks and nag's head. My favorite thing bout NH are the wild Spanish stallions on the beach. Super cool place.

Wow! That brings quite a picture to mind...
"Wild Horses" probably made the Stones Millions...

That does sound particularly spectacular, wild manes flowing in the wind...

Anyone ever seen a apparition of a Horse?...
With someone riding on it?...

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HA! Bought a MUSCLE SHIRT that has Outer Banks, OBX, 1870; problem is... I HAVE NO MUSCLES... LOL! I WILL do R & I
on Light House Keeper of the Ocracoke Island Light House in 1870; hmmm... he was dressed in ALL black like Keepers of the Light Houses do. There is a GRAND INLET to the Ocracoke Bay; the little village of Ocracoke was once known as PILOT POINT or SOMETHING like that... in the days of the greatly FEARED pirate, BLACKBEARD! AHOY!


Sounds like a lot of fun, too bad no detecting?... I am always for all kinds of
other stories, and research for sure, some way down the line, they're all relative?...

k, need a shot of Kentucky tranquilizer in my coffee, head already hurts just thinking on how to explain in basic words my own distorted idea on duendes, spirits and Ghosties.

As is generally acknowledged we are composed of almost an infinite no of frequencies which is created through harmonice and subharmonics.from the original one. zero.

It is proposed that we are effectively a mobile energy transmitter and receiver for practical purposes. Likewise, It has been proposed that as such, we are constantly projecting and receiving modulating fields. that some, like sun spots, break free of our normal energy limit to go off into space where they continue indefinitely gradually growing weaker, but never die out.

So if this is somewhat correct then any unusual experience (?) will send out multiple waves of these energy bursts representing these anomalies / stimuli , which eventually curve back upon the originator via curved space. such as the center, inside of a sphere

If any receptive field / organism is in the path, all are, and the basic frequency is a harmonic of the receptor, it may ultimately be evolved as a physical sense as we do with all other senses or experiences.

In the human factor if we experience a strong stimuli we tend to project that data, which according to the energy theory never completely dies out and can be picked up by another person whom we tend to call clairvoyan, or a sensitive.

Ah shucks you know what I am attempting to say. gimme me my coffee .

Take it from there X heart. It exists and works, including the well ridiculed dowsing. I will explain why I know soon, if interested.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( who is now confused, tongue tied, and lost )

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k, need a shot of Kentucky tranquilizer in my coffee, head already hurts just thinking on how to explain in basic words my own distorted idea on duendes, spirits and Ghosties.

As is generally acknowledged we are composed of almost an infinite no of frequencies which is created through harmonice and subharmonics.from the original one. zero.

It is proposed that we are effectively a mobile energy transmitter and receiver for practical purposes. Likewise, It has been proposed that as such, we are constantly projecting and receiving modulating fields. that some, like sun spots, break free of our normal energy limit to go off into space where they continue indefinitely gradually growing weaker, but never die out.

So if this is somewhat correct then any unusual experience (?) will send out multiple waves of these energy bursts representing these anomalies / stimuli , which eventually curve back upon the originator via curved space. such as the center, inside of a sphere

If any receptive field / organism is in the path, all are, and the basic frequency is a harmonic of the receptor, it may ultimately be evolved as a physical sense as we do with all other senses or experiences.

In the human factor if we experience a strong stimuli we tend to project that data, which according to the energy theory never completely dies out and can be picked up by another person whom we tend to call clairvoyan, or a sensitive.

Ah shucks you know what I am attempting to say. gimme me my coffee .

Take it from there X heart. It exists and works, including the well ridiculed dowsing. I will explain why I know soon, if interested.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( who is now confused, tongue tied, and lost )

..... I need some Tylenol......and a couple shots of rum....

Wow! That brings quite a picture to mind...
"Wild Horses" probably made the Stones Millions...

That does sound particularly spectacular, wild manes flowing in the wind...

Anyone ever seen a ghostie, or, apparition of a Horse?...
With someone riding on it?...

I have... Thomas Jefferson on his horse on today's Coffee Road in Bedford County, Va. He was going to his Retreat at Popular Forest (@ 3 miles) on the OLD Bethel-Liberty Turnpike; TJ is "family" via his older sister, married to John Bolling III (aka Capt. John BOWLING); changed his name from Bolling, TORIES/LOYALIST to BOWLING... a PATRIOT! One hell of a family legend, from Roanoke, Va. TJ wouldn't visit his older sister, Mary b/c Capt. John Bowling was an alcoholic; family shows it too! Grand Dad, Uncle, Older Brother were/are FUNCTIONING Alcoholics. I don't drink/nor smoke; DID smoke a pipe, and drink a little beer, when I was younger. TJ nodded at me, & ambled on down the road apiece; wife & I were living in the old manse (preacher's) behind the UMC, at the time. It was haunted... LOVED IT!

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k, need a shot of Kentucky tranquilizer in my coffee, head already hurts just thinking on how to explain in basic words my own distorted idea on duendes, spirits and Ghosties.

As is generally acknowledged we are composed of almost an infinite no of frequencies which is created through harmonice and subharmonics.from the original one. zero.

It is proposed that we are effectively a mobile energy transmitter and receiver for practical purposes. Likewise, It has been proposed that as such, we are constantly projecting and receiving modulating fields. that some, like sun spots, break free of our normal energy limit to go off into space where they continue indefinitely gradually growing weaker, but never die out.

So if this is somewhat correct then any unusual experience (?) will send out multiple waves of these energy bursts representing these anomalies / stimuli , which eventually curve back upon the originator via curved space. such as the center, inside of a sphere

If any receptive field / organism is in the path, all are, and the basic frequency is a harmonic of the receptor, it may ultimately be evolved as a physical sense as we do with all other senses or experiences.

In the human factor if we experience a strong stimuli we tend to project that data, which according to the energy theory never completely dies out and can be picked up by another person whom we tend to call clairvoyan, or a sensitive.

Ah shucks you know what I am attempting to say. gimme me my coffee .

Take it from there X heart. It exists and works, including the well ridiculed dowsing. I will explain why I know soon, if interested.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( who is now confused, tongue tied, and lost )


Don Jose' El Duende Tayopa Reale Scientist: You obviously have studied these things for
a long while, and I must confess, I am the one Lost in Space...LOL!

I will have to study this much more... I am intrigued with the theories and Hypothesis you have presented...

Grandpa (Dads Father) was a dowser, the son of a Southern well digger, but also a real Scaredy Kat, LOL!

I didn't grow up around him, so I only saw a little of this... But it was known that he could dowse water, and took me @ 17 on my first treasure hunt, more later on that little excursion...

... Thanks, ~: CDS :~

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Come on back over to the fire , folks . I brought a half gallon of some of my best home made that's been aged 10 years on oak and is as smooth as a prom queen's complexion . This is going to take some contemplation .

I have... Thomas Jefferson on his horse on today's Coffee Road in Bedford County, Va. He was going to his Retreat at Popular Forest (@ 3 miles) on the OLD Bethel-Liberty Turnpike; TJ is "family" via his older sister, married to John Bolling III (aka Capt. John BOWLING); changed his name from Bolling, TORIES/LOYALIST to BOWLING... a PATRIOT! One hell of a family legend, from Roanoke, Va. TJ wouldn't visit his older sister, Mary b/c Capt. John Bowling was an alcoholic; family shows it too! Grand Dad, Uncle, Older Brother were/are FUNCTIONING Alcoholics. I don't drink/nor smoke; DID smoke a pipe, and drink a little beer, when I was younger. TJ nodded at me, & ambled on down the road apiece. wife & I were living in the old manse (preacher's) behind the UMC, at the time; it was haunted... LOVED IT!

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: 8-)
Unfortunately, I know some about family alcoholics too, fortunately not me!
I'm a real light weight, so very moderate (slowly), or not very much if at all mostly...

Do enjoy sometimes though... Especially smooth home distilled and oak aged...

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k, need a shot of Kentucky tranquilizer in my coffee, head already hurts just thinking on how to explain in basic words my own distorted idea on duendes, spirits and Ghosties.

As is generally acknowledged we are composed of almost an infinite no of frequencies which is created through harmonice and subharmonics.from the original one. zero.

It is proposed that we are effectively a mobile energy transmitter and receiver for practical purposes. Likewise, It has been proposed that as such, we are constantly projecting and receiving modulating fields. that some, like sun spots, break free of our normal energy limit to go off into space where they continue indefinitely gradually growing weaker, but never die out.

So if this is somewhat correct then any unusual experience (?) will send out multiple waves of these energy bursts representing these anomalies / stimuli , which eventually curve back upon the originator via curved space. such as the center, inside of a sphere

If any receptive field / organism is in the path, all are, and the basic frequency is a harmonic of the receptor, it may ultimately be evolved as a physical sense as we do with all other senses or experiences.

In the human factor if we experience a strong stimuli we tend to project that data, which according to the energy theory never completely dies out and can be picked up by another person whom we tend to call clairvoyan, or a sensitive.

Ah shucks you know what I am attempting to say. gimme me my coffee .

Take it from there X heart. It exists and works, including the well ridiculed dowsing. I will explain why I know soon, if interested.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( who is now confused, tongue tied, and lost )

Compadre De La Mancha,

First of all I want to congratulate you and la bonita for defeating cancer. Un cafecito? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

On this energy theory, could it be entwined with quantum physics? Maybe the bursts of energy travel back and forth in time which has no meaning for them? Explaining how some can fore see the future, while some can sense things happening to loved ones, and ghosties can appear from the past?:icon_scratch:


Now look what you have done to me Comadre.:laughing7:

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As a kid dads girlfriends kid I ran with during stays had a black and white husky type dog. It was kept by the chickens and rabbits as feral cats were hard on them. A young visitor was handling a critter when another youth let the dog loose which bit the child with out breaking the skin but was enough for the kid who had loosed the dogs dad to try to choke it to death. My friend and I distracted the man and the dog bit him very well and sent him running to his car and a doctor. After that us two were safe to go anywhere as the dog trusted only his mom and ourselves. Later that summer we came home during a bad storm and went to check the stock. While I do not chain dogs today the dog was chained to a plank between two trees and about four foot off the ground. Cats were in with the chickens and the dog was hanging dead with his feet off the ground. We thought someone had hung the dog and being so few people could even approach him ,and the storms effect we were freaking. Later it was figured he had been jumping at a cat on one of the trees and lost a few inches of chain each jump. All this to get to one night many miles and months away with a bright moon I woke to see the dog at the foot of my bed. He watched the window and was there quite awhile. I don,t know what event if any followed that related as a result of being quite young but would like to know the reason he visited.Coyotes turn up on occasion today to look me over but no trouble with them. Fortunately not near home with so many small dogs despite fencing.

Howdy Releventchair,

Quite a story, and quite a dog. Your story reminded me of a strange thing that I have heard happens to some before they pass away. It happened to my father in law, in his last weeks he would mention seeing and talking to his Mother, and other dead relatives. I don't know if any one else here recalls anything similar?



Is that what it was, causing the hallucinations? LOL! Maybe I would be dancing too?...
Your father didn't get bitten? Whew!... It's something, the way the venom
eats the flesh system so rapidly...

Can't imagine a head-on... Sounds too painful, sorry to hear of your loss...
Pipeline accident sounds real dangerous... now that's 2x Big ouch...

The box of gold coins treasure story, is very interesting, I guess it worked,
the right guys found it...

And to "tease El Duende de Tayopa" sounds like one of a very good enough
reasons, to stick around, Yes...

Maybe you have got several of your 9 lives left, and I need to take you &
your luck treasure hunting with me! (No accidents allowed)LOL!

coazon de oro: You said: "I don't know if treasures themselves have spirits,
but I do believe that spirits let us know of lost treasures",
couldn't have been better written, I think...

Thanks, ~: CDS :~

Howdy Crosse,

I don't know how many lives I have left, I have escaped numerous times. I have been carved, dodged bullets, other auto accidents, nasty horse spills, and had a car fall on top of me also. Nine lives? I have often wondered why cats here are said to have nine lives, while cats in Mexico are said to have seven lives?:dontknow:

Since my Dad can walk on snakes, I also wonder why he had a better Guardian Angel appointed to look over him, than the one I have?

Truchinbutch, pour me some more of that liquid silk.

Thank you, CdO. Your heart is made of gold.

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