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HA! After-Life experience (was "clinically dead"; spent 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state" coma...); poor wife had to "grow up QUICK", and pay bills, keep HER job, my co-workers at MAX Security Prison in Virginia donated PERSONAL/VACATION "Time" to us, inmates ALWAYS asked wife how I was doing... VERY touching. Body/Brain was here in coma, on ventilator, had tube-feeding, etc.; YET! My I/ME CONSCIOUSNESS was "elsewhere" in Time/Space; "DEAD" Relatives...? LOL! Only the BODY/BRAIN dies; we are SPIRITS having HUMAN experiences (good or bad). Spirits/INNER BEINGS are FOREVER! NOW! While "there", my mother's grandmother, MMP came up to me & said... "Johnny" (ONLY family call me that), "You didn't know me, but I am your mother's grandmother". Hmmm... "came back"; visited my mother & saw an OLD pic of an OLDER woman; asked mom, who she was. She replied, "Why, that's my grandmother". "DANG!" I said, "Mary Magdalene Printz WAS your GRANDMOTHER!" I then told her my experience... she was shocked & befuddled. :icon_scratch: :coffee2: Coffee...? 8-)

Once upon a time, in a land Far, far away... I knew a woman. She and I were soul mates. I recognized her at first sight, but just could not put my finger on where I knew her before, but I KNEW her. I was new in that town and was being introduced to all at a local gathering. After meeting her, we will call her "Margo", she glanced at me all through the night, often, sweetly and 'knowingly'. The next morning, a boy arrived at the door with a note. It was addressed to me; Jodi. He left, and I read it. It said "please, join me, at my portal, this morning for coffee. I have much to tell you". Excitedly, I dressed and was at her house in a flash. We talked for hours about everything, and I mean EVERYTHiNG. By numerical standards, age, we were miles apart. By spirit, it felt like there was no difference between us in the world. I was enveloped sweetly by her soul, and fell into her familiarity more clearly. She, near the end of our conversation, told me, "I know you are wondering 'who' I am to you, dear", she paused to look at her cup. Then said, into my eyes, I am your previous mother from another lifetime." What?!? I thought, and let her continue. She told me, she knew I had a passion for horses, and that is because she and I used to ride them everywhere together... In Russia. She told me all about it. I wasn't sure what to think, but I knew something spectacular had just happened. For the next 25 years, until her passing, we spent as much time as we possibly could together. When she died, I experienced such a loss, but know she is looking over/after me. The cutest thing, before she died, I asked her, how did you live so long and stay so healthy (she was into her 100's) she said, with a grin, "two simple things, dear. Tequila and cheese-whiz".

HA! After-Life experience (was "clinically dead"; spent 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state" coma...); poor wife had to "grow up QUICK", and pay bills, keep HER job, my co-workers at MAX Security Prison in Virginia donated PERSONAL/VACATION "Time" to us, inmates ALWAYS asked wife how I was doing... VERY touching. Body/Brain was here in coma, on ventilator, had tube-feeding, etc.; YET! My I/ME CONSCIOUSNESS was "elsewhere" in Time/Space; "DEAD" Relatives...? LOL! Only the BODY/BRAIN dies; we are SPIRITS having HUMAN experiences (good or bad). Spirits/INNER BEINGS are FOREVER! NOW! While "there", my mother's grandmother, MMP came up to me & said... "Johnny" (ONLY family call me that), "You didn't know me, but I am your mother's grandmother". Hmmm... "came back"; visited my mother & saw an OLD pic of an OLDER woman; asked mom, who she was. She replied, "Why, that's my grandmother". "DANG!" I said, "Mary Magdalene Printz WAS your GRANDMOTHER!" I then told her my experience... she was shocked & befuddled. :icon_scratch: :coffee2: Coffee...? 8-)
. Rebel. I am stunned and amazed. Holy moly. You are quite the miracle, and so is your wife!!!

G'd morning peeps

Corozone, kitties make excellent flavored Tacos, favored by the Yaqui for example. in Mexico, that answer your question ??

Revalvent, fascinating post, Let's delve into that more. Side issue, while going to Premed, I worked in San Quintin, Calif, also a max security prison on the evening shift.. Wanna swap stories. The cons, oops inmates, reaction to your problem tells me quite a bit about you as a correctional officer and a person..

Mast luv, Yes a fascinating post also, and YES, Margo was something special. Something that I have always wondered on the reincarnation thingie, are we always born as the same sex person ??

Hilda and I had several interesting talks and interesting experiences with Margo on the subject of Sai Baba, among others. You knew of course that HAl, her husband, was an artist with the original Disney group?.

As for my fumbling attempt on the first post on the paranormal -- Ghosties, telepathy, etc., I tried to fit what should take pages, into a single short post, leaves too many unanswered questions or dubius theories etc. -- not too easy but will go slightly deeper.

Have you ever wondered why you can like a particular Gold ring out of a collection of hundreds and return later and almost instantly spot it no matter where it may be in a Jewelers display case?? This can get a bit involved. Tisn't just cause I can see it.

K peeps pitch in and let's get going. do ghosties actually exist, are they strictly remains of a past energy field ?, or are they just an imaginary figment of our constructive, independent mind? Spatial visualization area

Soo much to learn, sigh so much.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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You are the best people to drink coffee and cookout with...
Just checking in...

I think both, or maybe all the above, we are only natural now,
because of being born into the flesh for this earth age, for that purpose...

Then we will be as we were, and are, like they are, without the flesh...

Interesting how spirits show themselves, around eclipses,
and planet alignments,what's up with all that?
Right around the Holy Days, like spiritual warfare
(some of darkness, some of light?)...

Slept good, rested brain, Ha! Y'all have a great day,
and week end!... Ahhh, Family...:hello:

You people are awesome for contributing, Thanks

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:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) You are the best people to drink coffee and cookout with... Just checking in... I think both, or maybe all the above, we are only natural now, because of being born into the flesh for this earth age, for that purpose... Then we will be as we were, and are, like they are, without the flesh... Interesting how spirits show themselves, around eclipses, and planet alignments,what's up with all that? Right around the Holy Days, like spiritual warfare (some of darkness, some of light?)... Slept good, rested brain, Ha! Y'all have a great day, and week end!... Ahhh, Family...:hello: My precious Indian Grandmother said, George? When she was unconscious in her final days (said NO to life support at 81)... As I spoke I love you Grandma George, was her brother gone before her, Sent to lead her? The human psyche... The spirit (soul) placed in us.... You people are awesome for contributing, Thanks
I like this campfire, too! Check out those sparks! :) Crosse, you asked if anyone saw apparition(s) of horses. Yes! "Margo" used to see, every day at the same time, soldiers riding upon them in a semi-large group, and would gallup down the cobblestone street and straight through a thick adobe wall next to her house, and then... Disappear. Marshmallow on a stick, anyone?

Crosse- "Haints"??? Was your Gramps Scots-Irish (Celtic) in heritage??? That's a term I haven't heard since my Gramma died!! MANY years ago!! :thumbsup:

As a former paranormal investigator, I have discovered that residual energy can in fact, attach itself to physical objects. Kind-of like a recording in a loop, the energy can build up, then discharge.
It can be audible, or visual, and sometimes both. Frequently it is an object that had some type of strong emotional tie to the "departed"........... I was a staunch non-believer, for many years, but have experienced things that have swayed me over to the "other side". SO, Yes, I believe objects can have spirits attached!

Doc welcome sit by me, oops sorry, but that side is reserved for Masty luv.and her hubby, if he ever decides to join us..we have lots of things to discuss. I hope that you like sock coffee??

Don Jose de La Mancha.

Thank you! Trying to get the hubby over here, and to dig with me. I do everyday! In over two years I have hardly missed a day. Right now, my passion is bottles. They are all seemingly so beautiful and unique, like all of you!!! In fact, I just came in all muddy from digging in the rain. Nice! Anyway, Don Jose', please check your box. Happy trails. :)

Crosse- "Haints"??? Was your Gramps Scots-Irish (Celtic) in heritage??? That's a term I haven't heard since my Gramma died!! MANY years ago!! :thumbsup:

As a former paranormal investigator, I have discovered that residual energy can in fact, attach itself to physical objects. Kind-of like a recording in a loop, the energy can build up, then discharge.
It can be audible, or visual, and sometimes both. Frequently it is an object that had some type of strong emotional tie to the "departed"........... I was a staunch non-believer, for many years, but have experienced things that have swayed me over to the "other side". SO, Yes, I believe objects can have spirits attached!
:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: 8-)

fmfdoc, welcome to the fire... Very interesting experience and info,
I think truckinbutch may have a bit of clear (almost, oak flavor)
silk shine available for your coffee, if you like... (just to relax & loosen up a tad)

My great father, that migrated to Virginia, sailed from Ireland(born in 1703),
He must have worked hard and prospered, as he bought 50 acres of good land,
through King George's land program, then bought another 100 acres...

Don't know why his son went to North Carolina, and his to South Carolina,
then some to Florida, & others Georgia and Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and who knows where all, including Grandpa's train ride to go find work in
the logging camps of ARK. later Az., N.M...

Grandpa worked hard all his life, and his only real short comings,
was whiskey and cards (something to entertain I reckon), but he was a
scaredy kat, I observed, when it came to "Haints".
I think all the folks just called them that back then...

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Soo X de Heart yer a cottin pickin, bog trotting OIRISHER, HMm mine came from Derry county (Londonerry). So we are kissing cous' or mortal enemies. heheheh. Prefer the cous' sans the smooching.

Don't get me started on the Aztecs migration and bring one of the lost tribes.and Azatlan.


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Soo X de Heart yer a cottin pickin, bog trotting OIRISHER, HMm mine came from Derry county (Londonerry). So we are kissing cous' or mortal enemies. heheheh. Prefer the cous' sans the smooching.

Don't get me started on the Aztecs migration and bring one of the lost tribes.and Azatlan.


Hi, El Paranormal Tayopa Real Scientist: Azatlan? The Empire Of The Aztecs?
Fire at will!... Can't wait!, Yeah we probly' are kin,...

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Hi cous, X heart: K: they left Jerusalem , worked their way across the Med basin to the shallows off of the coast of Spain, which was basically all that remained from Atlantis, where they picked up the corrupted version 'Azatlan',then crossed the Atlantic to North America, worked their way across to the Western states, then down to Mexico city. K ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

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HA! After-Life experience (was "clinically dead"; spent 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state" coma...); poor wife had to "grow up QUICK", and pay bills, keep HER job, my co-workers at MAX Security Prison in Virginia donated PERSONAL/VACATION "Time" to us, inmates ALWAYS asked wife how I was doing... VERY touching. Body/Brain was here in coma, on ventilator, had tube-feeding, etc.; YET! My I/ME CONSCIOUSNESS was "elsewhere" in Time/Space; "DEAD" Relatives...? LOL! Only the BODY/BRAIN dies; we are SPIRITS having HUMAN experiences (good or bad). Spirits/INNER BEINGS are FOREVER! NOW! While "there", my mother's grandmother, MMP came up to me & said... "Johnny" (ONLY family call me that), "You didn't know me, but I am your mother's grandmother". Hmmm... "came back"; visited my mother & saw an OLD pic of an OLDER woman; asked mom, who she was. She replied, "Why, that's my grandmother". "DANG!" I said, "Mary Magdalene Printz WAS your GRANDMOTHER!" I then told her my experience... she was shocked & befuddled. :icon_scratch: :coffee2: Coffee...? 8-)

Shall we start a fire?... Now where's my coffee...

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Cross x , You are mistaken badly about the libation I offer to any and all here at the fire . It is as amber and finer than any 'bottled in bond' that you could offer . The 'big boys' put everything in a run into the ageing barrel and depend on time to mellow it out . Folks that taught me prided themselves in only barreling the very best center part of a run for posterity . That craft is what I bring to a fire surrounded by such special folks .
Only the best ..........
>I've had a guardian spirit/imaginary friend since I was a small child . Jack . Growing up mostly alone until my teen years , he was my constant companion . Counseled me a lot on what to and what not to do . Saved my life many a time .
> Got my butt beat quite often , too . He had a perverse sense of humor : 'Don't step over that log , there's a rattler snake lying under it !' ...... Good advice .... 'Go ahead and throw that house cat in the drinking water bucket to see if cats can swim . Nobody's gonna catch ya .'............... Bad advice ............. Daddy did , and strapped me to a farethewell !(Cats can swim when you push them to it .)
>Such is life . He still checks in from time to time . Doesn't seem to need to be as attentive since I matured a bit .

Compadre De La Mancha,

First of all I want to congratulate you and la bonita for defeating cancer. Un cafecito? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

On this energy theory, could it be entwined with quantum physics? Maybe the bursts of energy travel back and forth in time which has no meaning for them? Explaining how some can fore see the future, while some can sense things happening to loved ones, and ghosties can appear from the past?:icon_scratch:


Now look what you have done to me Comadre.:laughing7:

Perhaps you will go into some more of these physics thoughts, if you get time, whenever... Thanks

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Cross x , You are mistaken badly about the libation I offer to any and all here at the fire . It is as amber and finer than any 'bottled in bond' that you could offer . The 'big boys' put everything in a run into the ageing barrel and depend on time to mellow it out . Folks that taught me prided themselves in only barreling the very best center part of a run for posterity . That craft is what I bring to a fire surrounded by such special folks .
Only the best ..........
>I've had a guardian spirit/imaginary friend since I was a small child . Jack . Growing up mostly alone until my teen years , he was my constant companion . Counseled me a lot on what to and what not to do . Saved my life many a time .
> Got my butt beat quite often , too . He had a perverse sense of humor : 'Don't step over that log , there's a rattler snake lying under it !' ...... Good advice .... 'Go ahead and throw that house cat in the drinking water bucket to see if cats can swim . Nobody's gonna catch ya .'............... Bad advice ............. Daddy did , and strapped me to a farethewell !(Cats can swim when you push them to it .)
>Such is life . He still checks in from time to time . Doesn't seem to need to be as attentive since I matured a bit .
Oh Yes my friend, that's what I meant by Oak Aged=Amber, not clear (white) like non barreled sample of run, so excuse me if I mis spoke... Ahh, now let's See, where we Sitting ... Yes, I can relate to a guide starting when I was young, when I'd listen...
Thank You Kindly,... now what were you saying?

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I like this campfire, too! Check out those sparks! :) Crosse, you asked if anyone saw apparition(s) of horses. Yes! "Margo" used to see, every day at the same time, soldiers riding upon them in a semi-large group, and would gallup down the cobblestone street and straight through a thick adobe wall next to her house, and then... Disappear. Marshmallow on a
stick, anyone?

As a youngin' I was very happy to have friends that had horses, and have always loved horses. We would ride out into the hills and back...

I Am, looking for His White Horse, of Rev. 19:11-16
Then his enemies will know, He Is Alive...
Smiles... 8-) :icon_thumleft: Yes, Thanks for the hot marshmallow...

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Odd . My main companion , other than Jack , was my pony that I got when I was 6 and he was 6 months old . We grew up together . I raised and trained him as he did me . Lost him after he reached 21 and had carried several of my children as they were learning to ride . I live along the route of the Jones-Imboden Raid during the Civil War . One of their staging areas before they captured Fairmont , WV borders our farm . My pony and I , along with Jack in full battle rattle , made many a dashing raid on surrounding farms with the raiders of 'Grumble' Jones .

A thread like this and a good jug to pass around has revived many memories from the past when my mind was more open to the spirits that had gone before .

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