Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Thank you for explaining, and I think we can agree to disagree on those points we are not in agreement. I do not know who or whom created any of these artifacts as I was not there when they were made. Now as to where the maps really lead?

I presume that you have seen Cactusjumper's solution, which he has shared with us online? What do you think of his solution? I found it to be perhaps the best of all proposed for the Superstitions, has a near perfect fit to the Florence quad USGS topo map, he found markers at strategic points where the maps indicated he should find them, and a mine (of some kind) at the end of the trail. Now whether those markers were made to fit the map or the map made to fit the markers, I sure do not know; they could have been built by the Peraltas in the 1800s or by Tumlinson when he was spending time in the Superstitions for all I know. If it was the latter case, it would not be the first time that a treasure hunter had made fake markers to support what he believed should be there, famous author Barry Storm is alleged to be responsible for making some fake "Spanish" markers during his time in the Superstitions and these markers have fooled many a treasure hunter, and since that time others have added more sunbursts and "oro" markers until the Superstitions are virtually dotted with fake markers. Worse yet, there is reason to believe that earlier treasure hunters have found and destroyed genuine markers, as with the marked cactus made famous by Barry Storm. This being the case, a treasure hunter today, has his (or her) work cut out for him in trying to use a treasure map to find the treasure (or mine<s>) in the Superstitions, with fake markers to mislead and genuine ones removed etc.

This leads me to my next question - how far does your solution end up, from Cactusjumper's? (End points) Is it in the same canyon, or same general area, or quite some distance away?

I look forward to your reply, thank you in advance; <need more coffee ASAP to be honest so am posting this now>

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

:director:Oroblanco, ditto on every thing you just like of that post is not enough, I just made the same remarks a few post back about the markers, great post .np:cat:

Thank you for explaining, and I think we can agree to disagree on those points we are not in agreement. I do not know who or whom created any of these artifacts as I was not there when they were made. Now as to where the maps really lead?

I presume that you have seen Cactusjumper's solution, which he has shared with us online? What do you think of his solution? I found it to be perhaps the best of all proposed for the Superstitions, has a near perfect fit to the Florence quad USGS topo map, he found markers at strategic points where the maps indicated he should find them, and a mine (of some kind) at the end of the trail. Now whether those markers were made to fit the map or the map made to fit the markers, I sure do not know; they could have been built by the Peraltas in the 1800s or by Tumlinson when he was spending time in the Superstitions for all I know. If it was the latter case, it would not be the first time that a treasure hunter had made fake markers to support what he believed should be there, famous author Barry Storm is alleged to be responsible for making some fake "Spanish" markers during his time in the Superstitions and these markers have fooled many a treasure hunter, and since that time others have added more sunbursts and "oro" markers until the Superstitions are virtually dotted with fake markers. Worse yet, there is reason to believe that earlier treasure hunters have found and destroyed genuine markers, as with the marked cactus made famous by Barry Storm. This being the case, a treasure hunter today, has his (or her) work cut out for him in trying to use a treasure map to find the treasure (or mine<s>) in the Superstitions, with fake markers to mislead and genuine ones removed etc.

With all due respect to Joe, and I am sure he put a lot of work into his proposal, and is also one of the few posters on here to put foot on ground in the Supes, his solution, however, requires the rejection of the H/P stone as being a fraud, whereas I see it as absolutely indispensable. His solution also does not incorporate or acknowledge the Stone Crosses, the LH, and the CP paper.

I have seen a solution that incorporates all of the artifacts associated with the Stone Maps, including the Stone Maps themselves, and it is this solution, given with plenty of photographic evidence, which was posted on this forum a few years ago, and elsewhere, that I most agree with.

This leads me to my next question - how far does your solution end up, from Cactusjumper's? (End points) Is it in the same canyon, or same general area, or quite some distance away?

In that I do not have my own solution, but only agree with another solution that is not mine, I don't think I am qualified to answer this question. My apologies.


I have been reading the posts about the Stone Maps on this and other threads and with few exceptions most of the discussion is about interpreting what the carver intended to tell us in some unknown code. I believe that to be incorrect. The map maker intended to get us to a very specific location in the Sups. There are no secret codes or misspellings, that have any significance to the use of the maps, just as none of the graffiti, has any bearing on it. The security they used was the Heart Insert. The Don put that 6oz piece in his pocket and the trail could not be completed without the Heart. Someone else carried the three 25 pound stones perhaps it was Pedro from Sonora Mex. The map maker was extremely good at conveying the route. If you start at the correct place the map unfolds in front of you, really it does. I don't present my interpretation of them because none of you care to believe, that a theory other than your own, could have any merit. Let me make just a few points before you skip past my post.
In the 1907 publication of T.A.Richard’s Journeys of Observation he discusses Mexican mining terms. I thought this was important because the Peraltas were miners right?
He states, “Here we have the Spanish equivalent of our term ‘horse’ literally translated into caballo; it is the included rock that the vein rides, passing astride of it. If the branches of the vein do not re-unite, the result is a split or embranchment; if they come together, it is a ‘horse.’ I think they applied that description to Superstition Mtn.
If you were able to go down to the bank of the Gila at Florence, you would find the only place to cross the river for many miles to the east. At the bend in the Gila indicated on the Horse Map it broadens out and would have been fordable at that point. This place is indicated by the small cross with the small E to its right being compass orientation.
Try GE at 33 04’12.01”N 111 21’11.57”W. That will put you on the starting point. Pan down into a perspective view and you will see the next two clues represented as dots in a circle, which are the two small peaks in front of you. From these peaks fly NNW out across the desert bottom and you will cross Queen Creek where a large sand and gravel operation is located. A few hundred yards north is the first of the five (5) water holes, the most important thing for a map to locate. Continue NNW and you will run into Dinosaur Mountain shown on the map as the omega. From Dinosaur you will see El Cobollo De Santafe.
Of all the theories presented this one you can see for yourself. I only refer to GE to help you cover a lot of territory from your chairs, you don’t need it to follow the maps.
I await your response.

goldbugpr, since you have all this figured out, how has it worked for you, do you have pictures of what you found?np:cat:


Hi Phil:

I certainly enjoyed watching the tv program, where I think you did a good job of explaining your theory.

While I disagree with some of your observations and conclusions, I do agree that without the red heart stone you're just into the wind.


If you buy Phil's book, you will have more than enough pictures as food for thought.

Are they still looking ?
Nope.....they are letting us do the looking and finding, while they go fishin .
Course, if they thought some THr was getting real close, they might assign a monitor to keep an eye on things.

somehiker; If you have the book hope you enjoy it. I guess the author found his treasure in people buying his

somehiker; If you have the book hope you enjoy it. I guess the author found his treasure in people buying his


Not everyone had to buy the book. Phil was kind enough to send me a signed copy. You will find a copy of my map inside. It's a well written book and every Dutch Hunter would profit by reading it.

Take care,


somehiker; If you have the book hope you enjoy it. I guess the author found his treasure in people buying his

I'm sure he has, as have many others as well.
Recognition is often a treasure in itself, at least for those whose names are known and respected.

somehiker, nice try, don't be so hard on yourself,enjoy what you have, be good , have a nice day. np:cat:

I do, and thank you.


If you buy Phil's book, you will have more than enough pictures as food for thought.

Are they still looking ?
Nope.....they are letting us do the looking and finding, while they go fishin .
Course, if they thought some THr was getting real close, they might assign a monitor to keep an eye on things.

That explains the black SUV's parked down the road :D

Nah, thems the Mormons watchin starman's friends.
These guys are smarter...they wear camo suits that make them look like saguaros.
But I know which ones they are, cause I seen them blink.

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