Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


Please tell us the location of the remains so the proper authorities can be notified. Then maybe a recovery could be done, seems we have plenty of volunteers right here willing to go help.

Honestly think about this, what if a child's dad had gone into the Superstitions and never returned and now that child is telling their grandchildren how their great-grandfather had vanished, never to be heard from again. Don't you think that family would have the right to know if the remains you found are their lost dad, grandfather, great-grandfather.

This is a chance to correct a mistake made 40 years ago, I would think that does not happen very often, so Please do the right thing here, help recover those remains.

Even if they turn out to be much older I would think they would be very important, plenty of people care and would like to help.

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I have posted a lot of clues and maps here for things that are in the Superstitions. The funny thing is, is that I'm no longer interested in the Superstitions. A lot of you have gotten side-tracked by the mention of some mummies that I never said were human. My point was the lack of interest by the "main-stream" archeologists during that time period. I don't choose to pursue this issue any further.

Ironically, many of you have ignored my directions to some ancient stone tablets. I guess it's too hot to look for tablets but not too hot to try and find mummies. (Good luck trying to get a permit to dig in the Superstitions!)

Presumably, those of you who have actually spent time in the Superstitions must admit that I have a lot of knowledge about the area. I have tried to share a certain amount of this history. With all the bickering on this thread, I'm not surprised that people who come on here get frustrated and never post again. It's no wonder nothing has been found in 60+ years.

Oh, by the way Somero, I have talked to someone and they would be more than glad for you to come in and file a complaint, in person, against the sheriff of 40 years ago. But, you personally have to do this. np

Oh, by the way Somero, I have talked to someone and they would be more than glad for you to come in and file a complaint, in person, against the sheriff of 40 years ago. But, you personally have to do this. np

:dontknow: Seems I have been threatened for some reason.


I have never said anything about filing complaints, my concern here is the remains you implied are human, and that they should be recovered. Seems a bit disturbing that when I mentioned you should contact the Sheriff you became quite upset with me, I don't understand why. You are also the one who said nobody cared 40 years ago, including the Sheriffs department, so don't put your misguided judgment off on me.

We have people now willing to go find the remains, and it seems you are not going to help, why?

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I don't know, you don't seem to be a forensic specialist or an archeologist. Seems the Sheriff at the time was remiss in their duties, something the current Sheriff could rectify. You should contact them, after all they are human remains.

Looks to me like you said exactly that. They would be glad to take your complaint in person. np

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I have posted a lot of clues and maps here for things that are in the Superstitions. The funny thing is, is that I'm no longer interested in the Superstitions. A lot of you have gotten side-tracked by the mention of some mummies that I never said were human. My point was the lack of interest by the "main-stream" archeologists during that time period. I don't choose to pursue this issue any further.

Ironically, many of you have ignored my directions to some ancient stone tablets. I guess it's too hot to look for tablets but not too hot to try and find mummies. (Good luck trying to get a permit to dig in the Superstitions!)

Presumably, those of you who have actually spent time in the Superstitions must admit that I have a lot of knowledge about the area. I have tried to share a certain amount of this history. With all the bickering on this thread, I'm not surprised that people who come on here get frustrated and never post again. It's no wonder nothing has been found in 60+ years.

Oh, by the way Somero, I have talked to someone and they would be more than glad for you to come in and file a complaint, in person, against the sheriff of 40 years ago. But, you personally have to do this. np

Looks to me like you said exactly that. They would be glad to take your complaint in person. np

I see nothing about filing a complaint, I see you stating the Sheriffs department did not investigate.

I also see you not wanting to help in the matter of finding these remains, which you implied are human.

somero, this was over 40 years ago , they were very old, and for your information we did contact the sheriffs department, they are the ones that suggested us to contact the u of a, and that's what we did , and at that time they were not interested, neither was any one else,np



Please tell us the location of the remains so the proper authorities can be notified. Then maybe a recovery could be done, seems we have plenty of volunteers right here willing to go help.

Honestly think about this, what if a child's dad had gone into the Superstitions and never returned and now that child is telling their grandchildren how their great-grandfather had vanished, never to be heard from again. Don't you think that family would have the right to know if the remains you found are their lost dad, grandfather, great-grandfather.

This is a chance to correct a mistake made 40 years ago, I would think that does not happen very often, so Please do the right thing here, help recover those remains.

Even if they turn out to be much older I would think they would be very important, plenty of people care and would like to help.

Once again, Please. This is not a matter of you threatening me, this is about human remains. I have no bad feelings or grudges against you NP, I just feel this is more important.

I don't know, you don't seem to be a forensic specialist or an archeologist. Seems the Sheriff at the time was remiss in their duties, something the current Sheriff could rectify. You should contact them, after all they are human remains.

Why all the argument?

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Somero, You're the one who keeps saying human remains. I never said that. I simply said mummies. There's a big difference than what's in your mind. As I said, I don't choose to pursue this issue any further. I did everything that I could at the time and was rebuffed. This seems to be very important to you for some reason. If you're so worried about it then you need to contact the Sheriff's Dept. Like I said, I talked to someone, and you need to file a formal complaint in person. Like you stated, the Sheriff was remiss in his duties, you need to down in person and tell them that. This is my last comment on this subject.

Thought this was your alter sign in name, thanks for letting us know.

Also you are the one with the location, you need to provide that information.

NP you need to address this issue! If it was a tall tail say so. If not it needs to be addressed.

Perhaps I will go to the Pinal County Sheriff, not to file a complaint, but to let them review this thread so they can come to there own decisions regarding the human remains matter. Then if they feel it is important they can contact Not Peralta aka Dirty Boots to follow up. After all a threat can be pretty convincing evidence.

somero, I don't have two accounts, one is me the other is my neighbor that does not have a computer, and now your making another accusation,now you say im threatening you, which is false, so now that's two false statements you have posted on this thread, (1. that I said human remains and 2. that I threatened you). Because of this I will no longer respond to your postings. Oh, by the way, I'm sure they are waiting for you to come down to the Sheriff's office in person. np

Thought this was your alter sign in name, thanks for letting us know.

Also you are the one with the location, you need to provide that information.


Your on a dead end road. I have a friend in the Sheriffs department here in Arizona and asked him what the possibility would be of the Sheriff's office going out to recover possible remains (maybe human maybe not) in the Superstition mountains somewhere in a cave that were found over 40 years ago. The answer was zero chance.

First, there would have to be an open missing persons case in that exact area for 40 years ago and there isn't one.
Second, if someone insisted an investigation be done they would personally bear the entire expense of the operation if it turned out to be not human, or ancient indian. The sheriff is not going to send anyone out in those mountains without a positive reason and solid evidence. They don't go on fishing expeditions, they are entirely too busy with real cases.
Third, 40 + years ago it was not against the law to inter someone in the Superstition mountains. Even today cremated remains can be buried or scattered there. If these mumified remains are human and were in the mountains they were placed there way longer than 40 years ago and may have been interments. Unless there were obvious signs of foul play, again you would pay the entire cost of the expedition.
If you want to take on the cost of a full blown Sheriff's expedition into the mountains based on 40 + year old information that may or may not be human, go ahead. I don't know of anyone else who would, certainly not me.

I understand your concerns but you have to be realistic , I can understand after talking with the deputy why no one was that interested 40 years ago, and trying to get someone interested today would be even harder and extremelly costly if you pressed the issue. I don't have a side to take on this, just being realistic after talking with someone who handles this type of thing. The sheriff is in the phone book all you have to do is call.


Here's the issue as I see it Mr. (or Mrs.) Not Peralta...

You've come to the conclusion that the Stone Maps lead to a location other than the Superstition Mountains. That's fine imho as every theory is worth exploring, but by coming to a subforum EXCLUSIVELY devoted to the search for the LOST DUTCHMAN MINE, your premise must be that the Stone Maps lead to the LDM, and therefore the LDM is located in the location you are claiming which is nowhere near the Superstitions. If you don't believe that, then the best places for you to be posting your theory would be either the subsection ARIZONA, or simply the general thread under TREASURE LEGENDS.

By posting here, you're fighting an uphill battle right from the start because not only do you have to prove that the Stone Maps lead to the LDM, but you also have to prove they fit your location - you've done neither imho (and the opinions of most everyone else here I believe).

On top of that, you seem incredulous that people have the audacity to question your theories and get insulted when we all don't exclaim how you've "solved the riddle."

Then out of one side of your mouth you express that you have absolutely no interest in the Superstition Mountains anymore, and insult most of the folks here by saying that there's nothing to be found in the Superstitions (in fact you started a thread for pointless things to see in teh Superstitions) and nobody has ever found anything there in all this time and have wasted their time trying. That's a completely illogical and frankly an ignorant and insulting statement imho because there's no way you or anyone else could ever know what has or has not been found in those mountains. I've seen some pretty interesting things that were found there, and have come across things that are certainly worth a second look there as well.

Then to really top things off, after all that negative talk about the Superstitions and how it's a worthless area to be looking for anything, you describe a mission that used to exist (which is clearly interesting since there is no documentation that a mission ever existed in that area), an underground (and apparently underwater) city, and also some mummies which you located years ago and sealed up for some unknown reason. That doesn't sound to me like an area that folks should have no interest exploring does it?

I'm speaking for myself here of course, but your posts just seem to go in a variety of directions and often appear contradictory. So much so that when enough of those contradictions appear, it causes myself to question everything else you say. In short, you've created a bit of a hole here for yourself and seem to be doing nothing more than digging it deeper and deeper.



I do have some friends in a couple different Law Enforcement agencies here in the Valley, your right it is difficult to investigate something like this, I was hoping if we could get the location and we generated enough interest to get volunteers maybe we could recover them. It's just very frustrating thinking that somebody's remains may have been found and nothing done about it, even if it does not provide closure for anyone.

somero, I don't have two accounts, one is me the other is my neighbor that does not have a computer, np

Not Peralta,

You won't or can't answer my questions. I've been reading this site for a while and noticed that you stopped answering questions about your theory about the temple at Spirit Mountain.

Has someone gotten to you or told you to shut up?

Now I see strange traffic in the area. Doesn't anyone else wonder! Maybe someone should contact the media, like the RJ or better yet Coast-to-Coast.

Was something found that is a BIG secret? Like maybe the temple you talked about? It IS public land, shouldn't what ever is up there be available for the public to see?

Why should anyone get run off public land? I'd like some kind of answer.

Why all the argument?

If your "Neighbor" is sitting there with you, why don't you answer his questions?

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I do have some friends in a couple different Law Enforcement agencies here in the Valley, your right it is difficult to investigate something like this, I was hoping if we could get the location and we generated enough interest to get volunteers maybe we could recover them. It's just very frustrating thinking that somebody's remains may have been found and nothing done about it, even if it does not provide closure for anyone.

Another thing to thing about my friend told me was if a group of you get together and go out there, and one of them gets hurt or dies, the lawsuits would fly like locust on a wheatfield. You would be the main target if you were the one who got the group interested and going out there. You might even try to deflect that by going after the one who generated the original account but that wouldn't fly as it would be your choice to go . Just because someone tells you about something does not make them responsible for anything YOU might do about trying to find it. Lots to think about. It's easy to say lets all go recover the remains but again you have to come down to reality.


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Yet another thing to think about.
Thinking the possible human remains might be someones missing relative is just an assumption backed by no evidence or reason whatsoever. The chances of that being the case are very small. Surely not enough to mount an expedition. It might be a nice hike and chance to get some fresh air but thats about all.

oh god, here I go...

I have to sympathize with NP...
back when, I was a climbing fool superior... I am cliffing it about the range{dripping springs} and here I come across a was a small thing, and I was there just because it was flat enough to use to lateral across to where I was going...
here is a rock wall, adobe'd over, and on the end, where I had landed, was a child's hand print in the was old...really old...and since I was a good boy scout, and never one to open a grave....I examined the site in amazement, and left.
for the life of me, I can not remember where this site is...
thought about it often since the development of digital cameras...wanted to go take a pic...but...
so, one...sorry np for my response...

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