Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

I have difficulty believing no anthropologists were interesting in the discovery of two mummified humans...even in the southwest they are a rare find.

perhaps they did not want to go on a wild goose chase into the supers...I have seen that from anthropologists...

It's amazing how much becomes clear in hindsight. I'm glad you still remember where they are, maybe someone can find them. I'd sure like to find a copy of Bob Ward's book. I missed a chance to get it on Amazon. Still looking.

Dirty Dutchman there is a old bookstore in downtown Mesa on Main. They had a couple copies. Bought one there a while back.

secretcanyon, at the time the whole situation was not right, you would think someone would be interested in something like that, but, they weren't,what you going to do,my whole point with this story is I too understood how bob felt with frustration, back in the day when someone would get lost in the mountains and someone would call for help the different agencies would rather argue over who's territory it was in,rather than go look for the person, but that's the way it used to be,apache junction was truly the last town of the old west, np

secretcanyon, I can remember when there was only 250 to 300 people lived in apache junction, now its like going to Disney land, np

secretcanyon, now you understand how difficult it was for me to come out with the information that I

hey, i have people tell me i did not drive to reavis ranch from superior...when reavis made the wagon road to pinal and silver deliver his produce to the mines...

secretcanyon, always remember this phrase concerning the stone tablets including the two bob had,the heart is referring to( the heart of the matter ).and bob never understood

When I started this thread, I never imagined that there would be so much rancor towards Bob Ward and the old mission near his cabin. I am surprised that some people are so determined to deny it's existence. There were people digging in and around it all through the 1930's up to the 1970's. If you think that since the mission isn't on old maps proves that it didn't exist, then you must also accept that the Superstitions don't exist since they aren't on early maps either. The mission is the key to many things.

I am about to disclose something that could have been lost for ages. I feel it's time some truth was told. I can no longer go in the mountains due to my age and my health. If something happens to me, all this would be lost. There is another group of people that have, in the past, acquired enough history and information from their people to secretly start removing sites that they have located. There are people who can verify this, if they would only come forward with that information.

Many of you are interested in the DeGrazia paintings. There are many mis-directions and mis-interpretations to the tales told about them. While Bob Ward did write about them in his book, he never had them. He did have two stone tablets that were found within days of the "famous" stone tablets. He couldn't decipher the one's he had. He kept them for years and hid them. He finally drew a map under the cover of DeGrazia thinking that people would find them sooner or later. He trusted few people and didn't care if the two stone tablets were lost. He kept the stones as an ace in the hole should someone claim to have "solved" the stone tablets. The "Dios" rock and his hand drawn DeGrazia map lead to a mine and a mine shaft that may still hold his two stone tablets. The last time I saw them, that's where they were at. The belief that there are additional stone tablets has been reinforced by the discovery of the Tucson Artifacts.
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I have given many clues in my thread so far. Some people were more interested in arguing than looking at why I knew certain things. I, personally was starting to feel the same way as Bob Ward. Why shouldn't these things be lost forever? None the less, there are two hidden stone tablets. Both are a lot older than the famous stone tablets and both do not resemble the stone tablets. One of the tablets has a heart insertion on the left hand side and it's different than the heart insertion on the famous stone tablets. On both tablets, the writing is different. Both tablets have sheep or lambs and bulls on them. The tablets are carved on both sides. They also show a star constellation and a pyramid with a line over the top of it. They also show a massive underground tunnel systems in different locations with rooms. In my opinion the lambs and sheep and bulls represent two different groups of people.
Now, you have the so-called DeGrazia map of Bob's, which really gives the location of where the two tablets were kept. If you go to the spot indicated on the map (which I'm sure is covered by now), the entrance was just a 6 or 7 foot hole, then turns to the left, with a smaller shaft which goes back 7 or 8 feet. Then the shaft goes straight down. It is full of water. On the left hand side of the shaft, at water level, you will find a metal spike driven into the wall. The two tablets were sealed good in plastic and tape and were in a fishing net connected to the spike. It's all below water level.
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Remember, the mission IS the key. np

this took up one side of a tablet; I am not showing the exact star constellations shape, the other side of same tablet showed bulls with spears standing up chasing sheep or lambs, with other

I really want to see this mission...I believe there should be one in the area...
the Spanish used the river beds as did the natives...Spanish occupation followed the san pedro, and the santa cruz...both lead towards the gila...which leads to santé a roundabout fashion...this is generalization... the confluence of the san pedro, and the gila..there should be a mission...a rest site...the padre did use the gila to travel to santé fe...they did use the san pedro...they should have used queen just adds up there should be a mission in the area...more than one...padre would walk how far a day...there should be shady rests and respite along the way...
show me.

secretcanyon, I ,cant tell you how old the mission was, it was in ruins during burns time when he had the ranch, but between the 1930's to the 1970's people were still digging up the center of the foundation,earlier maps list it as a ruins, the last time I was there it still had part of the foundation showing,and a huge hole in the center, its back about 1 or 2 miles back from peralta trail head, if your coming from the hwy up peralta road, its off the right hand side about 150 to 200 feet next to a road and at the wash on the left hand side of the road on a small hill is the old mission, older maps should also

I think Mr Henley got it right :laughing7:

Somero, please keep the music videos out of the thread...

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Somero, please keep the music videos out of the thread...

You realize I'm not the only one to do this, so just asking why do I get singled out? Since I am such a nuisance, I'll ask again, Please delete all my posts and Ban me.

To bad, it was a good song about Forgiveness. I guess we can Ignore that thought.

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Every one wants to be the first person in the field on a discovery site,( that rarely happens ) my commitment is the spirit mountain area,but it used to be the superstition area,things change and they always will, my personal knowledge of the treasure world was hard and difficult , I have been fortunate to have been around some of the best and also some of the worst, but being a treasure hunter and researcher, you learn , and one of the things I learned to deal with, is my own intuition, I have known about the other two stone tablets for almost 40 years, I was never given permission to take pictures, and each time I was around them was to help move them from one location to another, except for the last time, which I have given out the story on them , and the location the last time I saw them, and I personally don't think they were ever moved again because of the map, I hope someone follows the directions and recovers them and makes them public, because of the other two stones tablets being much older than the ones on display, the only logical explanation is that the two older ones were put there first, and later an updated version was added, but theres no doubt you have to have all the pieces of the puzzle to solve it, from what I have been able to figure out is that there are two cache's in the mountains now called the superstition mountains, with 4 trail markers each leading you to them, one cache is much bigger than the other, and these are ancient sites, the second set of directions is for what is now called the spirit mountain area, it also has the same instructions , the third site, well I will keep it available for now, as I stated before, there is another group of people that have in the past acquired enough history and information from there people to secretly start removing cache's they have located , from what I understand they have already removed one from the superstition area between 10 and 15 years ago, and I was informed they had just removed one from the spirit mountain area this year,there are people who could verify this if they would only come forward with the information,np

These days, if archeologists aren't interested in something, it seems like there's a TV show ready to show them they're wrong. I wonder what a show about the Superstitions would uncover today...a mission, mummies. A lot going on in there.

Thanks for the tip about the old bookstore. I like to stop in them when I'm traveling.

dirty boots, there not interested in anything,and if you turn something over to them you will never here about it any more,np

My comment was removed and I received a "warning" through a message.... If my response back gets me kicked off of here... It's been fun!


this took up one side of a tablet; I am not showing the exact star constellations shape, the other side of same tablet showed bulls with spears standing up chasing sheep or lambs, with other
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Is a interesting map , with two points which lead to the same star . The two points have between a circle , where in the centre is supposed to be the target . I believe the lines have a specific point where intersected in the direction of the star .
From this specific point we must to measure the distance to every point to found where is the points . I believe , in this map , the measurements units are the bulls and the sheeps . I cann't to tell you more , because i didn't saw the maps .

I post a map which is an inspiration from your maps . In this map , the bull is an measurement unit 70 varas . This map is in relation with the saguaro with the stone marks on , in a specific day . In this midday the saguaro is in the same line with the marks on , and the marks show the target ( LDM ) . And for this , if somebody remove the marks , you can see the direction from the saguaro . The bull which is near the Weavers Needle , shows the location of the saguaro ( the map has orientation E to W and the accurate location is the intersection of a line down from the bull and a line from the saguaro in the map ) .The bull which is below and smaller , shows , how from the saguaro you must to go around the mountain to reach the target . The distance from the saguaro to the target , is how many times fit the bull which shows the location of the saguaro , between the saguaro in the map and the target ( about 10 times ).
That is for the moment .

Saguaro map.gif

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markmar, thank you for your interpretation , I did not show the actual constellation for obvious reasons, but you have the right thoughts, I believe its showing a measurement , and a certain time of year to show the four markers I talked about, it I believe is also showing a certain radious, or diameter in which things are located, using measurements from the constellation, on the back of it the bulls with spears are chasing the lambs or sheep, they are all walking on two legs not four, but why do the bulls have weapons and the sheep or lambs don'

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