Quote from "The Book Club" page #7, post #129
Mr. Croves:
I believe your question is do I know the year Walzer went to South Africa. Why yes I do. I know the ship he took, I know the village he stayed at and the the family he lived with. Of course to get you to that point would also give you a pretty good clue as to where the colony of the people live and where the museum I have spoken of is. At this point in time the trust element is not high enough to do that. Having said that a smart researcher might want to consider that if as I have mentioned Jacob`s family migrated to Germany from America it might be pretty simple to find the records of a family migrating from America to Germany with a small boy named Jacob Walzer.
The questions I am refering to were included in my posts here that are designated by this system as post 78, post 89 and post 95. Simply pick say 1 and give me your thoughts.
In return I will answer one more of your questions.
Gatekeeper is the name given to the protectors of the people. These individuals were seperated from the regular military command and in the modern world would be the equivalent of special forces troops. Their primary responsibilities included protecting the Gates of Rhoda, the holy sites and mining operations in the Superstitions, and protecting the Colonies foundaries and weapons making facilities in Eldorado Canyon. In the last days of the people they were the ones who died to the man protecting the holy sites in the Superstitions and the treasures of the people and the ancients until they could be hidden. Most of them were butchered in what we call the Canyon of the Souls. Their remains were returned to the people in the last century and buried in a cemetary in South Africa. Before the fall of Rhoda they were charged with creating the Tucson Artifacts and saving as many individuals as they could for the trek east. They coordinated the meeting place at what is now Silverbell Road. When the refugees met up at the designated place it was determined that there was not enough room in the carts for a number of small children and wounded. The decision was made to dump the Tucson Artifacts to make room for 14 additional survivors.
Mr. Ribaudo
Since you seem to be confused on names just simply refer to me as Starman.
This bears repeating:
"As long as you persist on simply repeating the same mistakes that others have made then you will get no where with an understanding of the artifacts. Get a copy of Bent`s work again. Read it till it sinks in. Look at the pictures and ask yourself where have you seen landscapes that are recorded there. Just one example: The circumstances surrounding the discoveries of artifacts 6 and 7 on 01/24/1925 prove the artifacts were not planted. You just have to look at where the artifacts were found and who insisted Bent and Manier look there. Also on artifact 7(front Portion) is a carving of the saddle that is high up on the east side of West Boulder Canyon. Above that is a symbol of the ancients. That symbol is still up there. The artifact is showing you where a trail of the ancients begins and the back shows you where the trail ends.
Your work on the trail maps took you to little Boulder Canyon, artifact 7 will take you to the end of the trail. You really do not need the other trail maps or an understanding of how the two maps that are known can take you there".
If all you can do is repeat the same old worn out secondary sources there really is nothing to talk about. If you want to discuss the Tucson Artifacts do your homework.
(end of quote)
the information given here to Tucson artifact #7.(front portion) is a carving of a saddle that is high up on the east side of west boulder canyon,above that is a symbol of the ancients.this information is wrong, there was one place I spent a lot of time hiking ,the Tucson artifact mentioned here represents fremont saddle with out any doubt,at the north west corner of fremont saddle ,at the bottom and top of the saddle there are two crosses of Loraine,which represent a temple complex,i have already given this information to some one else but ,I don't know if he would share it or not ,so I would prefer to post it on my site for every one to see,i hope some one can use this information to their benefit,its an important clue.

not peralta.