Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


You wrote " there was a group several years ago in the superstitions looking for oz,because of the Tucson artifacts, but the true name for the real project was od, not oz.the temple there was emptied several years ago,the holy ,which its all called, was taken to south africa and put in a small private museum for safe keeping,and again its refered to as the holy . "

What is your source for this statement ? Where is the exact location of the museum ? Is in the records of South Africa ?
I believe how this statement is not your thinking ( I saw a name in the currently users which browsing this thread , who in the past insisted in this theory ) . Maybe a PM which you recieved before few days , made you to change opinions about Superstition M.



I don't consider the Tucson artifacts, so they are a non-starter for me.

As for the coin, it's fairly obvious that there is no provenience to connect the Roman's to its schoolyard location.

Take care,



You wrote " there was a group several years ago in the superstitions looking for oz,because of the Tucson artifacts, but the true name for the real project was od, not oz.the temple there was emptied several years ago,the holy ,which its all called, was taken to south africa and put in a small private museum for safe keeping,and again its refered to as the holy . "

What is your source for this statement ? Where is the exact location of the museum ? Is in the records of South Africa ?
I believe how this statement is not your thinking ( I saw a name in the currently users which browsing this thread , who in the past insisted in this theory ) . Maybe a PM which you recieved before few days , made you to change opinions about Superstition M.



I have been asking that question for years. I believe you will get the same response that I did.:BangHead:

Take care,


cactusjumper, you think you know every thing about the Tucson artifacts,explain Cynthia Irwin Williams true roll. in the Tucson artifacts. and if you put me on ignore,thats a good reason not to answer something ,youknow nothing

It's always interesting to see someone pull a name out of Ben Davis' hat, ask question about private notes that are not available to the general public, and then tell you the notes are held in secret.

Saying that her notes and comments were never published because they were too sensitive, is pure bunk. The woman was not afraid of controversy. Anyone who knows her history, knows she had no fear of such things.

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper,to answer your first question, YES,i do think the superstitions and spirit mountain,are a part of atlantis that is above the water table,not all of atlantis was flooded,np ps,there was a section of land that took up Arizona, Nevada, and Utah ,that was not emerged in water,

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markmar, yes I did write that ,and for reasons, I cant tell you,and I wont,but be patient the time will come,your smart enough to know what im talking about, I cant help what other people post on here ,np

cactusjumper, I cannot divulge any info on the subject at hand,not because I don't want to ,but, I have been ordered not to, later every one will understand,i want to tell everything but I cant at this time,please respect this ,np

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markmar, maybe with the questions your asking,you could be one of the group that lost out on the finding of the temple, because some one else moved every thing first,well at least the temple is still there,after all isn't it all about the hunt, not the find,np

cactusjumper, I cannot divulge any info on the subject at hand,not because I don't want to ,but, I have been ordered not to, later every one will understand,i want to tell everything but I cant at this time,please respect this ,np


Interesting how you came on here seeming to be barely moving the IQ meter, and suddenly you have better grammar, spelling and the knowledge of the world at your fingertips. Guess I better not tell you about the trireme that was found up on Horse Mesa. Believe I hear Atlantis calling you.

Joe Ribaudo (Cleiton) to mere mortals........


Some might consider this sarcasm.:dontknow:

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cactusjumper,well its a good thing they were prepared for high water. Atlantis doesn't have to call me its been here a long time,since the trireme was on horse mesa, Quiz: Do you think Geronimo was a liar about his gold,since horse mesa was his favorite hiding place? np

some might consider this good information,:cross:

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cactusjumper,well its a good thing they were prepared for high water. Atlantis doesn't have to call me its been here a long time,since the trireme was on horse mesa, Quiz: Do you think Geronimo was a liar about his gold,since horse mesa was his favorite hiding place? np

some might consider this good information,:cross:


Some might, but I would not be counted with that very small group. Perhaps you can change my mind by quoting your source on Horse Mesa being Geronimo's "favorite hiding place".

Of course Geronimo was a liar.

The only question now, is who's feeding you this stuff. You drift in and out of sounding like Ben Davis' twin.

Do you know who hauled the pieces of that trireme off the mesa?

Joe Ribaudo

Cactus Humper

Has the Arizona sun finally cooked your little brain? You should be institutionalized.

Buzzard, fly away. And take the family picture with you.



I am getting the files together for you

mary333,thank you very much, cacatus humper:censored:

cactusjumper, who in the hell is ben davis,is he your bad brother or son or your dog,please tell me because im getting tired of you comparing me to him? np ps,from now on if you want to carry on a conversation I will.but stop asking stupid questions, when I have already informed you there are certain subjects I have been told not to discuss,you will have to restrain yourself ,I am going to show up at the rendezvous this year, for a day you will get to meet me,then you can ask whatever you want to know,

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You wrote " there was a group several years ago in the superstitions looking for oz,because of the Tucson artifacts, but the true name for the real project was od, not oz.the temple there was emptied several years ago,the holy ,which its all called, was taken to south africa and put in a small private museum for safe keeping,and again its refered to as the holy . "

What is your source for this statement ? Where is the exact location of the museum ? Is in the records of South Africa ?
I believe how this statement is not your thinking ( I saw a name in the currently users which browsing this thread , who in the past insisted in this theory ) . Maybe a PM which you recieved before few days , made you to change opinions about Superstition M.


markmar,if I wanted you to know my sources for info ,I would tell you,its really none of your concern where the location of the private museum is in south Africa,thats why its PRIVATE? and no one or nothing is going to influence my descisions one way or the other, before you acuse someone of something, you better prove what you saying or keep your thoughts to your


Private or state , if is museum must to be open for the public . Besides if you mean , private museum room in the house .
Why you don't tell the location ? You are a member of this private museum , or you don't know ?
IMO , this museum is a fantastic story . If you don't have answers , don't make references . If Cynthia Williams found the temple empty , which mean she left records , tell us where is the temple .
No info ,no knowledge , no answer .


You wrote " you better prove what you saying or keep your thoughts to your self "

This words match better to you .


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cactusjumper,to answer your first question, YES,i do think the superstitions and spirit mountain,are a part of atlantis that is above the water table,not all of atlantis was flooded,np ps,there was a section of land that took up Arizona, Nevada, and Utah ,that was not emerged in water,

The first masonic lodge in Arizona was named "Aztlan".

Alexander G. Abell, grand secretary of the grand lodge of California addressed this
at Aztlan lodge in 1891 (please read):

Arizona Territory's first Masonic Lodge | Sharlot Hall Museum Library & ArchivesSharlot Hall Museum Library & Archives

Apparently, according to his address, there was a
call to have the name changed to "Arizona" Lodge, which was rejected without reason.
"Aztlan" given preference to "Arizona"...

I have no doubt that it was thought of as appropriately named,
for what ever reason.

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The first masonic lodge in Arizona was named "Aztlan".

Alexander G. Abell, grand secretary of the grand lodge of California addressed this
at Aztlan lodge in 1891 (please read):

Arizona Territory's first Masonic Lodge | Sharlot Hall Museum Library & ArchivesSharlot Hall Museum Library & Archives

Apparently, according to his address, there was a
call to have the name changed to "Arizona" Lodge, which was rejected without reason.
"Aztlan" given preference to "Arizona"...

I have no doubt that it was thought of as appropriately named,
for what ever reason.

Hi Cleveland B,

I'm certainly no expert on the matter but I do know why the Arizona Masonic Lodge at Prescott was named Aztlan.
It was named in honor of William H. Prescott a historian and the leading expert of his day on MesoAmerica. Prescott believed and proved the Nahua people, inhabited Arizona as far back as (at least) 1 AD and migrated to Mexico about 1064 which coincided with the Aztec's first solar year.

The eruption of Sunset crater near Flagstaff and the explosion of the Crab Nebula being the events that probably hastened their removal from Arizona. Prescott believed the Acolhua tribe of the Nahua dwelled along the Colorado river and the Mexica tribe dwelled in Central Arizona before their migration south.

The town of Prescott Arizona was named for William H. Prescott although he never visited the community. His study of Aztlan and his beliefs of it's origin were the reason the Masonic Lodge was named Aztlan. Other than that I'm ignorant of the whole Tenochititlan migration but do enjoy reading the posts of the possibility of archeologists findings and theories regarding such and how they might coincide with Spirit Mountain and the Superstitions.

Matthew K. Roberts


Private or state , if is museum must to be open for the public . Besides if you mean , private museum room in the house .
Why you don't tell the location ? You are a member of this private museum , or you don't know ?
IMO , this museum is a fantastic story . If you don't have answers , don't make references . If Cynthia Williams found the temple empty , which mean she left records , tell us where is the temple .
No info ,no knowledge , no answer .


You wrote " you better prove what you saying or keep your thoughts to your self "

This words match better to you .



Professor Williams never mentioned the Tucson artifacts, the Superstition Mountains or Spirit Mountain in any of her writings. This is a simple game of.....I know something and you don't. There will be no documented evidence forthcoming. Almost a guarantee.

Show us some kind of proof that Professor Williams was ever even in any of those places.

Take care,


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