to all, I had to take a long look into what I think was right concerning the mission photo. I do not believe this group of relatives would have lied to me about anything,with that said , I do believe its
very possible that some other relative lied to them about the photo. the relatives that left me the photo were not treasure hunters or had anything to do with prospecting,we did not have conversations
concerning anything to do with those subjects, only what they were told about the photo. I believe that the photo's are the same, but for me its hard to accept because of the circumstances behind it,
but, with that said, it doesn't take away from the fact that there is proof that there was a mission on burns ranch, and that's what needs to be focused on and talked about. now that we accept that we do
not have a photo of the mission itself , takes nothing away from the evidence that there was a mission there. I personally have been were the mission was supposed to be located, the first time I was there
it had about two foot of wall almost all the way around it,and the center of the building was completely dug up with a thirty or forty foot hole in the center, I have already given its location, its hard on me
the way I feel towards family but this is part of history that needs to be examined . hope this posting helps . np