Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


It was in this topic, some months ago. That's a lot of posts to go through, although we discussed it for some time. Eventually someone found a picture and location of the "mission" and it was debunked.

The conversation is not really worth the trouble to find where it began.

Take care,


You few went through so much trying to impress others, and discredit me, with your wit.
You know who you are and what you did.
You can PM me and apologize in private, or do it on the thread if you want everyone to know what you did.
Again, you know who you are and what you did.
Time is short. Skip the :coffee2:

Pretty sure I had apologized as well and was actually hoping you could have made it to the Rendezvous so we could have had a few laughs. Maybe this coming Rendezvous, I'll bring the :coffee2:


It was in this topic, some months ago. That's a lot of posts to go through, although we discussed it for some time. Eventually someone found a picture and location of the "mission" and it was debunked.

The conversation is not really worth the trouble to find where it began.

Take care,


joe...many years ago someone showed me the ruins of a supposed mission not far from burns ranch..not much left as some treasure hunters busted up the foundation and dug down a ways looking for treasure....the word is they found guess one of the bob's excavated the site

joe...many years ago someone showed me the ruins of a supposed mission not far from burns ranch..not much left as some treasure hunters busted up the foundation and dug down a ways looking for treasure....the word is they found guess one of the bob's excavated the site


It's true that those stories have been around for quite awhile. I believe this one was tied to Bob Ward, and had a picture of the posted. Tom Kollenborn told me all such stories were bunk. For awhile the location of an old mission was said to be down around Queen Creek.:dontknow:

I don't believe any of the far.

Take care,


I know I'm "old fashioned" but I live by the old adage. Lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me."

I wouldn't apologize for exposing a fabrication. I think it just continues to enable the fabricator.


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Garry, you calling me a lier, that makes you no better than the people im talking about. for your info and every one elses, the picture in question was not taken by bob ward.
the picture was taken by bob Garman. and given to some one else. it is a picture of the ruins at burns ranch.the picture was taken in the late 1950's while there was several people there digging the site up,
garman prospected burns ranch and the area for gold and silver and also hunted for church treasure on burns ranch, so did a lot of other people.the ruins at burns ranch has to be a mission or church because of the cross on it. I know for a fact after sending the picture and negative to a lab for testing that the picture was taken on film from the late 1950's, and there was no manipulation of any kind
done to the picture or negative. now if some one wants to argue the point and show that its a picture of some place else taken in the late 1950's, let them send theirs to a lab for comparison. just like they tried doing here, I stand behind the picture and location 110%, prove me wrong, and you better have another picture than the one that was put on here trying to debunk mine , it was real bad. np:cat:

somehiker i read the conspiracy blog .and i went to 2 other blogs that someone posted your right one of the names i remember was chuck wagner .used to know him as wags wagner .REALLY, the knights templars in the supes these people need to stay home and watch more tv.and an informant with a secret society of 13 people smelting gold and minting coins in the thing that has never changed is the crazys are still to a differant subject.and trust me when i tell you, the gov. is and has been interested in certain treasures and treasure hunters.i know i've had too many run ins with these idiots.and there are a lot of impersonators posing as the same .i have worked on many treasure sites and sooner or later they show their hand. np

NP...if you knew wags you might have known his mining partner ed ever meet him?

Garry, you calling me a lier, that makes you no better than the people im talking about. for your info and every one elses, the picture in question was not taken by bob ward.
the picture was taken by bob Garman. and given to some one else. it is a picture of the ruins at burns ranch.the picture was taken in the late 1950's while there was several people there digging the site up,
garman prospected burns ranch and the area for gold and silver and also hunted for church treasure on burns ranch, so did a lot of other people.the ruins at burns ranch has to be a mission or church because of the cross on it. I know for a fact after sending the picture and negative to a lab for testing that the picture was taken on film from the late 1950's, and there was no manipulation of any kind
done to the picture or negative. now if some one wants to argue the point and show that its a picture of some place else taken in the late 1950's, let them send theirs to a lab for comparison. just like they tried doing here, I stand behind the picture and location 110%, prove me wrong, and you better have another picture than the one that was put on here trying to debunk mine , it was real bad. np:cat:


This is the actual picture of the back corner of the actual building.

This is the back corner of your original picture......I believe. Notice the mountain in the background.

It was pretty well established back then, that the two pictures are of the very same building.
Is this not your original picture?

You can protest all you want, the pictures don't lie. Give it up.

Joe Ribaudo

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Garry, you calling me a lier, that makes you no better than the people im talking about. for your info and every one elses, the picture in question was not taken by bob ward.
the picture was taken by bob Garman. and given to some one else. it is a picture of the ruins at burns ranch.the picture was taken in the late 1950's while there was several people there digging the site up,
garman prospected burns ranch and the area for gold and silver and also hunted for church treasure on burns ranch, so did a lot of other people.the ruins at burns ranch has to be a mission or church because of the cross on it. I know for a fact after sending the picture and negative to a lab for testing that the picture was taken on film from the late 1950's, and there was no manipulation of any kind
done to the picture or negative. now if some one wants to argue the point and show that its a picture of some place else taken in the late 1950's, let them send theirs to a lab for comparison. just like they tried doing here, I stand behind the picture and location 110%, prove me wrong, and you better have another picture than the one that was put on here trying to debunk mine , it was real bad. np:cat:

to all, I had to take a long look into what I think was right concerning the mission photo. I do not believe this group of relatives would have lied to me about anything,with that said , I do believe its
very possible that some other relative lied to them about the photo. the relatives that left me the photo were not treasure hunters or had anything to do with prospecting,we did not have conversations
concerning anything to do with those subjects, only what they were told about the photo. I believe that the photo's are the same, but for me its hard to accept because of the circumstances behind it,
but, with that said, it doesn't take away from the fact that there is proof that there was a mission on burns ranch, and that's what needs to be focused on and talked about. now that we accept that we do
not have a photo of the mission itself , takes nothing away from the evidence that there was a mission there. I personally have been were the mission was supposed to be located, the first time I was there
it had about two foot of wall almost all the way around it,and the center of the building was completely dug up with a thirty or forty foot hole in the center, I have already given its location, its hard on me
the way I feel towards family but this is part of history that needs to be examined . hope this posting helps . np:cat:

:icon_scratch: I thought we were done with "that picture" of a concrete schoolhouse built around 1900ish.

Joe, you read what I wrote, do it, then argue about it after you find out the truth.
If memory serves me right wasn't Tom Kollenborn the one that admitted on national tv
that he didn't believe in the Dutchman story. why ask him anything. ? np:cat:
ps. how are you going to compare pictures when one was just taken and the ruins at burns
ranch have been gone for 55 or 60 years.

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Joe, you read what I wrote, do it, then argue about it after you find out the truth.
If memory serves me right wasn't Tom Kollenborn the one that admitted on national tv
that he didn't believe in the Dutchman story. why ask him anything. ? np:cat:
ps. how are you going to compare pictures when one was just taken and the ruins at burns
ranch have been gone for 55 or 60 years.

It's pretty easy. I don't for a second believe that the buildings are different. Same building, different pictures.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

There's only 1 person here that I know of who has looked at both pictures (actually multiple photos) and not come to the quick conclusion that the building and the background are identical. If you want to have a discussion about a possible mission at the Burns Ranch site, that's a whole different conversation, but there's absolutely no denying that the building Somero and I showed photographs of is the identical building and background from your photo and it's located nowhere near the Superstition Mountains.

I don't care who took the photo or when it was taken - it makes no difference as anyone (well almost anyone) would come to the same conclusion.

See, we agree to disagree, always will on this subject, I consider it ,your loss, not mine, end of discussion on this subject. np:cat:

azdave35, are you talking about wags wagoner? np:cat:
the name ed is familiar but I don't remember him.

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azdave35, are you talking about wags wagoner? np:cat:
the name ed is familiar but I don't remember him.

wagoner....he went by wags though...he claimed to be a descendant of the wagoner that had the gold in rose quartz mine by picacho butte ..ed and wags had claims in that area and was looking for the rose quartz mine...ed pecan lived around the corner from me

if you really believe that was a schoolhouse out by that mine i am sorry to inform you that you are easily led astray.

View attachment 970112

Church Ruins, Lower Eagle Creek | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Church Ruins, Lower Eagle Creek by steve_keller, on Flickr

View attachment 970113View attachment 970114View attachment 970115


With all due respect, somebody may have misinformed you about your "mission" picture. After speaking with a local historian about the structure in the photo's we learned that it is a concrete school house built around 1900.

As for personal agenda, mine is finding the truth and if that makes me an :censored: hole for upsetting people about unsubstantiated claims, I apologize. However don't try to sell altered facts as truth, cause the truth will always come out eventually, whether you want it to or not. So don't blame others when a story falls apart...................research, research, research.

I must admit that your ideas are Entertaining though, almost History Channel quality. I also find it interesting that you left us early in October and have returned once again at the end of March. Just wish you could have made it to the Rendezvous, we could have had some good laughs.

Have Fun NP and Good Luck

BTW One reason it is so difficult to get anywhere, some people would like to distort the facts to fit history and their own ideas, thus muddying the waters for whatever their agenda may be. (Click on the red links for more pictures)

Concrete structure that was a school and possibly a community meeting place. Do I really have to go and take pictures and make a video and talk with the local historian on video to set the record straight. Should I also take a couple members from T-net and have them sign affidavits as to the authenticity of the road trip.

Who is more apt to be mislead, the person taking somebody's "word" as fact or somebody who does a little research into the story to get the facts?

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Do I really have to go and take pictures and make a video and talk with the local historian on video to set the record straight. Should I also take a couple members from T-net and have them sign affidavits as to the authenticity of the road trip.

Who is more apt to be mislead, the person taking somebody's "word" as fact or somebody who does a little research into the story to get the facts?

To settle an argument on an internet forum with some people who won't even tell us their real names? Of course! If this involves considerable expense, time and trouble for you then that makes it all the more mandatory! (:laughing7: I am kidding buddy, really I agree with your point) Can we all just let this mission/building thing rest for a while?

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