Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Its almost complete is what you are saying?

IMO The Cross stone was the actual crafted Spanish stone, that went with the Latin Heart itself.......One Cross Stone, and One Heart Stone.......for the Spanish maps......crude and basic

found originally, either in Santa Fe when these men were there, and brought to AZ with the fake claims, or by Reavis himself who settled on the grounds of the Peraltas.......near Casa Grande....someone found the Cross Stone and Latin Heart stone where Peralta used to live, and when THEY (the Reavis gang) got the hatchet they reburied them......

I have a hunch they found these mines from their exploration of the area in AZ for mining and the irrigation system, with Silver King, and they carved the Witch/Horse Stones, AND the trail stones, to match with some better maps of the area of their times......thats why the lines seem more map-like instead of symbolic.....the trail stone is from a map, and the crosses feature basic symbols of the area.

they botched the Spanish horribly, on these stones, and made mistakes intentionally creating another map around the Latin Heart, using a cypher coding system on the map stones, AND on the Horse/Priest Stones that correlates to the dates and times and locations of businessmen involved.

The Natives slaughtered the Group, (there's been zero proof provided that the massacred men were Spanish. other than a gold tooth (sounds legendary to me)

they were men who were forgers and miners, who were there mining to make themselves rich, and laundering their money first through Reavis' connections in St Louis, with it being ferried through to a safe hiding place in Virginia, coded by numbers, that reveal the safe deposit box, and the buried vault location in some woods near a cave.

So I feel confident in saying yes these stone tablets LEAD you somewhere else........

If you would like to expand on that thought a little.......

the incomplete map thing......

The map stones were carved using information on a paper map. Some things were changed and some left off.

The map stones were carved using information on a paper map. Some things were changed and some left off.


Well I begg to differ, And I could prove that real fast, its the other way around. Your paper map shares the same symbols but has no starting or ending point. Why'


The mystery continues......

I have found that even if clues are altered, or missing, but the rest of the sequences are there,,,,,,its no more difficult to translate than an algebraic problem.....just have the overall pic as a target, and if you force any of the moves or leave out ANYTHING, you are going to get lost.......LOL

I used to be a caving guide and an explorer of virgin underworld cannot imagine how hard it is to chart a course from a map through a slimy and completely black as night environment, AND find your way back through a maze using very small etchings, and cave marks, stacked stones, and landmarks just to keep points of reference,

After you turn around, and see everything looks completely different.

It becomes so confusing, that you loose track of your path in front of you.......:laughing7:

This hunt is very symbolic of that experience.......and for me this is a breeze, to have so many markers and guidelines, as this series of maps makes it unmistakeable, due mainly to that fact of my caving and orienteering background......

:headbang:I am SubLevel :headbang:

The fact is also true that weather and other natural factors such as development have damaged, or altered the clues from their original in some areas, and people seriously may have made off with the loot as well.

But sometimes it only takes one clue......and that can be the bell ringer..........

The bell ringer is the Codes of numbers, and the fact that each one of these symbols is found on a Cowboy's Brand for horses and cattle............from Arizona........

8 - n - P

EightBar in BarP is how this one is said on the Ranch

Which when translated the old Cowboy Way says that this ranch right here is the one drawn on the Knife.......says Eldorado himself

View attachment 1086953

You look at any of the map stones and it looks like a surveyor posted some marker for a declaration of claim at one time would be laid out, with a knife sticking straight up to show he means business.....LOL

The Omega Heart Symbols on the Priest Stone are merely examples of the brands......location on the stones relates to overlays and tracings for later layout at the clerks office after surveyed points are made.

These are claim markers of the fabled Reavis gang......his forgeries were merely a way to rally his men to take over the whole area a part of the mining and laundering operation of the fund the Civil War


History Channel is gonna jump so high.....!

Good thing Wolters never made any decisive statements of the origin of the stones.........right !!!

The old cross stone and the latin heart are the only true 'Peralta Stones'.....everything else was crafted to better describe the areas after they discovered them on the Reavis' Mansion property, built on the ruins of the old area owned by the Peraltas who mined for Spain.........

I am sure you may be right about a hand drawn map circulating.....but which one was used? is why I avoid the chase on that theory is they took the hand drawn rubbings back to VA, to craft the one White Stone they have, one of the 'originals'

This stone can then be easily from the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where there are numerous white granite stones that were brought to DC for the creation of the Washington Monument, as the history of the area surrounding the Beale Codes shows.....

Reavis crafted his forgeries in paperwork, BECAUSE the whole scheme was to lay claim to this area in AZ, when it was first being created as a territory.....the later crafted stones were supposed to be delivered back to the VA associates who were originally setting up this venture to Secede from the Union.

if he planted numerous forgeries, claimed other mines to sell back to the original owners, and also was a clerk in St Louis, MO. he was the money launderer as well......for the KGC,

under orders of the Highest Command of the United States, to take over the Apache territory for their resources......they had associates named John Calhoun, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and others who were all searching avidly for the Motherlode

dont think they weren't either........The Apache Thunder God is pissed !......just look at my Beale Codes post on the other forum pages and it will all become apparent whats going on.

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But Eldo....what ever happened to the 520,000 pounds of gold that you found in 30 minutes ?

The post does say 'Do the Stone Tablets lead somewhere other than Superstition mtns?'

Did I do something wrong?? LOL

@ Somehiker

The translations were done by some researchers of the amounts of gold as translated by the Roman Numeral etchings of each cache buried, and the corresponding larger caches in the mines that were found by the team there in the 1800's when translating the old paper map and stone crosses into a full set of horse priest stones and map stones, complete with an insert.

These were all marked with brands to show the location, brands that were developed to carry names and symbolic meaning to these markers, with additional terrain thrown in from an old Confederate Map of the area that was made from the Soldiers in the area, Reavis who was one of them. He also settled directly on the Peralta residence and ruins, and probably had the stones from the ruins excavated there, or found while mining.

.....these markings were translated as saying the amount 520,000+ lbs......this could be a dollar value of the amount of the time, granted

but the researchers used the lbs measurements instead of kilos as standard to translate the codes.....if it were in kilos it would have been much more

It even may have been listed in "Jewels" or plated bars, the amount being intended, 10lb bars.....from the Heart Stone indication....a Roman calculation of weight that the Spanish used, making the trove even that more it may have been the storage location of the Treasure of Santa the Cross Stones dictated from the date 1751. The other stones clearly list the dates in the 1800s to show the Hustle came around then.....

Eldorado always gets his man.

So if there was further information that the area was used to mine Spanish gold and there were some cowboy brands on these newer stones.....ones that signify the creation of a second set of stashes some miles away......the holes are actually points of measurement for a scale map over the whole USA, using the Big Hole as the guide point, and the small holes to be used to chart direction in approximation of Appomattox..........

The points of reference can be calculated in the area of the mines using the arrow point, to place as the point of origin on the map, and the coded sequences of the mileage to the mines, 1819 miles, and 1821 miles respectively of the two troves for the eastern Confederate Treasury

This being known to me, and basically being the only 'known' source of this mystery that completes a 100% accurate mapping WITH a decipherment of the codes listed.....including the mysterious 2 = 3 - mine - 18 = 7, being the exact times and dates they were on their "perilous journey" while mining for the Confederacy in preparation for taking over the whole Union, or Seceding and creating the CSA

Tells me that there's still gold and silver laying there in both VA and AZ, and the whole crew got the proverbial Hatchet.......the cross came down on them so to say, and the giving hand was cut off. leaving their charms all over the place......Reavis was busted, and served a limited time in jail.

If he had his hand in all of this, then there is a good chance he was able to retrieve some of the gold after the war..........but you never know if they were all in possession of a piece of the puzzle and couldn't find the locations.......but I am sure they returned to both locations to take some.......only time and a full search of these areas will tell.

30 men met their doom in the massacre, and they weren't Spanish, and they have never tested the remains for DNA, so who is to say they are Spanish Soldiers?.

Makes more sense they were taken out when the Apache were known to be engaged in a war with the soldiers, and that there were some negotiations that didn't go over that well over who's gold this really was......LOL...the Apache Thunder God's that's who.

Look at the Copycats at the Skull and Bones Society at Yale, they raided Geronimo and Pancho Villa's graves and stole their bones in retaliation for the wars raged in defense of the Apache and the territory settled by the Spanish. They were a part of this same type of 'Business Plot' as the Confederates were in the South, and in the same exact manner as the KGC were trying to release soldiers and use them to fight, these business cronies were trying to use old soldiers in the Foreign Legion to overthrow the govt next......granted this happened in the early 1900's......

But this was the time that these men were still very resentful at the beating handed to them by the Union, and they wanted to make

This was squelched fast, thank god, or Prescott Bush would have been the president !!! LOL !!!

Says to me that when I find the troves in 30 minutes, walking the line, connecting the dots, I walk right back to the that spot again and say,

Man, I'm getting good at this.

Now I understand LOL
Sounds like what Ellie Baba used to go on about.
So, when is this all gonna be on the History Channel ?

Not in touch with them, you have to film it yourself and sell it to them.....they have been constantly low-balling everyone with their offers

trying to get in touch with some other mainstream publications......

Eldo it's apparent you do not know the true history of the stones. Don't feel bad you are not alone. We all need something to keep our minds occupied. The weather is perfect now come to Az and test your theory.


That was one long winded self induced pat on the back, I surely hope you got that burp out, and on to along recovery to sanity !

Your thread lost me at ELDO:

Here's a tip to help you on your quest, Pad all the cinder block in your lovely home, Buy a chair that really rocks and a nice jacket without the tie down straps. And take a good long stroll into reality.

your imaginary friend



You wrote " ......the holes are actually points of measurement for a scale map over the whole USA, using the Big Hole as the guide point, and the small holes to be used to chart direction in approximation of Appomattox.......... "

I believe the holes are just ... holes , and are in the map to help to recognize the trail region . I post three different pictures from the same region , where I believe starts the trail . Because are parts of bigger pictures . have a low rez . But to see them clear , don't enlarge them , just use magnifying lens .
The " 2 = 3 - mine - 18 = 7 " are symbols which are on the ground under the trail and help to locate the region , also mean " first are the two mines , after the three mines , but to get the mine with the treasure , you have to follow 18 places/signs "
Now in the pictures , with the red and yellow are the trail start and the big hole , and in the yellow oval are the symbols .

1.webp 2.webp 3.webp

And Eldo

Now a pic from GE . Maybe you can recognize the Heart , which has in the middle the priest/witch . In the yellow rectangle is the region from my pics above ( #2725 post ) .

The Heart.webp

@ MarkMar..............You trying to tell me your apache thunder god is gonna beat up my apache thunder god?? LOL

View attachment 1087669

Right at the Center of the Heart of the Apache Thunder God

There will be these three dots........carved to also layout to the points I discussed in this post and the Beale Cypher Posts......1819 miles east at an inclination of 11 degrees, and 1821 miles east at an inclination of 12 degrees

View attachment 1087670View attachment 1087671View attachment 1087672

There you have to have the key.......the one to find the mines in the area in the Supes overlays in use in the cypher in the Beale in the area that is shown above.....

also calculations in the Beale originating here in the Supes lead to SanFran, CA, New Orleans, LA, St Louis, MO, and a place in North Carolina at the eastern coast, at Supply, NC (right near a place called Oak Island, NC....LOL) These are all places he took the gold

these other charted locators are areas they were talking about going 18 place with the gold.....the priest in the Priest stone is John Calhoun

what is that little spot on the back of his hand carved there for??? a single spot and has a clue number next to it???

That is the black spot that John Calhoun was said to have on his hand.....a mark that he had all his life......look at the guys features.......the Grand Wizard they called him??

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