Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

All of the people that Homar mentions have expressed their opinions and offered their reasons for reaching those opinions.

Most who come with their "opinions" offer no cogent reasoning nor clear pictures. I will, once again, bring Topographic maps to this years Rendezvous to explain my theory and reasoning. If anyone has a better, more accurate, solution, I will be happy to compare their answer with the Stone Maps.......with an open and fair mind.

As for Garry, he has done his research and offered the results for all of us to pick apart. Homar's "proof" is,
"There is also something under my Priest that is not under any other Priest." So far, as far as I know, that is his best evidence to date.

It seems to me, that if you are going to denigrate someone else's work, you should at least provide something of equal value or better.:dontknow:

Hope to see most of you at the Rendezvous next month.

Take care,


I agree 100%. np:cat:

And this interesting discussion was going so well- I had learned some new things; too bad things go downhill so fast.

we are not all perfect, but we strive for it , we always not only want to hear, but we also like to understand by seeing , that's just the way we humans are programmed. np:cat:

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I can't say as I have much trouble getting over any ideas other's may express. I do not agree with your assertion that Travis, having been born and raised in Cuero, Texas, and supervising a fruit packing facility and migrant camp would have left him ignorant of the Spanish language though. I will also continue to maintain that if he had carved the stones, he also could have made use of a common English-Spanish dictionary to ensure the spelling was correct. I'm sure he would have had one at his disposal, or could have easily consulted a spanish speaking friend or co-worker at the time.

Sorry, but I'm out of time this morning. Gotta hit the road.


Howdy Wayne,

I am not saying Travis was completely ignorant of the Spanish language, he may have known a few words to be able understand, or get his point across. The stone that he did carve for sure, and never claimed of finding, was the Treasure Chest stone. On this stone he used both Spanish, and English, and got the gender wrong. This proves he was not fluent in Spanish, and incapable of creating the Priest/Horse stone. Gary's comparison of letters only shows that he copied the letters form the P/H stone to create the T.C. stone. If Gary himself was fluent in Spanish he would have made that observation. I have nothing against the man, and only point out that he failed to notice that most revealing fact. It is the truth we are after is it not?

I don't remember is I discussed the same mistakes in gender on the Stone Crosses, or if it was with Gollom. I guess one really has to be fluent to see that they are fakes.

At least we agree on the PSM's not ever being on the floor of a church, and I understand Gollom feels the same way due to the absence of normal wear one would find from foot traffic. However in my opinion, the DON stone shows neither floor wear, or weathering. Weathering does not discriminate, it would have effected the whole exposed area. The spaces between the letters, and other parts of the stone, are not "weathered". It looks more like the letters were chipped with a chisel, or small hammer.

I can't seem to find the post I mentioned but it is where you made a short list of the things you did not see on the PSM's, that would make you think of them being Peralta made. I will PM you the thought provoking fact, this offer was for you anyway, and there seem to be to many who are unworthy of the truth.


Oro I attempted to use the horse stone and map Technic and it seems to point to the Valles Calderara National Preserve area. This is a volcanic site so would have all the right geologic events to have a large gold vein..

Oro I attempted to use the horse stone and map Technic and it seems to point to the Valles Calderara National Preserve area. This is a volcanic site so would have all the right geologic events to have a large gold vein..

Isn't that interesting? I wonder if anyone has ever come up with that solution before? With so many different solutions, all in different spots, this is really different.

All of the people that Homar mentions have expressed their opinions and offered their reasons for reaching those opinions.

Most who come with their "opinions" offer no cogent reasoning nor clear pictures. I will, once again, bring Topographic maps to this years Rendezvous to explain my theory and reasoning. If anyone has a better, more accurate, solution, I will be happy to compare their answer with the Stone Maps.......with an open and fair mind.

As for Garry, he has done his research and offered the results for all of us to pick apart. Homar's "proof" is,
"There is also something under my Priest that is not under any other Priest." So far, as far as I know, that is his best evidence to date.

It seems to me, that if you are going to denigrate someone else's work, you should at least provide something of equal value or better.:dontknow:

Hope to see most of you at the Rendezvous next month.

Take care,



Anybody can post a trail that leads nowhere. Where is your reasoning when the trail on the PSM's leads one into a heart where the trail ends? No one can hike into the heart you keep posting, and there can not be anything hidden in it, can there, Mr. open, and fair mind? How do I denigrate Garry, by pointing out what he overlooked? Anyone not aware, I had pointed that out a long time ago. I mention them, not for the sake of denigrating them, but so that the newbies that get fascinated easily, make up their own minds.

Bob says the PSM's are fakes, Tom says he knows who buried them, I have nothing against these men who I do admire, but they don't know it all, and are welcome to pm me if they feel denigrated. I will gladly prove them wrong.

Joe, you on the other hand can twist, and shout all you want, I have nothing to prove to you. If you were to listen, with a real open, and fair mind, instead of twisting things around, and trying to speak for everybody, maybe you would learn some truths to the legends, but you will always be the truthjumper.



Anybody can post a trail that leads nowhere. Where is your reasoning when the trail on the PSM's leads one into a heart where the trail ends? No one can hike into the heart you keep posting, and there can not be anything hidden in it, can there, Mr. open, and fair mind? How do I denigrate Garry, by pointing out what he overlooked? Anyone not aware, I had pointed that out a long time ago. I mention them, not for the sake of denigrating them, but so that the newbies that get fascinated easily, make up their own minds.

Bob says the PSM's are fakes, Tom says he knows who buried them, I have nothing against these men who I do admire, but they don't know it all, and are welcome to pm me if they feel denigrated. I will gladly prove them wrong.

Joe, you on the other hand can twist, and shout all you want, I have nothing to prove to you. If you were to listen, with a real open, and fair mind, instead of twisting things around, and trying to speak for everybody, maybe you would learn some truths to the legends, but you will always be the truthjumper.



Don't believe I was twisting or shouting anything, but you're welcome to your opinion. Apparently you don't much care for Garry's, Tom's or anyone's truth (like mine) that disagrees with yours. I don't know enough about your theory to have any opinion about it, whatsoever.

I would also be fair enough to not call you.....subtle names. Other than myself, who was I speaking for?:dontknow:

Want to explain what you mean by "truthjumper"?

Don't really want to get in a pissing match with you, but I almost always back up my statements......unless I have labeled them as speculation or theories.

Take care,



Anybody can post a trail that leads nowhere. Where is your reasoning when the trail on the PSM's leads one into a heart where the trail ends? No one can hike into the heart you keep posting, and there can not be anything hidden in it, can there, Mr. open, and fair mind? How do I denigrate Garry, by pointing out what he overlooked? Anyone not aware, I had pointed that out a long time ago. I mention them, not for the sake of denigrating them, but so that the newbies that get fascinated easily, make up their own minds.

Bob says the PSM's are fakes, Tom says he knows who buried them, I have nothing against these men who I do admire, but they don't know it all, and are welcome to pm me if they feel denigrated. I will gladly prove them wrong.

Joe, you on the other hand can twist, and shout all you want, I have nothing to prove to you. If you were to listen, with a real open, and fair mind, instead of twisting things around, and trying to speak for everybody, maybe you would learn some truths to the legends, but you will always be the truthjumper.


I don't often agree with Joe, but on this occasion I do.

You may feel you have nothing to prove, but if you take that course, we have no other choice but to treat whatever you say, as pure speculation.

Joe asked you to give some form of reasoning or evidence for the below statement:

"There is also something under my Priest that is not under any other Priest."

If you are unable to do so, or refuse to do so, then you can't get upset if some posters treat that as something you just made up.

Why has this Thread left the Topic of somewhere else OTHER than the Superstition Mountains? I believe there are threads that are for support of evidence in the Superstitions? Sorry i know I brought up evidence of my own here in the Sups, but did not mean to get everyone talking about their own found priest in the Sups. How ever I have been searching in NM now to see if there is anything to the horse map and Santa Fe New Mexico. This would put the location smack dab in the center of the Seven Cities of Cibola. Seems to me the stones may have been from Coronado and his march against the seven golden cities of Cibola. If this theory pans out, Imagine that! Every one of you wasting your time looking in the Superstitions when the real treasure was where Coronado was headed?
Here is an interesting spot as it has a volcanic dike with a fault running across it with a north shear zone that has moved the whole Guaje Canyon several hundered feet. To the west is a gold streak high up on the hillside.
Guaje Canyon NM.webp Gold streak above Canyon.webp
this not far from Ruins at Bandelier New Mexico.
Ruins Bandelier, NM.webp

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"Why has this Thread left the Topic of somewhere else than the Superstition Mountains?"

It hasn't, since the title clearly asks a question...."Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns? "....which may have more than one answer.....Yes they do, or No they don't.

If you would rather see a thread which restricts the conversation to only those who would say YES, perhaps you should start one that does.


My priest:

Looks directly at this claim marker.

This is part of the trail that runs below the priest:

The trail leads directly into the heart, which can just be made out through the brush, just to the right of the saguaro:

All are found in the same order and spatial relationship as they are found on the Stone Maps, excluding the Priest. The same saguaro as seen in the trail picture can be seen to the right of the heart.

All of these things are at the north end of the ridge between West and East Boulder Canyons.

Just coincidence, I'm sure.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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cactusjumper what peak is it that when looking from the claim? I noticed something when looking at that photo, that it looks almost exactly as the Ruth map depicts El Sombreo. are you sure that you should not be going the other way on the trail to get to the mine?
DelMonteClaim.webp lost dutchman.webp

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cactusjumper what peak it that when looking from the claim? I noticed something when looking at that photo, that it looks almost exactly as the Ruth map depicts El Sombreo. are you sure that you should not be going the other way on the trail to get to the mine?
View attachment 1058907 View attachment 1058908

:BangHead: I thought everybody (and some who have not) that has been in the Superstitions knows that peak. :BangHead:

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Anyone know the name of the claim, or the owners name?
I believe this claim is West of the needle.
Well just checked on a topo, maybe SW.

cactusjumper what peak it that when looking from the claim? I noticed something when looking at that photo, that it looks almost exactly as the Ruth map depicts El Sombreo. are you sure that you should not be going the other way on the trail to get to the mine?
View attachment 1058907 View attachment 1058908

It is Weaver's Needle viewed from a westerly direction, not to speak for our mutual amigo Cactusjumper Joe, and is another point linking his particular solution of the stone maps BTW. It does resemble the El Sombrero from that direction doesn't it?

Please do continue amigos,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Another 5 or 10 degrees around to the North would make it spot on.



The name of the claim is/was "Del Monte". It is Northwest of Weaver's Needle. it is located above a saddle that connects West and Little Boulder Canyons. The Stone Map trail goes right through that saddle. That trail ends dead center in my picture of the heart.

A number of years ago, Gene Reynolds asked me if I had a picture of the claim marker which included Weaver's Needle. He told me that he knew the view that Adolph Ruth was looking for. When I sent him the picture, he told me that was exactly the view of the needle that Ruth was looking for. From some accounts, Ely, this is where Ruth's body was actually found.

Page 8, "The Lost Dutchman Mine" by Sims Ely: "In the thick brush overlooking West Boulder Canyon, about one hundred feet above the canyon floor, one of the dogs came upon a skull...."

Just south across the saddle from the claim, there is a running spring. Brush and bees are very thick around that spring.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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S. Cima.webp Fish Creek Canyon.webp lost dutchman.webp
Here is an interesting view of fish creek canyon. I will have to get a real photo from that spot now.

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Don't believe I was twisting or shouting anything, but you're welcome to your opinion. Apparently you don't much care for Garry's, Tom's or anyone's truth (like mine) that disagrees with yours. I don't know enough about your theory to have any opinion about it, whatsoever.

I would also be fair enough to not call you.....subtle names. Other than myself, who was I speaking for?:dontknow:

Want to explain what you mean by "truthjumper"?

Don't really want to get in a pissing match with you, but I almost always back up my statements......unless I have labeled them as speculation or theories.

Take care,


Howdy Joe,

Lol, just what kind of pissing match could we have? Whoever has to go first loses? Or whoever dribbles the longest wins?:laughing7:

Not twisting things? Well you are doing it again. You're saying that apparently I don't much care for anyone's truth that disagrees with mine. I have learned a lot from the truths that they speak, which are many. I only disagree with some of their opinions, and as I have stated the truths for reaching my conclusions. You just can't stand for me to point out where they are wrong, and just have to jump in, and speak up for them. You jump right over the truth that I present.
Hope you have a good turn out at Don's Camp.


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