Gold Member
Howdy Wrmickel1,
Google Earth works just fine, in fact it is the best tool out there for serious treasure hunters, and is widely used by all boots on the ground treasure hunters. It is just a shame that most people don't know how to use it, and claim to find things that are really not there. It has it's limitations, yet in the right hands, it can reveal things that boots on the ground can't.
The same applies to a boots on the ground search. Many present their actual pictures taken from there trips into the mountains, and are no different than most Google Earth images. In other words what they claim is in the picture sometimes is just as wild, and only they can see it. Just as many Priests are found by Google Earth, as they are by boots on the ground, and yet no one has posted the real Priest.
Google Earth is not the problem, neither are the boots on the ground. In my opinion, the knife does not point to the sky line, nor does it point north.
Ouinoa, there in no A on the handle, it is a D for "derecha", or right. In my opinion, the knife points to a trail, and is telling you to cut to the right when you get to the fork.
I know what you mean. I can count myself as one of those guys with too much imagination while working in the mountains. For years I thought I had found a priest. He was just above my Stone Map Trail, and looking right down on some modern-day claim markers. Foolish me!

Take care,
Crazy Old Joe