Sr. Member
Well let me start the "slamming" what type of rock is that? it sort of looks like "oil shale"
silent hunter said:Paul please post what you know on that subject.
Best Wishes
Kurt Painter
In the spring of 1942, he and fourteen other men went on horses
up the Salt River to La Barge Canyon then up La Barge Canyon to
Squaw Box Canyon. They turned up Squaw Box Canyon, passed
by the box canyon, then passed on the north side of three red hills.
Then turned north about one mile and turned west to a hill north of
the box canyon. There is a tunnel at the south side base of the hill,
with brush and small trees nearly hiding it. They then went to the
top of the hill and uncovered a pit. They took out about $50,000 in
gold. When they finished they covered the pit again. The vein of
gold is in a soft black rock and on both sides of the black vein is red
Another man spoke about Silas Haywood on several occasions
and said he actually met a man who worked with Haywood and
heard the same story about the rock that was formed by alternating
layers of red and black material. This same rock was filled with
gold. Stories often get confused over the years. The J.J. Polka
story is very similar to the Haywood story, except it occurred in the
area above the upper box of La Barge Canyon. The rock in the
Polka story is almost identical to the rock in the Kochera story.
Jim Butler, who knew Chuck Aylor, Roy Bradford and Abe Reid,
spent a considerable amount of time searching for the ore associated
with alternating layers of red and black rock filled with fine
gold. Butler was familiar with the Polka story and the man named
Silas Haywood.
silent hunter said:Thanks Paul. My searches are all based on the facts that Human Beings (Indians) lived in the superstion mountains. Therefore I dont search for the lost duchman, I search for sites and areas known to the indians. If anyone ever had a mine in the area the Human Beings would know.
Best Wishes
Kurt Painter
cactusjumper said:Paul,
As I recall, it was to purchase some high-dollar bulls to improve their herds.
Could be wrong.
Take care,
silent hunter said:In my opinion and in short I leave you with my thoughts. The Duchman came across the indians laying to rest another indian chief. He got his gold or treasure from the tomb of the Human Beings. The (mine) is nothing more than the tomb of dead indians. The Jesuits used these tombs to hide all there treasure in. The reason Jacob could never go back for more was because the indians found that someone had entered the sacred tomb. And they then gaurded the sacred barial spots of there great Chiefs.
Best Wishes
Kurt Painter
silent hunter said:While everyone else searches for proff that the duchman was here. I spend my time searching down habits of the people we new where here. There history is at least masked in truth. I put this topic in SH's thread because I believe assumtion is the only clues that are left to help guide us to the location of the "Duchmans mine". And assumtion is how legends are created. I think everyone has assumed the ore sample in the photo is Gold. In my opinion and in short I leave you with my thoughts. The Duchman came across the indians laying to rest another indian chief. He got his gold or treasure from the tomb of the Human Beings. The (mine) is nothing more than the tomb of dead indians. The Jesuits used these tombs to hide all there treasure in. The reason Jacob could never go back for more was because the indians found that someone had entered the sacred tomb. And they then gaurded the sacred barial spots of there great Chiefs.
Best Wishes
cactusjumper said:silent hunter said:While everyone else searches for proff that the duchman was here. I spend my time searching down habits of the people we new where here. There history is at least masked in truth. I put this topic in SH's thread because I believe assumtion is the only clues that are left to help guide us to the location of the "Duchmans mine". And assumtion is how legends are created. I think everyone has assumed the ore sample in the photo is Gold. In my opinion and in short I leave you with my thoughts. The Duchman came across the indians laying to rest another indian chief. He got his gold or treasure from the tomb of the Human Beings. The (mine) is nothing more than the tomb of dead indians. The Jesuits used these tombs to hide all there treasure in. The reason Jacob could never go back for more was because the indians found that someone had entered the sacred tomb. And they then gaurded the sacred barial spots of there great Chiefs.
Best Wishes
In my own research, I could find no evidence of Jesuit influence in the Superstition Mountains, and at one time I firmly believed, as you do, that they had hidden their treasures there. It took a number of years to change my mind.
In addition to that, Native Americans, and especially the Apache, have been a passionate interest of mine. What great chief do you believe is buried in the Supe's and what is your source, if you can say?
Historically, as far as I can tell, the only Apache who spent an appreciable amount of time in the range were the Tonto.
I would really like to hear more from you on this subject, and how it applies to the LDM.
Joe Ribaudo
silent hunter said:Jim In my searching, the peraltas that mined the superstition mountains where only young men at best and had not came to arizona yet. I want to know what history there was before the peraltas came to arizona. As you know, to the Indians these outcrops would have been huge medican. They would have recorded the areas as sacred. They would have used the shinny metals. I believe in the stone maps and that they are treasure maps. I chose to hunt down what I know and that is Indians. Before there was a gold mine there where indians. You know that I trust mostly in the squaw map. I gave that map up when you showed me where that map was made. I am sure! that you have found that area. I have seen the stone maps come alive with you. There is no need for me to search for the end of the trail on the stone map's you have already solved them. I could only hope to be there when you hit the spot. I hope my answer don't cause you alot of phone calls asking you where the gold is. If it does ill deleate it my friend.
Best Wishes
Kurt Painter
silent hunter said:I have seen the stone maps come alive with you. There is no need for me to search for the end of the trail on the stone map's you have already solved them. I could only hope to be there when you hit the spot.