Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards

Cubfan64 said:
Homar, while I'm not the originator of CJ's "DeGrazia Theory," I've heard Joe's explanations which go well beyond just the stone map carving/artist (I'll let Joe expound on it if he wants although I know he's done it here before).

I'm not really much of a stone map afficienado, but I personally can at least follow where his theory comes from.


And... you had then nerve to tell me not to encourage BB to participate in the discussions. :icon_scratch:

Couldn't you have just referred everyone to where he posted it before, rather than encourage him to post it again in this discussion? ;D :help:


Cubfan64 said:
coazon de oro said:
"DeGrazia Theory" I fail to see any basis that would even constitute this as a theory. Ted was not the only one who couldn't draw. Don't you see the odds of this? If for example Ted had a habit of drawing horses with no eyes, and the horse on the PSM's had no eyes, then there would be some basis.

This theory is like claiming BB made the PSM's just because they have misspellings. Meaning no offense to BB, just trying to make a point.

Homar P. Olivarez

Homar, while I'm not the originator of CJ's "DeGrazia Theory," I've heard Joe's explanations which go well beyond just the stone map carving/artist (I'll let Joe expound on it if he wants although I know he's done it here before).

I'm not really much of a stone map afficienado, but I personally can at least follow where his theory comes from.

the words on the stones are not mispelled...


if joe wants let him post what your talking about cup and i will be more then glad to answer in a honest and straight forward reply to his theory . no attacks or presonal goals..i just know the true translation of the stones and why they say what they do ..

Jim Hatt said:
Cubfan64 said:
Homar, while I'm not the originator of CJ's "DeGrazia Theory," I've heard Joe's explanations which go well beyond just the stone map carving/artist (I'll let Joe expound on it if he wants although I know he's done it here before).

I'm not really much of a stone map afficienado, but I personally can at least follow where his theory comes from.


And... you had then nerve to tell me not to encourage BB to participate in the discussions. :icon_scratch:

Couldn't you have just referred everyone to where he posted it before, rather than encourage him to post it again in this discussion?


jim i stated " i know more about the real LDM and the stones then any man alive "

that includes you .

what is it you said you were looking for any way ...?

Jim Hatt said:
I believe I remember you saying that once or twice before Bob.

Who am "I" to challenge "YOU" over it?


your one of the only people i trust :coffee2:

Jim Hatt said:
Cubfan64 said:
Homar, while I'm not the originator of CJ's "DeGrazia Theory," I've heard Joe's explanations which go well beyond just the stone map carving/artist (I'll let Joe expound on it if he wants although I know he's done it here before).

I'm not really much of a stone map afficienado, but I personally can at least follow where his theory comes from.


And... you had then nerve to tell me not to encourage BB to participate in the discussions. :icon_scratch:

Couldn't you have just referred everyone to where he posted it before, rather than encourage him to post it again in this discussion? ;D :help:


BB has proven to me that he belongs in a category ALL TO HIMSELF and has little to nothing of substance to ever introduce.

As far as the Stone Maps go, it seems that everyone has different theories as to who made them, where they point to and what's located at the end. Until/unless someone comes forward with a solution, the best each of us can do is listen to the theories and assign them our own "possibility" index.

coazon de oro said:
"DeGrazia Theory" I fail to see any basis that would even constitute this as a theory. Ted was not the only one who couldn't draw. Don't you see the odds of this? If for example Ted had a habit of drawing horses with no eyes, and the horse on the PSM's had no eyes, then there would be some basis.

This theory is like claiming BB made the PSM's just because they have misspellings. Meaning no offense to BB, just trying to make a point.

Homar P. Olivarez

No bout a doubt it,Homar.
If BB had been responsible for the Stone Maps,we would easily recognize that fact.They would be a rubik's cube of barely comprehensible misspellings that could never be arranged to form a single line of understandable speech,let alone a paragraph or page of viable solution.I can't even imagine what his 114 page solution of the maps would look like.Probably just like one of his photographs.


somehiker said:
coazon de oro said:
"DeGrazia Theory" I fail to see any basis that would even constitute this as a theory. Ted was not the only one who couldn't draw. Don't you see the odds of this? If for example Ted had a habit of drawing horses with no eyes, and the horse on the PSM's had no eyes, then there would be some basis.

This theory is like claiming BB made the PSM's just because they have misspellings. Meaning no offense to BB, just trying to make a point.

Homar P. Olivarez

No bout a doubt it,Homar.
If BB had been responsible for the Stone Maps,we would easily recognize that fact.They would be a rubik's cube of barely comprehensible misspellings that could never be arranged to form a single line of understandable speech,let alone a paragraph or page of viable solution.I can't even imagine what his 114 page solution of the maps would look like.Probably just like one of his photographs.


lol and you wonder why i keep the good clues hiden and dont share them ..

when you say things like that you make wonder if your working for joe ...lol

Cubfan64 said:
BB has proven to me that he belongs in a category ALL TO HIMSELF and has little to nothing of substance to ever introduce.

C'mon Paul... It's not BB's fault that you didn't pick up on that, before you let him send you on a wild goose chase up the side of a mountain. :tongue3:

BB should be taken as no more than a harmless child looking for attention. Sooooo... Someone has to assume the position of adult here. I don't find that nearly as disturbing as some other people, who falsify evidence to promote a personal vendetta, and inject it into every ongoing discussion on the board, to satisfy their need for attention.

I like this new topic you started Wayne. It has a very broad base. I think it has a lot of potential for becoming quite popular!



coazon de oro said:
"DeGrazia Theory" I fail to see any basis that would even constitute this as a theory. Ted was not the only one who couldn't draw. Don't you see the odds of this? If for example Ted had a habit of drawing horses with no eyes, and the horse on the PSM's had no eyes, then there would be some basis.

This theory is like claiming BB made the PSM's just because they have misspellings. Meaning no offense to BB, just trying to make a point.

Homar P. Olivarez

Very well put Homar, but I'm not sure it is going to be understood by everyone here.



Jim Hatt said:
Cubfan64 said:
BB has proven to me that he belongs in a category ALL TO HIMSELF and has little to nothing of substance to ever introduce.

C'mon Paul... It's not BB's fault that you didn't pick up on that, before you let him send you on a wild goose chase up the side of a mountain. :tongue3:

BB should be taken as no more than a harmless child looking for attention. Sooooo... Someone has to assume the position of adult here. I don't find that nearly as disturbing as some other people, who falsify evidence to promote a personal vendetta, and inject it into every ongoing discussion on the board, to satisfy their need for attention.

I like this new topic you started Wayne. It has a very broad base. I think it has a lot of potential for becoming quite popular!



ya i saw you and joe holding hands ...lol

C'mon Paul... It's not BB's fault that you didn't pick up on that, before you let him send you on a wild goose chase up the side of a mountain.

Touche' - however I've always given everyone I meet the benefit of the doubt, but I subscribe to the old saying... "fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice"... well you all know how the rest of it goes. :)

As for the other part of the post, I really wish the "poking" and "needling" would stop as it never leads to anything positive.

Cubfan64 said:
Jim Hatt said:
Cubfan64 said:
Homar, while I'm not the originator of CJ's "DeGrazia Theory," I've heard Joe's explanations which go well beyond just the stone map carving/artist (I'll let Joe expound on it if he wants although I know he's done it here before).

I'm not really much of a stone map afficienado, but I personally can at least follow where his theory comes from.


And... you had then nerve to tell me not to encourage BB to participate in the discussions. :icon_scratch:

Couldn't you have just referred everyone to where he posted it before, rather than encourage him to post it again in this discussion? ;D :help:


BB has proven to me that he belongs in a category ALL TO HIMSELF and has little to nothing of substance to ever introduce.

As far as the Stone Maps go, it seems that everyone has different theories as to who made them, where they point to and what's located at the end. Until/unless someone comes forward with a solution, the best each of us can do is listen to the theories and assign them our own "possibility" index.

Paul, my friend,

I appreciate your support of my..........theory. I believe it has some merit, but nothing more than that. It remains, a theory. I'm not embarrassed to present it here, or anywhere else.

Most people have to base their conclusions on theories, when it comes to the Stone Maps. There are no facts, and no more solid evidence than I have found in the mountains.

I say "most people", because the only ones who know the truth, are the creators, and I believe they are all dead.

I have shown more evidence concerning the Stone Maps, than anyone here. That includes, especially, Jim Hatt. My evidence may be wrong, but I put it out there for others to judge. I have no problem with comparing that to what Jim has shown.

I would prefer that you not reply to this post.

Once again, many thanks,


joe joe joe .. how you and jim got to the level it is i dont know and i really dont care ..

as far as your theory .. i am glad you got one after the the time you have put into it .. shame its wrong .. but what the He** we all cant be correct right ,,,lol

i like you all .. but i just cant see it your way ... i am for the most part blind .... :coffee2:

cactusjumper said:
I have shown more evidence concerning the Stone Maps, than anyone here. That includes, especially, Jim Hatt. My evidence may be wrong, but I put it out there for others to judge. I have no problem with comparing that to what Jim has shown.

Ahhhhhhh Joe.... But you see... I have never stood on the stump and made the claim to all the world, that I have solved the stone maps... Only to turn right around and proclaim that they are Fakes!

The only claim I have ever made, has been to believe in their authenticity as valid treasure maps. My claim is based on thousands of man hours on trail in the mountains.

Your claim is based on 20 minutes of applying crayons to a topo map, to an area, most of which, I strongly suspect you have never put your feet, and a photo of two rocks sitting side by side, which... when the shadows are right... and you squint just right... from just the right angle... almost appear to be the shape of a heart.

If I ever make and public claim for solving the stone maps. I will have a lot more than that to back it up.



Cubfan64 said:
As for the other part of the post, I really wish the "poking" and "needling" would stop as it never leads to anything positive.

Oh I see... It is OK for you to "needle" and "poke" at BB every chance you get, but if I REPLY to Joe's constant "needling and "poking", it becomes something that is never going to lead to anything positive?

Go figure?

"Let him who is innocent of all sin cast the first stone". ~Jesus~



Hello Joe,

I applaud anyone who will post their theory for the scrutiny of others. Don't go thinking I have anything against you just because I'm looking at all the holes (just my opinion). On the contrary, I have great respect for everyone here.

The PSM's, from what I understand, were buried before Ted DeGrazia even started painting. They were uncovered in 1949 with roots growing in them. The tale of Harry LaFrance and a cave of gold bars, according to Tom Kollenborn, emerged in the late 70's to early 80's, while the PSM's came into the public eye in 1964 by way of Life magazine.

Even if you try to make them DeGrazia, as a map to his paintings, they came to light before DeGrazia's protest of 1976.

I hope you can see why I don't think it holds water, unless there is something I'm not understanding. Jim's 8np theory got looked into pretty good, and he just bit the bullet and spat the theory out.

Homar P. Olivarez

Jim Hatt said:
Cubfan64 said:
As for the other part of the post, I really wish the "poking" and "needling" would stop as it never leads to anything positive.

Oh I see... It is OK for you to "needle" and "poke" at BB every chance you get, but if I REPLY to Joe's constant "needling and "poking", it becomes something that is never going to lead to anything positive?

Go figure?

"Let him who is innocent of all sin cast the first stone". ~Jesus~



its ok they dont know who i am yet...

coazon de oro said:
Jim's 8np theory got looked into pretty good, and he just bit the bullet and spat the theory out.

Homar P. Olivarez

Hi Homar,

You make a lot of sense my friend. I cannot take credit for the 8-N-P theory posted in the DUSA forums. That belongs to Rex Western, and I fully believe he is close to being on the right track with it. My own 8-N-P theory is still being worked on, but it runs along the same basic lines as Rex's with a few modifications.

I never would have come up with my own theory about it, if Rex hadn't given me a nudge in the right direction.



8 N P

wow, you guys are worried about that .. it stands for the "8th vaticaN Pope"

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