Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards

Mr. Painter,

I have seen many, many "sight rocks" in the Superstitions. While this is not the
same as my monument, it was found while we were searching for the circle in a circle on the Stone Maps:


I assume you have some pictures of the sight rocks you have found.

Joe Ribaudo


"To share one's experience,observations and ideas without an overbearing overtone is likely to bring greater acceptance of any theory by the end of the day IMHO."

We seldom see ourselves as others see us. Even though I have never seen myself as "overbearing", I admit to being sure of my convictions and confident in my conclusions. I often state "I could be wrong" at the end of posts that express those beliefs and my hard won conclusions.

That is often not enough for some people, and they often want me to completely abandon my theories and accept theirs as the only truth
Lone Wolf was such a person, back in 2002, when he contacted me privately and tried to convince me I was on the wrong track, and he had all the answers. He eventually got angry and ended my short tutorial on all things Stone Maps, LDM and life in general. You see how wrong we can be? I thought he was overbearing and all the time it was just me.

Thanks for setting me straight. :thumbsup:

Joe Ribaudo

Joe I do have photo's and when I get home I will include a photo of a site rock stack that is well over one hundred years old.

Best Wishes
Kurt Painter

Here's a formation that looks to be natural, but may have some work done on it by man:


This is the "sight hole" through the formation:


This is very similar to the monuments my brother and I found, in size and shape, but not even close in suggesting the hand of man in it's construction.

Joe Ribaudo

"Thanks for setting me straight. :thumbsup:"
Hey Joe:Anytime.That's what we're here for.

"To share one's experience,observations and ideas without an overbearing overtone is likely to bring greater acceptance of any theory by the end of the day IMHO."

That was meant to be a generalization.Not to be taken as anything more than my own opinion.It could also apply to myself and many others,and frequently does,I suppose.Although I may have just as strong a belief that some of what I have discovered is directly connected to the Stone Maps,and the balance,possibly,to other historical events,I would hope that others do not view my posts as anything more than a contribution to the Superstitions File Folder.I also have no wish to occupy the top rung of the "I Found It" ladder.I'd rather be down here still diggin than up there ranting and ringing my own bell,as so many others seem compelled to do.


somehiker said:
"Thanks for setting me straight. :thumbsup:"
Hey Joe:Anytime.That's what we're here for.

"To share one's experience,observations and ideas without an overbearing overtone is likely to bring greater acceptance of any theory by the end of the day IMHO."

That was meant to be a generalization.Not to be taken as anything more than my own opinion.It could also apply to myself and many others,and frequently does,I suppose.Although I may have just as strong a belief that some of what I have discovered is directly connected to the Stone Maps,and the balance,possibly,to other historical events,I would hope that others do not view my posts as anything more than a contribution to the Superstitions File Folder.I also have no wish to occupy the top rung of the "I Found It" ladder.I'd rather be down here still diggin than up there ranting and ringing my own bell,as so many others seem compelled to do.


There's A LOT to be said for "flying under the radar" imho.

Good point,Paul,and I agree that it may be the best path to follow in the future.Sometimes it can be too easy to allow enthusiasm to over rule self interest.There are,after all,a number of compelling solutions that have been published to date.Anyone researching the LDM or the Stone Maps can easily find several detailed solutions by various authors.Any one of them may be at least,partly correct.Two such examples are here--http://www.desertusa.com/mag02/june/ld1.html and here--http://www.sonorannews.com/booknook/book-peralta.html., both of which I have recommended to most of those who have e-mailed me recently.I have also provided a link to Joe's map gallery-- http://www.thelostdutchmangoldmine.com/gallery2/v/album08/ .


Here is another angle
Hey Joe this is what I meant when I said sight rock. HAHAHA

Best Wishes
Kurt Painter

Mr. Painter,

Nice picture.

I added a drawing of the monument to an earlier post in this topic.

Joe Ribaudo

Joe what did you find in the sights of your rock? Joe you will get to know me like many others do. And you will find out I dont talk unless I have the shizz to back it up.

Best Wishes
Kurt Painter

The drawing helps a lot.The stones would have,obviously been "dressed" to make them so brick-like.Perhaps you can give Kurt a location,as I'm sure that he would gladly go up for a look around.Quite likely that there may be a few of the stones somewhere nearby.If so,Kurt could get some pics and even bring a couple of the stones back for you.Would be nice to have for a show and tell at this year's Rendezvous.Kurt might be able to find and photograph the likely monument locations as well.If the stone was sourced nearby,and dressed nearby,he may be able to locate that site too.If they were hauled to the site from elsewhere....well that would have made the task of constructing the monuments.........monumental. :o


Joe, for some reason I never pictured the monuments you found to be that precisely cut - even if they were destroyed, Wayne has a good point that one would think there almost HAS to be at least a few "worked" stones left that were used.

Mr. Painter,

There are, perhaps, thousands of small monuments all over the Supe's. Many were built by the cowhands that worked the range. This one is on a very old, out of the way, trail:


It can be found on page 254 of Dr. Glover's latest edition of "The Golden Dream".

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

I have often wondered about the origin of some of the trails out there.About why some that I have followed and are now "hiker trails" appear to be less well worn than others that are not marked on any map,current or past.I rarely give monuments more than a passing glance,believing as well that most were built by various individuals,military,prospectors,cattlemen,dutch hunters and hikers alike within the last hundred and fifty years.The era of the cattlemen and cowboy may well be responsible for many of what appear to be very old trails.I suspect that a few hundred cattle,and cowboys on horseback,using the same path to reach water or feed,back and forth on a daily basis,could create a "well worn" trail in a far shorter timespan than men on foot could create in, perhaps,hundreds of years.


somehiker said:
I have often wondered about the origin of some of the trails out there.About why some that I have followed and are now "hiker trails" appear to be less well worn than others that are not marked on any map,current or past.I rarely give monuments more than a passing glance,believing as well that most were built by various individuals,military,prospectors,cattlemen,dutch hunters and hikers alike within the last hundred and fifty years.The era of the cattlemen and cowboy may well be responsible for many of what appear to be very old trails.I suspect that a few hundred cattle,and cowboys on horseback,using the same path to reach water or feed,back and forth on a daily basis,could create a "well worn" trail in a far shorter timespan than men on foot could create in, perhaps,hundreds of years.


well stated ...

True that wayne. I agree! I only pay attention to the special type of hand built monuments that seem to have no other purpose but to mark the hidden trail or hidden object. I believe the indians are the only source to the truth that is hidden within that range of mountains.

Best Wishes
Kurt Painter

I believe the indians are the only source to the truth that is hidden within that range of mountains.

Though I have no proof to back it up, I have to say I tend to agree with you Kurt. I also believe those "truths" probably have much less to do with any gold mines and much more with tribal history, tribal religion and sacred sites.

Here is another photo of the same rock.
I will talk a bit later why i put this in this thread. But for now i just want to see if anyone remembers the story of the gold found in red and black layered rock.

silent hunter said:
Does anyone remember the story of the red and black layered rock with gold in it. That someone discovered in the superstiton montains.

Looks real "purty" Kurt :) Bet you'll get slammed with PM's after that photo!

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