Hi Jim,
I liked your first two posts much better:
Jim Hatt
Posts: 188
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Re: Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards
Reply To This Topic #206 Posted Today at 04:36:06 PM Quote
Quote from: silent hunter on Today at 01:47:02 PM
Joe I have spent some time getting to know you over the weekend! It didn't take long. All I had to do is look over your old post. It seems you are here to discourage everyone.
When conversing with Joe, you have to keep in mind that he is a fellow who admittedly has never spent a day in his life looking for the Lost Dutchman Mine himself, and believes the stone maps are fakes.
What other purpose could he possibly have in any forum dedicated to discussing either of those subjects, other than to Heckle, Aggravate, and Belittle anyone who believes in either of both of them? (Unless of course he just gets his jollies from critiquing peoples typos or misspellings).
Jim Hatt
Posts: 188
REPORT POST / Nominate For Banner
Re: Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards
Reply To This Topic #207 Posted Today at 04:44:02 PM Quote
When conversing with Joe, you have to keep in mind that he is a fellow who admittedly has never spent a day of his life looking for the Lost Dutchman Mine himself, and believes the stone maps are fakes. (I fail to see how that qualifies him as any level of Dutch-Hunter, but of course he sees himself as one of the "Big-Dogs" in the field that everyone should listen to).
Quote from: silent hunter on Today at 01:47:02 PM
Joe I have spent some time getting to know you over the weekend! It didn't take long. All I had to do is look over your old post. It seems you are here to discourage everyone.
What other purpose could he possibly have in any forum dedicated to discussing either the LDM or Stone Maps, other than to Heckle, Aggravate, and Belittle anyone who believes in either of both of them?
(Unless of course he just gets his jollies from critiquing peoples spelling and typos).
I get a huge laugh out of watching you and your "boys" come over here and play nice/polite for awhile, before showing your real purpose for being here. That would be to post mindless attacks against me. I am of no consequence, according to you, and yet you just can't stay away from wherever I am posting. You are making a career out of Joe Ribaudo.
It's just a matter of time before the management gets fed up with your nonsense and ban's you permanetly. Of course that just means Jan, Lone Wolf, El Gato, Ward, or one of the other identities you use will come back to life. It was a good day for the LDM Forum when Ron told you to quit posting. We may get lucky and have the same thing happen here.
Glad to see you finally got your post......exactly right.
Joe Ribaudo