Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards


"Joe this question is for you. There had to have been a deal made to let the Spanish or Mexicans mine into the land of the Thunder Gods."

IMHO, had such a deal been made, which seems very doubtful, the Apache would have handed down the story to their children. Had the Spanish or Mexicans entered into such a deal, it would be written.......somewhere. :read2:

Joe Ribaudo

Thanks Joe. I have been looking into Mormon history of the area lately. It is very interesting to say the least. Have you ever looked into the Mormons history and accounts of the area?

Kurt Painter


Not extensively, but yes I have. That question seems a little far afield. :icon_scratch: Want to expand on it a little?

Joe Ribaudo

Joe I have spent some time getting to know you over the weekend! It didn't take long. All I had to do is look over your old post. It seems you are here to discourage everyone. My intent with this conversation was to determin if you where plugged in to enough of the superstition mountains information to be a asset to me. Yes you have a great library but so did Hellen Keller. I think that time has blinded you to all possibilities. Good luck with your web site!!

Kurt Painter is out of here.

Dear Kurt,

You can't imagine how flattered I am that you spent some of your valuable time over the weekend, reading over my old posts.......I assume you meant old posts, as opposed to "post". If you need further confirmation for your conclusions, you might want to take a look at some of my posts on the LDM Forum.

I try to keep it real, or at least attempt some semblance of historical truth in my posts. Many people are really against that sort of thing, and take offense when I question their......."facts". It would seem that you are also one of those folks.

I do have a pretty good library, but it pales in comparison to the sources and friends I have acquired over the last 52 years of research and hiking the Superstition Mountains. I also have serious doubts that you could learn anything from me that would be an asset to you in whatever it is you do concerning the legends.

Your own mastery of the legends and the terrain of the Supe's is impressive indeed. I have been reading each and every one of your posts hoping to glean some kind of clue to.....anything. I was pretty sure that a nugget of important information would be posted......any day now.

I guess I will just have to follow your LDM career over on a site with more head-nodders and less people like me, who ask where you are going with a Mormon question that seems without any relevance . Thought that was a pertinent question, but realize now it was just too tough.

Hope you come back now and again to visit us poor cousins to the real Dutch Hunters.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

P.S. Did you mean for your post to be insulting? :dontknow:


When conversing with Joe, you have to keep in mind that he is a fellow who admittedly has never spent a day of his life looking for the Lost Dutchman Mine himself, and believes the stone maps are fakes. (I fail to see how that qualifies him as any level of Dutch-Hunter, but of course he sees himself as one of the "Big-Dogs" in the field that everyone should listen to). :tongue3:

silent hunter said:
Joe I have spent some time getting to know you over the weekend! It didn't take long. All I had to do is look over your old post. It seems you are here to discourage everyone.

What other purpose could he possibly have in any forum dedicated to discussing either the LDM or Stone Maps, other than to Heckle, Aggravate, and Belittle anyone who believes in either or both of them?

(Unless of course he just gets his jollies from critiquing peoples spelling and typos).



Hi Jim,

I liked your first two posts much better:

Jim Hatt
Posts: 188

REPORT POST / Nominate For Banner
Re: Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards
Reply To This Topic #206 Posted Today at 04:36:06 PM Quote

Quote from: silent hunter on Today at 01:47:02 PM
Joe I have spent some time getting to know you over the weekend! It didn't take long. All I had to do is look over your old post. It seems you are here to discourage everyone.


When conversing with Joe, you have to keep in mind that he is a fellow who admittedly has never spent a day in his life looking for the Lost Dutchman Mine himself, and believes the stone maps are fakes.

What other purpose could he possibly have in any forum dedicated to discussing either of those subjects, other than to Heckle, Aggravate, and Belittle anyone who believes in either of both of them? (Unless of course he just gets his jollies from critiquing peoples typos or misspellings).



Jim Hatt
Posts: 188

REPORT POST / Nominate For Banner
Re: Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards
Reply To This Topic #207 Posted Today at 04:44:02 PM Quote


When conversing with Joe, you have to keep in mind that he is a fellow who admittedly has never spent a day of his life looking for the Lost Dutchman Mine himself, and believes the stone maps are fakes. (I fail to see how that qualifies him as any level of Dutch-Hunter, but of course he sees himself as one of the "Big-Dogs" in the field that everyone should listen to).

Quote from: silent hunter on Today at 01:47:02 PM
Joe I have spent some time getting to know you over the weekend! It didn't take long. All I had to do is look over your old post. It seems you are here to discourage everyone.

What other purpose could he possibly have in any forum dedicated to discussing either the LDM or Stone Maps, other than to Heckle, Aggravate, and Belittle anyone who believes in either of both of them?

(Unless of course he just gets his jollies from critiquing peoples spelling and typos).



I get a huge laugh out of watching you and your "boys" come over here and play nice/polite for awhile, before showing your real purpose for being here. That would be to post mindless attacks against me. I am of no consequence, according to you, and yet you just can't stay away from wherever I am posting. You are making a career out of Joe Ribaudo.

It's just a matter of time before the management gets fed up with your nonsense and ban's you permanetly. Of course that just means Jan, Lone Wolf, El Gato, Ward, or one of the other identities you use will come back to life. It was a good day for the LDM Forum when Ron told you to quit posting. We may get lucky and have the same thing happen here. :dontknow:

Glad to see you finally got your post......exactly right. :D

Joe Ribaudo

i under stand the topic but i still wonder why you two act like two year olds .. here i am working 22 hours a day takeing care of a 78 year old lady that was my mentor now she has had a stroke and can not take care of her self ..

i want to be in the supers so bad i can taste it . and you guys have nothing better to do then act like kids ...

MODs are you going to let these two act like this ,if so let me know when its over so i dont waste my time .. :coffee2:

jim your smarter then this .. and joe act like you are at lest ..

I for one, and I’m sure others as well, for the most part enjoy the wealth of information Joe and Jim brings to this forum – It would be a shame to see either one of them discontinue posting here…

However; the constant berating by both parties is getting a bit boring, borderline childish even.
Just saying…

Perhaps they should put each other on ignore and leave it there, so others can interact with them and stay on topic.


Joe don't take what I said and infuse it with your negative view. I was voicing opinion and I doubt a moderator will drop me for that! I just hate to see you inject negative comments into every persons dreams. I said it before and I will say it again. You can't offend me, that is because I speak from hands on knowledge. If treasure net drops me then you all will lose a asset into the real world of lost treasure hunting. Joe Actually all I read was (1) post that was enough for me. Joe with your wealth of knowledge and vast collection of history can you tell me what LDS outfit was in the area in the 1800's? Take a look at there first location (Lehi) It was on a bluff on the shore of the salt river. Tell me if you can. Did any LDS history ever mention Jacob Waltz?

Kurt Painter

it really wont matter in the long run .. unless ether one of them can translate the stones and waltz's will theyhave no chance of finding the mine ,...fact .. and i agree javaone they are both good TH and bring good things to the table ..;.

i may not be able to go on expedition 5 right now .. but i will in the future .. and i dont think i found the real LDM .. i know i have and i can now prove it is the real LDM ..

so why jim and joe play .. i set back and watch and know more then both of them put together about the real LDM mine ...

i would love to have both of them there when the mine is photographed just to see their reactions ... :coffee2:

Casca said:
When you tell people to shut up or ban them, you are the only one heard. It is no longer a discussion forum then. Go ahead, keep telling people to shut up and request they be banned cause you dont like the answer you got. I dont put people on ignore, I just quit recognizing the site as a real treasure hunter site, and go somewhere else. After listening to the experts, the whole site could be renamed Diversions, Dead Ends and Wild Cards.

I really love the one word conversations or vague answers. How about a picture or a refernce to a recognized source for your answers? Some of us dont know where the LDM is and would love to know, and more about it. Say your piece, and leave others alone.

Some topics get people all wound up, and maybe its best the topics be banned.


As far as forums go, “Ebbs & Tides” is sometimes the best way to describe them. This particular forum, at least, has moderators that have a little tolerance… They allow a bit of bickering as long as it doesn’t go too far. Although annoying at times, it does encourage good conversation as well – That’s life… :wink:

For the most part the participants here are active and at times have great knowledge to share. Others times, it becomes a bit stagnant. “Ebbs & Tides”… :)



I will be happy to exchange information with you, as long as it's done respectfully and without personal attacks. I did not tell you to "shut up", nor say anything about trying to get you banned.

One story that I know about Waltz making contact with Mormons, had to do with him stopping at the cafe/shop owned by Hyrum Smith Peterson and paying for his purchases with gold nuggets. That story was told to me by my friend Wayne.

Hyrum Peterson was a Mormon and became the City Marshal in Mesa. Is that the Mormon connection you are talking about? I have spoken to the family historian of that branch of the Peterson family, and she told me that the family had no recollection of any contact with Jacob Waltz.

There may well be others, but they don't come immediately to mind.

Joe Ribaudo

Casca said:
I apprecite the input guys, I have gotten someones attention. I have just been removed from the conversation. I will go ahead and note that, post it elsewhere, and say my good byes. I dont believe in censorship unless it includes protecting a child or the elderly. Maybe they are protecting you ol timers, ha ha ha.

Many thanks to Dirty Dutchman and Gollum. I appreciate your presentations, even if Gollum only takes pictures that dont really give where they were taken, like his back yard, again, ha ha ha.

Dirty D, you have showed pictures of every lead I have read on here. I didnt see a mine which just proves what I already know. Waltz took his secret to the grave with him after he told one story too many and his friends gave him the pillow treatment for the 80 pounds of gold under the bed he probably shot and stole off someone else.

Hope Im not off topic here, but I have found the LDM. Well the general area, as I have no wish to dig or take fame for it. The written word before 1960 has to be thrown out, claims, asseys and newspapers have to be thrown out. Storys have to be thrown out, Waltz died with 80 pounds of gold under the bed, that I can sorta believe.

So take a sack and fill it with 20 pounds of rock, then take a hike in the desert heat as far as you can go. Take that distance and cut it in half. Then draw a circle around where Waltz stumbled out of the desert, you now have areasonable search area for the Cache where he buried his ill begotten gains.

Any other conclusion is fantasy. Prove me wrong.

Since this is not a public forum, I am a guest, and new, Im not at any loss here. My findings wont be posted here, so you will need to read other public forums.

I find stuff with a magnet on a stick. What do you think I can do with a detector, satelite images, geological surveys and the such????? Happy Hunting.

Ummm, huh? :icon_scratch:

I should keep a running count of the number of people who have found the Lost Dutchman - it's gotta be up over 12 just this year alone.

Waltz was smothered in his sleep? He had 80 pounds of gold under his bed when he died? He stumbled out of the desert somewhere?

All new information that I've never heard before. Prove you wrong? Sorry, but that's no different from me saying Waltz was actually an alien in disguise, used lizard people from the mountains to mine his gold for him and faked his death so he could fly away to his home planet with all of it in 1891 - prove me wrong.

What a strange couple of years it's been here on TNet - it's always a little "iffy" here, but 2011 is starting out just like 2010 ended here. 99.9% of the postings here are pure entertainment.

Since the topic is wild cards etc. this might be a good place to add my 2 cents.
I tried without success to add a photo to Jim Hatt's site. So I will try it here. I have been wondering if there is a confusion, or if any one ever even thought of the fact that there is two sombrero points in the supers. One is a Mt and the other is a butte. So that the hat sigh may be refering to the bute and not the mt. The pic below will better explane it.


  • HAT SIGN.webp
    HAT SIGN.webp
    14.7 KB · Views: 717
  • Heart1.webp
    19.1 KB · Views: 732
jimb said:
Since the topic is wild cards etc. this might be a good place to add my 2 cents.
I tried without success to add a photo to Jim Hatt's site. So I will try it here. I have been wondering if there is a confusion, or if any one ever even thought of the fact that there is two sombrero points in the supers. One is a Mt and the other is a butte. So that the hat sigh may be refering to the bute and not the mt. The pic below will better explane it.

Yep She's a butte alright... hehe
Care to elaborate. ???


If you look just north of Willow Spring on the ridge, you will see two land formations that would match the hat sign. Both are marked on my Stone Map Topo'. By another coincidence, they are right where they should be.

Joe Ribaudo

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