Diversions,Dead Ends and Wild Cards

cactusjumper said:

I believe that bb could write such a manuscript......with ease. :o

I see he is working his magic over on DUSA.

Take care,


Nah.....BB's stuff is hard to follow,but easy to translate to english.
Would serve no purpose otherwise.
Just a character....reading his lines.

More likely an understudy,or doppelganger,than BB himself.The personal attacks began after only a few posts,as predicted.


"It's probably not a good idea to insult ba' ts'ose, the trickster, you may find him visiting your camp. "

Thats when you call forth the new Gaan or Gaa-he' Mods.
For they have the powers of the ignore,edit,delete and ban wand. :read2:

somehiker said:
"It's probably not a good idea to insult ba' ts'ose, the trickster, you may find him visiting your camp. "

Thats when you call forth the new Gaan or Gaa-he' Mods.
For they have the powers of the ignore,edit,delete and ban wand. :read2:

will he has been insaulting,,,,,,,,,what ever

cactusjumper said:

I believe that bb could write such a manuscript......with ease. :o

I see he is working his magic over on DUSA.

Take care,


some one write something with out your help ... no way ...lol

somehiker said:
cactusjumper said:

I believe that bb could write such a manuscript......with ease. :o

I see he is working his magic over on DUSA.

Take care,


Nah.....BB's stuff is hard to follow,but easy to translate to english.
Would serve no purpose otherwise.
Just a character....reading his lines.

More likely an understudy,or doppelganger,than BB himself.The personal attacks began after only a few posts,as predicted.



His posts do seem to have increased lately. Am I missing anything important? :dontknow: At least now that Roy is back, he will give bb some serious time. I tell you, the man's a saint. Don't know how has done it all these years. :icon_thumright:

Take care,


A saint? Wow no one has ever accused me of that! :wink: :tongue3:

Thank you for the very kind words amigo, I think you have a pretty good patient nature too - I saw it in person with our friend from Utah at the rendezvous; he tested everyone's patience beyond the limits. I think that our friend BB would have had a time trying to listen to his theories. Maybe next rendezvous?

I have no good way to tie this in to our topic; there are so many diversions, dead ends and wild cards when it comes to the Lost Dutchman.

"A saint? Wow no one has ever accused me of that! "

Don't be shoppin for no halo yet,Roy.I suspect that Joe was nominating BB for the elevation to sainthood.
The old fella is probably gettin tired of eating the leftovers from All Saints Day.
Slim pickins in purgatory,y'know.

"His posts do seem to have increased lately. Am I missing anything important? "
Maybe.But the mods didn't. :sign13:


Somehiker wrote
"A saint? Wow no one has ever accused me of that! "

Don't be shoppin for no halo yet,Roy.I suspect that Joe was nominating BB for the elevation to sainthood.
The old fella is probably gettin tired of eating the leftovers from All Saints Day.
Slim pickins in purgatory,y'know.

What? Heck I was already trying them on! Don't worry overmuch amigo, should I find myself inside the pearly gates rather than looking way up at the outside of them, I will remember to put a word in for you too. :thumbsup:


I guess I didn't make it plain enough.

I was talking about you! :notworthy:

Take care,


Joe thank you very kindly, however undeserved the compliment. :thumbsup: I still think our levels of patience are a matter of small degrees, after seeing how you heard out our mystery guest at the rendezvous. You may be a bit more blunt, but hardly any the less a gentleman.

I hope all is well with you and yours, and thank you again.
your embarrassed amigo in the cold north country,


Our mystery guest had a striking resemblance to Barry Storm. :o What was really funny, was when Bob Corbin finally got feed up and told him he was full of $#!t!. Well......something along those lines. Don't know if you were around for that little play.

Can we assume you and Beth will make it to next years Rendezvous? If so, you have to promise not to keep the old guys up too late. I need my rest. ;D

Very nice pictures. It's amazing how often sites that look like a great find turn up in the Superstitions. How deep does the mine shaft go, if that's not too much to ask?

Look forward to pictures of the ore.

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

Our mystery guest had a striking resemblance to Barry Storm. :o What was really funny, was when Bob Corbin finally got feed up and told him he was full of $#!t!. Well......something along those lines. Don't know if you were around for that little play.

Can we assume you and Beth will make it to next years Rendezvous? If so, you have to promise not to keep the old guys up too late. I need my rest. ;D

Very nice pictures. It's amazing how often sites that look like a great find turn up in the Superstitions. How deep does the mine shaft go, if that's not too much to ask?

Look forward to pictures of the ore.

Take care,


Hi Joe,
It is a safe assumption that we are hoping to make it again this fall. I can't promise anything at this point, but on several grounds (like finances) it is more than likely. We were there when our mystery guest managed to drive even Bob to the point of not being able to listen to any more, which took quite a while. I think Bob and you had him pegged. :icon_thumright:

I won't make any promises about not keeping you up til the wee hours again; having the chance to "pick the brains" of such great minds is an opportunity that neither Beth nor I can resist. ;D

The shaft is less than 30 feet, as our climbing rope reached bottom and is that long, and had some left over. It does not connect to the tunnel, which I found strange. I can't post pix of the ore vein or samples, at least not just yet. Not trying to be a 'tease' about this, just can't for now. <Beth has a handy-dandy cast iron fry pan within reach. :o> Is it the Lost Dutchman mine? I can't say just yet. :dontknow: We will know more when we return.

somehiker said:
There is likely to be a large amount of written material out there,yet to be translated and/or made public.
One such example,once owned by Athanasias Kircher,and recently studied and dated by ASU is the Voynich Manuscript.



Some years ago, when I first got intested in codes and such, I managed to find a signed first edition of "The Code Book" by Simon Singh. If you haven't read it, it's worth buying. :read2: :read2:

On pages 204-205 he does a nice piece on Athanasius Kircher and mentions him again on pages 211, 213. That piqued my interest and I purchased "Athanasius Kircher's Theatre of the World: The Life and Work of the Last Man to Search for Universal Knowledge" by Joscelyn Godwin. :read2:

I know, the title should have been enough to scare me off, but I do love a good challange. The fact that he was a Jesuit, just made the whole thing a little sweeter.

On the other hand, I don't have much faith in the manuscript. :dontknow:

Take care,


Az cowboy Deker, you posted -->Not trying to be a 'tease' about this, just can't for now. <Beth has a handy-dandy cast iron fry pan within reach. > Is it the Lost Dutchman mine? I can't say just yet. We will know more when we return.
Welcome to the problem my friend.

I like the ore showing, at first glance it is very similar to my Escondida, max assay ran 127 grams of AU. Am hoping that if it isn't the Ldm, that it is a very good undeveloped mine.

Love rich friends with purty pooches.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Wait a second here amigo, you are MY rich friend! ;D :thumbsup: The main country rock is a pale grey color, with clear alteration staining near the entrance as you can see. The ore vein itself, I won't be posting pix of, for now.

Whether it is the LDM or not, (I could care less, heh heh) if the assays come back as we have a hunch they will, it may well help finance future operations in getting those mines at Tayopa open. :hello2: :icon_thumright:

cactusjumper said:
somehiker said:
There is likely to be a large amount of written material out there,yet to be translated and/or made public.
One such example,once owned by Athanasias Kircher,and recently studied and dated by ASU is the Voynich Manuscript.



Some years ago, when I first got intested in codes and such, I managed to find a signed first edition of "The Code Book" by Simon Singh. If you haven't read it, it's worth buying. :read2: :read2:

On pages 204-205 he does a nice piece on Athanasius Kircher and mentions him again on pages 211, 213. That piqued my interest and I purchased "Athanasius Kircher's Theatre of the World: The Life and Work of the Last Man to Search for Universal Knowledge" by Joscelyn Godwin. :read2:

I know, the title should have been enough to scare me off, but I do love a good challange. The fact that he was a Jesuit, just made the whole thing a little sweeter.

On the other hand, I don't have much faith in the manuscript. :dontknow:

Take care,


While the manuscript may be of interest to those who wish to understand what the author had in mind,it is the fact that Kircher and possibly other Jesuits played a major part in it's chain of ownership which gave me an interest in the volume and it's history.One doesn't need to have faith in the manuscript itself,in order to wonder what and why.
More on Kircher here........http://www.strangescience.net/kircher.htm


Oroblanco said:
Wait a second here amigo, you are MY rich friend! ;D :thumbsup: The main country rock is a pale grey color, with clear alteration staining near the entrance as you can see. The ore vein itself, I won't be posting pix of, for now.

Whether it is the LDM or not, (I could care less, heh heh) if the assays come back as we have a hunch they will, it may well help finance future operations in getting those mines at Tayopa open. :hello2: :icon_thumright:

Congratulations for your discovery. Dump material is by far the easiest way to notice old mines, and with none at your site it seems logical to assume the operators scattered the waste rock to avoid detection. Presumably the workings were rich enough to warrant the extra effort.

I'm sure you've done a representative sampling of the mining target - many a miner has highgraded himself into later disaster when he realized how much barren country rock has to be removed to continue mining the mineralized feature. The jackass prospectors and early miners were able to eat these costs - not so easy with today's greatly added expenses (red tape and the requirements it generates). Anxious to see the vein photos and assays.


"While the manuscript may be of interest to those who wish to understand what the author had in mind..."

As far as I know, understanding what the author had in mind remains a mystery. Haven't been keeping up with that bit of the puzzle, so someone may have figured it out by now.........which is doubtful, but possible.

Take care,


Thank you for the congrats amigo! We are not yet ready to do the Walter Huston dance, but will know more with the assay returns. Even if it should turn out to be the LDM however, the legal hurdles alone will be a major problem so we can't start spending our bonanza just yet.

One thing we have learned is that finding is but one step along the way. :(

Can't stay, just catching up but will be back this evening, hopefully.

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