Don’t need help Dave
Like I said I own the claim on it, I’m giving him a private chance to see what he has looked for his whole life.
But if does not line up with what the real clues are to the Dutchman’s Mine then I can’t Bill it as Dutchman’s Gold Jewelry.
Jewelry is a thousand percent mark up over spot.
Why, just get the ore tested against known examples... If ya are questioning it, it ain't it .. most here have seen examples, post it here.. I'd say everyone opinion here is as good as his opinion. If that is what you are going by... Why not run down and get it looked at with the matchbox... I'm sure if u offer a piece in return..
If the matchbox can bee seen on tv, I'm sure u can get a sitting with it, as u say it's a 10x return. Small price to pay... It's what I'd do... With a pretty pic to go with it... Just saying.. Or just sells some of it and buy the matchbox, lol. U def wouldn't be worried about the price with a mine that could make 20 millionaires when gold was 20 Bux an oz... Damn buy all the known pieces of ya had too.. it would be a drop in the bucket...
If u had the LDM u wouldn't know what to do with all that gold...1st I'd be giving it away.. 2nd I'd take whole 3 ft slab of the quartz vein with the hemitite vien next to it as waltz had said as proof. 3rd I'd make exact replica of the stone maps out of that 18in quartz ore slabs i'd be pulling out. Just to have it done. But that's just me.. now don't steal my ideas, but