Dick Holmes Map

Well past behaviors of the Dutchman community show there not nice. Look what happened to Ledgen’s of the Superstitions Mountains. Day one the show aired and the scoffing began and still goes on.
Don’t need that in my business, hurts sales. The other ore match by Dr. Glover and me tells a different story. It’s not Dutchman’s Ore. I’ve held other pieces from the Levi Company there the same except the inlays. But they made 6 other pieces in white quarts and gold. Just can’t track one down. With the end of matches to lighters there most likely been scrapped melted back down.


True, why I said buy all known examples.. everything has its price... Like I said drop in the bucket. Can't argue 5 different pieces... If u bought them all, u and only u could definitively identify and prove it.. Remember its what's between u and 10x... How far would u go to prove it.. I wouldnt bat an eye, it would be done.. But I'm sure the 3 foot slab all away across the quartz vein and hemitite vein would be enough.. not like ya have to hike it out as u said u have a claim in it. Easy peasy.. wanta convince Clay for his approval, bring that 3 ft slab to him.. Just don't give him a heart attack when he sees it.. Show up at the prospectors of the year banquet with it and get your trophy..

If I find it, u work with stones. I'll commission u to make the stone map replicas out of it. Im sure u would make them pretty. Deal? Id pay ya
good money in ore too. U could claim the fame for being the maker when being showcased with the other known pieces I'd buy up. I only need 5-10 ft. There would still be plenty for the next person that solves it. While the collection is traveling the world, making the next generation of dutchhunters. I'm sure it would help your game. It would be One less thing I'd have to worry about down the road...

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Don’t need help Dave

Like I said I own the claim on it, I’m giving him a private chance to see what he has looked for his whole life.
But if does not line up with what the real clues are to the Dutchman’s Mine then I can’t Bill it as Dutchman’s Gold Jewelry.
Jewelry is a thousand percent mark up over spot.

i see one problem mick..nobody believes a word you say:icon_scratch:

True, why I said buy all known examples.. everything has its price... Like I said drop in the bucket. Can't argue 5 different pieces... If u bought them all, u and only u could definitively identify and prove it.. Remember its what's between u and 10x... How far would u go to prove it.. I wouldnt bat an eye, it would be done.. But I'm sure the 3 foot slab all away across the quartz vein and hemitite vein would be enough..

The other samples are skinned in pearl shale ect not in Quarts and gold except the banding and the box was gold look just like the Dutchman’s Matchbox.

I need the quarts and gold inlays from a similar piece. Levi Company used gold fro 4 mines in the area in California.


Your problem is more than that. The matchbox ore matches ore close enough found in the Sups. That it def can be proven with the other known pieces and ones that are close enough to say came from the same event... Si yours would have to be able to be representative of all ore that closely matches also.. remember the common denominator.. which reminds me what is the story with the camp ore? Never seen a real good story of that ore. But im a novice about the LDM history, compared to my Jesuit research. That's my real passion. Just not my style to read books that might not gleam a real light on a subject matter, like about the pitt mine being the ldm.. waste of time. I'm sure u can agree on that. Don't know how he Feldman's could actually believe that. But hey.. everyone has a opinion till its proven.

What's funny when I did first look at the Ldm. I had been told long ago it had been found. Was why I really didn't pay attention. The stone maps were about about alot of places and the markings and meanings reaking of Jesuit origin and controversy surrounding them, then the other jesuit maps. So that was my start. Ldm will just be a notch to something else I was looking for. Just happened to be the same place if I do actually know where it is. Proof is in the pudding. Got pics of the place. Just need one more thing. The 3 ft slab.

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you say you have a claim on it....last i heard mining claims are illegal in the supers

Only in the Wilderness area. Like I said Julia went to the face of the mountain then tried to reverse engineer what waltz told her, words by Julia and crew not mine. She was never to go into the range.



The maps are based on 8 miles a standard how far the eye can see. That’s the reason for the trail map. The other maps puts you too the spot.


then why do you want to talk to clay....he thinks the ldm is in the wilderness?:icon_scratch:

He thinks that because his information came from Holmes who mostly followed Waltz not his friend persay. Although Holmes did say he took different routes to the mine. So one of those ways had to be the right way. Cause he knows clues pertaining to the mine once your there. If they match love set match.



Whats the 3 foot slab.


He thinks that because his information came from Holmes who mostly followed Waltz not his friend persay. Although Holmes did say he took different routes to the mine. So one of those ways had to be the right way. Cause he knows clues pertaining to the mine once your there. If they match love set match.

and you think clay would reveal anything to you..he gets a hundred crackpot's a year pestering him with their wacked out theories...but being the gentleman he is ...he just pats them on their nutty little heads and sends them back to minnesota:laughing7:

and you think clay would reveal anything to you..he gets a hundred crackpot's a year pestering him with their wacked out theories...but being the gentleman he is ...he just pats them on their nutty little heads and sends them back to minnesota:laughing7:

Hey I’m from North Dakota


Mines not a theory, Mine is

finale Destination



Just a straight up offering I never spent a life time in it. If I did I’d sure would like to see it if I had the chance.
Its a very good contender. But like I said I never looked for the Dutchman’s Mine.
But I know what I show him would simply delight him terribly so.

Dave another far out question did Degrazi use dynamite in the Supers when he camped there in the 70’s
A real odd question of course but I do know a spot where it looks like a painting in his style and it depicts something exploded.


minnesota..north dakota...whats the difference?:laughing7:..besides clay thinks the doorstops are bogus anyway

Most do he probably thinks the Dutchman’s mine is to. He didn’t find it but I bet he tried using them back in the day to help him.

There Real Dave.


Most do he probably thinks the Dutchman’s mine is to. He didn’t find it but I bet he tried using them back in the day to help him.

There Real Dave.

mick..everyone around here started out thinking those doorstops were real..but they soon wised up and went on to better things...and you are right mick..the stones are real..real doorstops:laughing7:

mick..everyone around here started out thinking those doorstops were real..but they soon wised up and went on to better things...and you are right mick..the stones are real..real doorstops:laughing7:

Well sure they did but they had a 70 million dollar promoter in Mitchell who believed 100 percent that they were real.
Not to mention some pretty high society people investing.

But since then, there was a trail to discredit the Stones and even call Travis a con man even though he never made a dime off them. Just because you all got it wrong don’t mean your right.
I don’t blame anyone for not getting it, them baby’s are hard. It’s know walk in the park, but it feels like you are in a park. Quite and peaceful.


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