Thats it, skyline the 3 biggest Symbols on the trail map, starts your journey. It says so on the other map. The Priest Map.
The small case stuff on the Priest map means nothing to the priest The map overlap with each other then you have to do it all again 3 symbols next one from each map.
And your right to a point they are Jesuit Maps, But Alan is right too. It’s a merge of two cultures, that the European’s learned when they came here. A very ingenious code. The dagger, the heart, the cross, the horse itself are all European ect. The smaller symbols are native signs with native meanings you can find them all over AZ on rock face Cliffs. Even in MN and ND. I got lucky the Mandan native’s happen to be my friends they explained what those signs are. Thier the only tribe that can do it since they claim they were Aztec’s and moved here sometime around 1400’s fleeing the newcomers that invaded their way of life. Lewis and Clark was given a gold box when they stayed with them.
Twice lucky my best friend from childhood on up became a Jesuit Priest and he knows the meanings of the larger ones and alternative meanings for the same symbols. The meanings that work with the Stone come from around 1400 to 1520
Imagine that both both come from the same time line.
Babymick1 ohh and Minnesota has gold deposits. Superior agates and copper nugget ect.