Yeah RC well put. Years ago I could drink and puke I mean drink with the best of them. While stationed in Korea I thought if I stayed drunk half the time, and slept the other half, then I wasn't really there!!!! Haha everybody on my team kept a minimum of 10 IV bottles in our lockers...... And every Saturday and Sunday even the non-medics got IV currency for hangover helpers. The best cure for a hangover: 1000ml of IV and 100 % O2 haha ..... So I use to drink with the best of them. Then one day I realized alcohol was nothing more than liquid courage. People said and did things and blamed alcohol. I started noticing my dad in people.....and I hated him. I hated people that drank, they were fake to me. At this time I became sick too. I didn't know it yet, but I would find out my esophagus was eroding...... I had to change my diet, I completely stopped drinking and the drinkers called me a light weight because honestly, medically if I drank, I would throw it right back up . I have a large hiatal hernia I've had for years I'm waiting to have operated on, but my command the drinkers, thought I was cost me promotions. But I can live with myself!!!!!
Military service is harder for some than others.
I will not go into details, but.
I was assigned to an NATO Nuclear Base with the Highest Security Clearance.
Our "enemy" during my
"non-recognized" term of Service,
(And thousands of others....THE COLD WAR!)
Was European Extremest groups like "The Red Army Faction."
Yeah. One of few assignments that drew extra pay....
The rate of alcoholism was staggering!
And Drugs!
I watched fellow Vets PURPOSELY fail CDAC!
Just 'cause it was too much....
I cannot claim to be a "virgin," here....
Give an 18 year old a ration for 4 quarts of likker a month and see what happens....
Somehow, I was always one step ahead.....
Some, however, went down in flames.
The memories bring tears.
And I want to slow,
The Flow,
Of Tears.
My Best Day is Helping Someone who is having a Bad Day!
Hope All Have a Great Day!