Ah! The benefits of a College Education.

A Recipient of the "Pell Grant."

And worked my ass to earn Honors and Scholarships......

When I Graduate, I will owe no one!

A Vet...

Surely one to fail.


"I was born to win!"
Officers are so weak in the field.
I actually saw a butter bar crying during a


So, carry your ass along!

Never chosen in school sports....

Never chosen because he was quiet.

The one you would want on your side when the Shi ...

Yep. The Crazy one....ME!

Y'all know what it is, right?
Let's do this, Sarge!
(A kitchen midnight raid? I'm on point, Boss....)



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Scott I was OPFOR against the 82nd at Bragg one time. We caught a Butter bar one night.........water boarding was the easy part he received!!!!! I've never seen a grown man cry so much. We got his freqs and call signs and sent 5 Huey's to their alternate PZ...... About 20 clicks away hehe.....So you have to realize in the early 80's I'm still surrounded by Vietnam Veteran operators. We only left that place 5 years before. My platoon SGT a SFC Feathers had like 5 tours of Nam. God I learned so much from him. When we went to JOTC, Jungle Warfare School in Panama, SFC Feathers should have been an instructor there. Speaking of, we were doing the land nav ( which means you fight for hours through the damn jungle and gain inches) and one of my buddies.......what the hell was his name? Give me a minute.......Shough. Yeah he starts screaming we hear this big ruckus, he's screaming, it's night, something else is screaming.....we get to him and his face is a bloody mess....the jungle is alive with screaming.....what the.....find out, while he's swinging he's machete he drops it. This howler spider monkey ( which we were warned about) jumps on his face and just commences to scratching the hell out of his face. Damn near tears his ears off !! And oh my the screams, then the other monkeys started screaming because that one was in a fight!!! I thought we were in the Twilight zone. Sooooooo on the C-130 flight back home, his whole head is bandaged. Do you think there's sympathy for a fallen soldier? Of course ..... Not! We're dogging him because he got his ass kicked by a monkey!!!!! Haha BUT he did complete the Jungle Warfare Expert Course! Tough as nails......that's my boy!!!!!! My best take away from Jungle Warfare was: if it looks like it probably don't. They taught us the lessons of Vietnam booby traps that stuck with me for life. For instance walking on a trail and you see a clean US ALICE pack, would you pick it up? Most would. They pulled a string and a tree branch fell on it, full of spikes, dipped in bad juju.

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This is interesting. I see that someone has visited my profile that has been does that happen? I guess the stalking is about to begin..........


Hopefully just someone who was curious about who you were.....

Regards + HH


2 G.F. I just stalked..I mean visited your and Uncle Bill's pages.

Something I have done too is when I'm supposed to click on the arrow to see a last post on a thread ,I click on the very near/adjacent name of the poster instead.
Sloppy work yes ,but no penalty or it would happen less.:laughing7:

It look like he joined in April 2015, banned a few days later. When you search "posts" he doesn't have any:icon_scratch: That usually means he said something bad, mods removed it. If you were going to be a "stalker" on here you would be "invisible" Like me. If you notice when I visited your page, it doesn't show I visited your page....


Yeah thanks to all. I thought it very odd. Got to cover your 6 you know?

I don't know. My dogs didn't bark. I'm a light's the thing. I last saw my truck at 11:15 pm. At 7:20 am I open the front door notice the truck doors are open and overhead light is still on. It didn't happen early night, it happened close to dawn or the battery would have been dead....
It had to have happened within about ten minutes of you going out to your truck, as your dome lights are on a timer. Door left open about ten minutes later dome light turns off to prevent draining battery.

Wife and kid are gone, family

I don't feel like cookin'


I'm conversing, outside, with the owner of the local liquor store, and she asks me...You want some fireworks? Well duh!!
Big guy, wider then me and I'm 275..... says...I don't want them. We can't get these here in Oregon, he said he was a truck driver. I think he is a bear.:laughing7: He said they will go off for over 5 minutes!! Oregon Viking's gonna make some noise!!:headbang: 11 inches across! I said thank you, he shook my hand...with his left hand...:icon_scratch: fingers as big as kielbasas. This happened a couple hundred feet from the police station.
I'll bet people were wondering what these two big guys, both with long hair..were doing. In the 5 minutes we were there I saw 5 people I know. Small town.



Scott I was OPFOR against the 82nd at Bragg one time. We caught a Butter bar one night.........water boarding was the easy part he received!!!!! I've never seen a grown man cry so much. We got his freqs and call signs and sent 5 Huey's to their alternate PZ...... About 20 clicks away hehe.....So you have to realize in the early 80's I'm still surrounded by Vietnam Veteran operators. We only left that place 5 years before. My platoon SGT a SFC Feathers had like 5 tours of Nam. God I learned so much from him. When we went to JOTC, Jungle Warfare School in Panama, SFC Feathers should have been an instructor there. Speaking of, we were doing the land nav ( which means you fight for hours through the damn jungle and gain inches) and one of my buddies.......what the hell was his name? Give me a minute.......Shough. Yeah he starts screaming we hear this big ruckus, he's screaming, it's night, something else is screaming.....we get to him and his face is a bloody mess....the jungle is alive with screaming.....what the.....find out, while he's swinging he's machete he drops it. This howler spider monkey ( which we were warned about) jumps on his face and just commences to scratching the hell out of his face. Damn near tears his ears off !! And oh my the screams, then the other monkeys started screaming because that one was in a fight!!! I thought we were in the Twilight zone. Sooooooo on the C-130 flight back home, his whole head is bandaged. Do you think there's sympathy for a fallen soldier? Of course ..... Not! We're dogging him because he got his ass kicked by a monkey!!!!! Haha BUT he did complete the Jungle Warfare Expert Course! Tough as nails......that's my boy!!!!!! My best take away from Jungle Warfare was: if it looks like it probably don't. They taught us the lessons of Vietnam booby traps that stuck with me for life. For instance walking on a trail and you see a clean US ALICE pack, would you pick it up? Most would. They pulled a string and a tree branch fell on it, full of spikes, dipped in bad juju.

Spiders don't bother me, bats don't bother, snakes I can do without, but MONKEYS- I hate monkeys, especially howler monkeys meanest nastiest creatures on this planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spiders don't bother me, bats don't bother, snakes I can do without, but MONKEYS- I hate monkeys, especially howler monkeys meanest nastiest creatures on this planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to ask...Do you run in to howler monkeys on a regular basis?

Ok serious brain storm request. If you were going to do a small farming endeavor, what would it be? And no not California's number one cash crop-lol. Seriously, gold claim was gonna be my retirement supplement someday but it ain't making any money cuz we can't work the rivers anymore here in Kaliforniastan. So I've been brain storming. I've got 5 acres in the mountains at about 3000 ft elevation. We get snow and freezes but not for prolonged periods of time. Summers are hot and I have a great South West exposure with 1/2 the property getting lots of sun and the other half in tall timber. What would be good to grow for profit that wouldn't hog tie me to the property 24/7? I have a great well but want to do something that requires low water and is draught tolerant. I've been thinking of herbs (rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, etc.), they seem to have a good steady market and they grow well here. Not gonna do grapes, California is grape saturated. Kiwi's used to do well but big money to get into. I don't know just trying to figure out something. Any input or experience much appreciated.

Ok serious brain storm request. If you were going to do a small farming endeavor, what would it be? And no not California's number one cash crop-lol. Seriously, gold claim was gonna be my retirement supplement someday but it ain't making any money cuz we can't work the rivers anymore here in Kaliforniastan. So I've been brain storming. I've got 5 acres in the mountains at about 3000 ft elevation. We get snow and freezes but not for prolonged periods of time. Summers are hot and I have a great South West exposure with 1/2 the property getting lots of sun and the other half in tall timber. What would be good to grow for profit that wouldn't hog tie me to the property 24/7? I have a great well but want to do something that requires low water and is draught tolerant. I've been thinking of herbs (rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, etc.), they seem to have a good steady market and they grow well here. Not gonna do grapes, California is grape saturated. Kiwi's used to do well but big money to get into. I don't know just trying to figure out something. Any input or experience much appreciated.

Water in dry climates can be used to grow things in the water before it goes on /in the ground to water plants.
Hydroponics,or fish or shrimp are examples.
If I were looking for profit rather than personal consumption I would seek out chefs in range of my being able too economically service them and ask what they would be interested in having locally sourced..
Fresh organic greens can be a demand ,(certification required fir growing site) eggplants , a particular pepper at a certain stage of growth..who knows?
Mushrooms if location tolerates them could be a niche with shade and moisture levels needed consistent.

The local soil conservation office may have info on what will grow climate wise and have info on soil testing to add modifications for certain crops preferences accurately.
Predators,two and four legged need to be considered in an absentee owners place.
Blue herons and human ner do wells in a bullfrog pond for example.
There are holistic herbs too that a local populace might have a demand for.
A heath food shop might have insights as to what is popular. Goldenseal or ginseng maybe.
Ferns or baby's breath for a florist?
Items out of season vs those in abundance.
Specialties for chefs,culinary schools or things a food and beverage manager has quality or supply issues with.
If near a big city a U-pick site could be as simple as common veggies.
Find a demand and fill a niche that others are missing.
Local honey could be it ..
Time to research!

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Ok serious brain storm request. If you were going to do a small farming endeavor, what would it be? And no not California's number one cash crop-lol. Seriously, gold claim was gonna be my retirement supplement someday but it ain't making any money cuz we can't work the rivers anymore here in Kaliforniastan. So I've been brain storming. I've got 5 acres in the mountains at about 3000 ft elevation. We get snow and freezes but not for prolonged periods of time. Summers are hot and I have a great South West exposure with 1/2 the property getting lots of sun and the other half in tall timber. What would be good to grow for profit that wouldn't hog tie me to the property 24/7? I have a great well but want to do something that requires low water and is draught tolerant. I've been thinking of herbs (rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, etc.), they seem to have a good steady market and they grow well here. Not gonna do grapes, California is grape saturated. Kiwi's used to do well but big money to get into. I don't know just trying to figure out something. Any input or experience much appreciated.

Five acres is on the small side. So if it was me I'd look at growing expensive crops, instead of quantity as is corn. Maybe asparagus?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Five acres is on the small side. So if it was me I'd look at growing expensive crops, instead of quantity as is corn. Maybe asparagus?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Yes that is what I'm thinking somekind of small specialty niche crop, it's just me that will be working it, I do have a small tractor but no big equipment. Mushrooms? I know they grow very well up here, have to look into the local market. Plus side is within 40 miles down in the valley we have 5 or 6 huge farmers markets that happen 2-3 times a week.

I have to ask...Do you run in to howler monkeys on a regular basis?

That one caught me off guard as I was scrolling down- ha ha. No I try to avoid them at all cost. When I lived in Alaska as a wild 20 something their was an "eh hmm" establishment let's say that had cages in the entry way full of monkeys. They weren't howlers I think maybe Reeses (?) but man were they nasty, nothing safe or sacred. The big zoo we have taken the grand kids to has a monkey house full of howlers- ughhhh!. Actually not sure where my dislike of Monkeys came from. My wife went overseas and brought back videos of the monkeys all over everything, stealing their food, chasing them, wasn't all that dissapointed that I didn't make the trip, she was more concerned about the cobras crossing the roadways.


Another option would be raspberries or other small would cost you a fair amount in plants at the outset but going forward you just start fresh plants from the cuttings.

Regards + HH


Yes that is what I'm thinking somekind of small specialty niche crop, it's just me that will be working it, I do have a small tractor but no big equipment. Mushrooms? I know they grow very well up here, have to look into the local market. Plus side is within 40 miles down in the valley we have 5 or 6 huge farmers markets that happen 2-3 times a week.

Maybe hops?

Lots of microbreweries everywhere these days.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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