Silver Member
We just watch " blue hairs" that can't drive anyway.....
That sucks!!!!!! With any luck you'll catch them and opportunity allows you to take out some pinned up anger and frustration on their noggins. Nothing worse than F'n thiefs. Hope your DA has bigger stones than ours, he won't prosecute car theft or robbery because the best he says he can hope for in a conviction is Possesion of Stolen Property. Not a sexy enough conviction worthy of his time. Thiefs love him!
Haha that's a good one Jeff who would play me in a movie? Hhhmmmm Clooneys a good choice. I'm in my 50's but yet to have gray hair, but a full head of hair ( thanks grandpa) Hugh Jackman? Keanu Reeves? Jason Statham maybe...... All can be the quiet types in their movies. Believe it or not, around folks, I'm quiet, keep to myself.But none have Southern accents like me
Damn it I'm pissed !!!! Last night my passenger side window wouldn't move. Messing with it, it just fell through to the bottom of the door. So we went to bed. I last saw my truck at 11:15. At 0715 I went outside to warm up my truck for the 9 y/o's ride to school. I opened my front door........both doors were opened. I looked inside, Garmin GPS - gone- pocket knife - gone- grandsons brand new baseball bag with brand new cleats, new helmet, new glove, new cleats, new bag,gone. All totaled $1000.00 worth of the boys gear gone.......papers everywhere. I called the cops. Mad as hell! My neighbor came down, his vehicle was broken into too. Cop gets radio call, 2 more this crap never happens to us ........ Time to show them punks you don't mess with this neighborhood. Time to start guard duty. Not on my watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 , seventies. Little value as it's well worn and it and it's siblings were exposed to conditions books never should be.
After a couple court ordered get the %@&* out's there was only one survivor.
Likely an out of place vagabond in a box vs a library that was not moved orderly and efficiently.
Fragments of stuff dragged on ahead.
Gee , maybe we're not so different than books sometimes.
Unghh. Be draggin if I pulled that anymore.
You can borrow my hungover go to work song ..I ain't needed it in a while but headache days it gets used still.
The horns somehow help when trying to keep up with notes.
Distraction perhaps...
Hey Scott. I liked your Appalachia paper. Here's my issue. You have people like Bradd Pitt Angelina Jolie and they go to these third world sh@tholes to get kids.....if they really wanted to help why the hell don't they go to Appalachia?
Jeff funny you should ask that . You are the second person this week to ask me that same question . I have thought about writing a book but I don't think many would read it. I do however have a title in mind. If I ever wrote a book I would call it " Sympathy for the Devil " yeah let that sink in for a few minutes........thanks friend.
I heerd talk of a "Spring Break" a comin' up soon.
Fer a whole week!
Fergit 'bout Padre. Never mind, y'all 'bout Panama....
'Cause I'm a gwine up to my Mountains!
Now then...
Is Spring Break before or after Mid-terms?
Yes, RC and my other Friends who follow my "Camping" thread would really like for me to finish my last adventure.
I promise that I will...Soon!
I've just been pretty busy lately.
And today, I got a letter from my Congressman, about an issue that I was not particularly interested in...
It reminded me of one of my many thoughts shared here with my Friends about advocating a Georgia "Cold War" Vehicle license tag.....The first in the Nation, I would believe....
Funny how when your plate is full, and then you see,
My Best,
A College email received today.....
[FONT=&]Dear Candidate for Graduation,[/FONT]
[FONT=&] At some point, you will receive from the provost’s office a memorandum that contains “graduation instructions.” One of the paragraphs in that memorandum mentions the availability of honor stoles. Some graduates may want to order honor stoles if:[/FONT]
n They are earning their bachelor’s degrees with “cum laude” honors (GPA of at least 3.50).
n They are earning their degrees “with distinction” (associate’s-degree recipients with a GPA of at least 3.50 or graduate students receiving such recognition from their respective graduate programs).
n They have been initiated as members of one or more of the university’s honor societies.
n They have been recognized in Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.
n They are graduating from the Honors Program.
[FONT=&]An honor stole looks like this:[/FONT]
[FONT=&] Identifications of a student’s categories of honors (“insignias”) are embroidered on the right side of the honor stole.[/FONT]
[FONT=&] The UNG Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honor society invites you to order and wear an honor stole. The price is $40, which includes two insignias. Please submit your order form and payment to Mrs. Suzanne McCarter, office manager of the Department of Criminal Justice, by [/FONT][FONT=&]Wednesday, March 30, 2016[/FONT][FONT=&]. Late orders cannot be accepted. You can download the order form, as an Adobe‑pdf document, from this URL address:[/FONT]
[FONT=&]Mrs. McCarter’s office is in Room 348 of Hansford Hall on the Dahlonega campus. Her telephone number is (706) 864‑1904, and her E‑mail address is .[/FONT]
[FONT=&]Congratulations on your forthcoming graduation from the University of North Georgia.
Sounds to me like advertising of some sort.
What do to think?
I need to see my adviser again.
Monday. After class.
To late to email tonight. Maybe in a few hours....
I'll email and request a meeting time.....
"I am inconvenienced by a clock."
Sheesh! I'm such a hick!