Some of the work I did in class today....

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Question Answers:

1) What Coordinate System is used?: Universal Transverse Mercator 1983
2) Datum: North American Datum of 1983
3) There were 12 land use classes in my county
4) e00 file

I'm going to be up late tonight trying to better understand all of this new info.
I spoke with the Professor after class about my "Treasure Tube" and the 3-4 locations that I'm considering...
He agreed to help me....

Hopefully, this extra perusal will help me understand what the hell I'm doing on this ARC/GIS Program....:dontknow:

I am finding this course to get harder due to my lack of knowledge of basic computer skills like "Control V" to paste, etc. Therefore Not only having to learn the course material, I've got to learn what every kid who's grown up around computers already know! :BangHead:

I see it getting harder before it gets easier.....


A challenge!


Now then,

Where the hell is the "ARCMAP" file again?



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Do ya ever feel this way?



Don't need all this computer business in my mountain.

All I need is a compass, a map, the sun and the north star.

But, I guess that I'd better get "HEP" to the new century....15 years into it! :tongue3:



Hmm, Sierra Nevada Brewery is about 25 miles away- possibility. Rasberries, would be ironic because when we first bought the property 20+ years ago my life goal and mission was pulling berries and mansanita to clear the property, if I had a free five minutes I was pulling brush. On the up side they grow wonderful.

Five acres is on the small side. So if it was me I'd look at growing expensive crops, instead of quantity as is corn. Maybe asparagus?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Too far north? :dontknow:



Additional thought:

Knowing the rudimentary concepts of Botany,
I suggest:

Choose something that you may already know of. A crop that you know by sight, smell and taste.
Concentrate on these traits.
Then do a "Luther Burbank" on it and hybridize your own strain!
Patent it, and Profit! :thumbsup:

"In Santa Rosa, Burbank purchased a 4-acre (16,000 m[SUP]2[/SUP]) plot of land, and established a greenhouse, nursery, and experimental fields that he used to conduct crossbreeding experiments on plants, inspired by Charles Darwin's The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. (This site is now open to the public as a city park, Luther Burbank Home and Gardens.) Later he purchased an 18-acre (7.3 ha) plot of land in the nearby town of Sebastopol, called Gold Ridge Farm.[SUP][4]"


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During class today, I was talking to a classmate and
I turned him on to Treasurenet. :thumbsup:

We briefly discussed my Treasure Tube,

I had a thought:

"Why only one tube?"




gene wilder.webp
"I think I'm seeing some answers!"
"But, What were the questions?"



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And this positivity is why I love you guys so much!!!!! I think it's a " G " Scott I don't know, I made that up. Haha

How 'bout we go this way, Huh?
(One of the first songs that I ever taught myself to play right handed....)


Perhaps clues can be disseminated through "tabs,' among the other clues?

Yep. I like the idea! Employing a diversified knowledge to find the tube(s).
Makin' it harder every day!

But, all you need to do is pay attention. And attend classes....:tongue3:


Just found my file(Not on computer, but an actual File folder)
Of a trip to Colorado with a Fellow whose house I was helping him build.
In Kansas.
About the time of 9/11.....Just before my Mom died.....

We went to camp out and search for gold!
Yep. A long story here....


I will find the time to take digital photos of the items of the adventure to post as they will surely figure into the clues.

Ah! The "cigar box" of souvenirs!



Epilogue to the Colorado narrative:
Not much gold but $$$ at the Blackhawk Casinos. :thumbsup:

The "Red Dolly," I believe....
Fine Buffet and a balcony that provides observation of the Casino floor.
Need I say more?

Once again, I do not advocate gambling.
Leave it to me and the professionals....
I know the odds....And how to read people still holding cards....Dig?

Yes. I still have maps,: My original maps of Colorado, created prior to our adventure!!!!
Gold bearing areas and such....
Based upon research....
And memories of certain locations....

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I have actually replied, to a question, on a final, that which I had no idea of the answer;


Then came another question of which I had no clue of the answer.
I replied, "Cake."
This was a Math Course.....

Neither answer was acceptable, but I felt better by providing SOME response! :thumbsup:

"How to lose Scholarships 101." {just ask Scotty}



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"Damn! This kid, Scott, is all over the map!"
"Yep. just as he projected...."

Are you paying attention?
Are you collecting clues?

Will you find a tube?

Yes, I am considering multiple tubes.

Just think of the clues.
To which tube?



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Hey OV That was funny

Scott this is a true story: when I was in the third grade my teacher asked me- if you had a quarter in one pants pocket and a dime in the other pants pocket what would you have? I said " somebody else's pants on!"

Ok serious brain storm request. If you were going to do a small farming endeavor, what would it be? And no not California's number one cash crop-lol. Seriously, gold claim was gonna be my retirement supplement someday but it ain't making any money cuz we can't work the rivers anymore here in Kaliforniastan. So I've been brain storming. I've got 5 acres in the mountains at about 3000 ft elevation. We get snow and freezes but not for prolonged periods of time. Summers are hot and I have a great South West exposure with 1/2 the property getting lots of sun and the other half in tall timber. What would be good to grow for profit that wouldn't hog tie me to the property 24/7? I have a great well but want to do something that requires low water and is draught tolerant. I've been thinking of herbs (rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, etc.), they seem to have a good steady market and they grow well here. Not gonna do grapes, California is grape saturated. Kiwi's used to do well but big money to get into. I don't know just trying to figure out something. Any input or experience much appreciated.

well, don't try catfish farming! It costs a lot of money, my whole first planting didn't take at all. ( maybe too deep?)

well, don't try catfish farming! It costs a lot of money, my whole first planting didn't take at all. ( maybe too deep?)

"Mighty fine to see you again, my Friend!"

"Got your jug tuned up?"
"Let's play one or two, how 'bout it?"

Wanna get some Chase goods? Autographs? Pics?

I know the Family.
They just down the road from me in Dawsonville....
'Nuff said.




"A one, a two and away we go!"
(about 4:40 into it....)

"Jump in where ya can and hang on!"
(about 7:20)

Perhaps I should have mentioned Appalachian Music in my Anthropology Paper?
Quite a bit of referenceable material in the "FoxFire" Series....
And perhaps new material, collected recently? By?

So many facets of life yet to explore. So many yet to share....

My diverse knowledge may someday soon provide the path,
The way to show another Vet,

Another option.
A pathway.
The light.


A "Welcome Home, Brother!" :notworthy:

Always my Best,


I saw a man today on my way to school to learn.
He was wearing a tattered coat and I thought to myself,
"Is he hungry?"

I nearly cried thinking that I could have helped him, yet, I had to go to school.
To learn how to help people!

Ironic, ain't it?

I wonder if he was a Vet....

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he is doing well so far Scotty

"Say, Bogart, you gonna pass it or what?"

"Who's askin'?"


You've heard this song 100+ times.
Now you know who performed it!

You want more info?

Like what?

Reached #8 in 1982. April 17,
I remember....
His first and only chart recording.
Anything else that I might have missed??
Like every time I listen to this song I nearly cry?
And work on a new song?

I'm tellin' ya,
My Friends,

Music is Therapy! :thumbsup:

I'm confronting my demon through music every day.....

AND WINNING! :notworthy:




Some words?
Sure, Why not...


One day I was on the ground
When I needed a hand
And it couldn't be found
I was so far down
That I couldn't get up
You know and
One day I was one of life's losers
Even my friends were my ac-cus-ers
And in my head
Lost before I'd begun

I had a dream
But it turned to dust
What I thought was love
That must have been lust
I was living in style
When the walls fell in
When I played my hand
I looked like a joker
Turn around
Fate must have woke her
'Cause lady luck she was
Waiting outside the door


I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning
And I don't intend on losing again

Too bad it belonged to me
It was the wrong time
And I meant to be
It took a long time
And I knew for now
I can see the day
That I breath for
Friends agree there's a need
To play the game
And to win again

[repeat first line 5x's]
[repeat last line 4x's]

[Repeat Verse II]

[repeat first line 5x's]


(perhaps i should seek the benefits of study about now?)

And Tomorrow, I have promised to my locksmith Friend.:thumbsup:
What will tomorrow teach me?



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Play me like this, huh?

When I should be studyin'?

Shame on someone here...:dontknow:
(probably me....)

Want more?

Looks like I'll be here all night....


My favorite Toto tune is St George and the dragon.....

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