Silver Member
Haha and with a name like fowledup..... You fit just fine, should be my name buddy but you beat me to it ! Haha welcome !
The fowledup name; I was once a rather obsessed duck hunter, one year I hunted right around 80 days of a 95 day season. Even voluntereed for night shift so I could go straight from work to the blind. Now that is dedication. The other is a play on words that serves as a reminder of my wilder days as a yute, back when it never dawned on me that maybe it was MY antics that were the problem and the probable cause for things naturally gravitating towards "all f----d up"............................ Miss the body, but love all that new found wisdom!
SNAFU ........ Remember that one?
So Now And For Uber?
Say Not And Full Underwear?
Desperado - Linda Ronstadt and the Eagles....enjoy!