Gonna be a busy weekend;
Studyin', talking to the landlord,
countin' nickels, getting a major ebay sale ready of my Collectible currency, including photos,
photos of treasure tube contents, buying some pvc,
Stay tuned, Friends...
Yeah. Major sale coming of some of my currency.
When I graduate this Spring,
I'm gonna take some "Me" time. Dig?
Gonna travel.
Check out Colleges,
See my peeps from back home after 10 years.
Of course, I'll be prepared to save many nickels by camping!
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"Oh, No! No! No! You were doing so well. Gaining my confidence, proving your mettle. Don't cheapen the experience by psychologically blurting out what it is that you wish to learn.
Play the game a bit longer, won't you....amuse this old man?"
Sometimes the majority of the voices in my head take over.
I'm sure that you understand. Thank You.
Gonna put you also on my list to visit!
"You should not worry. I have examined Scott and find him to be as harmless as a mouse, though his humor is quite twisted at times"
I'll bring a 6-pack! And whatever
you want to drink!
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"Weeeell, Doggies! Seems like ole Scott's got the 'itchy foot!'"
So Much of my Country, America, that I've yet to see!
So many Friends yet to meet!
"From Sea To Shining Sea!"