I appreciate everyone. I thought long and hard how to do this. We went outside looking for a star , no stars. So we named the moon "Granddaddy. " he will always be looking down on us, watching over my. 9 y/o..... And when he misses him he can always speak to him. He liked that. Which brought me to my own immortality.... I asked him when I die, what would he do ? He said" oh poppa you'll never die, you are every body of water, every ocean, you are my dreams, but most importantly you are in my heart" I must have done something right

Prayers coming your way. I feel for ya and know what ya mean this last year actually couple of years has taken a big toll on our family with way too much death, disease, and injury. My wife is down staying with her little sister right now who had to have a 6 way bypass, the kicker is she's only 50- not wrapping my head around that one too well. Couple of weeks ago my wife and her went to a Black Sabbath concert for her birthday and all was good. 4 months ago we lost a brother in law on my side this time 48 or 49 yrs old same thing major heart attack no warning. I think we are really starting to see the effects of the first junk food generation starting to show.

Now that stopped and made me think...I have lived on junk food my entire life, I'm 37 and not fat but have high cholesterol. Doctor said if I don't get it under control by next test he wants to put me on drugs to control it. And I'm only 37...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I appreciate everyone. I thought long and hard how to do this. We went outside looking for a star , no stars. So we named the moon "Granddaddy. " he will always be looking down on us, watching over my. 9 y/o..... And when he misses him he can always speak to him. He liked that. Which brought me to my own immortality.... I asked him when I die, what would he do ? He said" oh poppa you'll never die, you are every body of water, every ocean, you are my dreams, but most importantly you are in my heart" I must have done something right

TGF, you sir are a credit and stellar example of what a member of the International High Order of "Papa's" should be! Seriously, tell me what a person's family say's about them and I can tell a train load about that person!

Unfortunately sir, this is only the relationship I have with my 9 y/ o grandson. My tadpole.... But thank you

Now that stopped and made me think...I have lived on junk food my entire life, I'm 37 and not fat but have high cholesterol. Doctor said if I don't get it under control by next test he wants to put me on drugs to control it. And I'm only 37...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

It is very scary, were gonna have to have all these advancements in medicine because people may be living longer but their getting sicker sooner. Think about it, our generation (I'm a couple months shy of 50) are having and showing age related illnesses that used to be a decade to twenty years down the line. I don't care what the media would have you believe, all I have to do is look around my own family, friends, and community. I'm convinced it's our diet. I've been on an old movie kick lately (thanks Deepseeker) the first thing that you notice is that the people were are all about the same size weight wise. Not just the main characters look in the background at the crowds, you simply do not see the differences in weight that we do now. We have a few nurses amongst family and friends and I've talked with them alot about this. They have all pointed out something I hadn't thought of. Which is the COPD (Chronic Obstuctive Pulmonary Disease) folks, I guess the numbers are huge but because they are for the mostly homebound we simply do not see them. Fortunately those numbers should be dropping as smoking fades in popularity. Another factor which is huge for overall health condition is dental. Look at our soda intake, the vast majority do not drink water as their primary liquid intake- gotta have that sugar taste. I know I no longer feel the same about "Live hard and leave a worn out corpse". Sorry for the lecture/rant this stuff has been buggin the heck out of me lately.


We'll it's never to late to turn the page and try to eat healthier, etc....luckily most of the food me and the missus eat is made from scratch.

Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and neither one of us drink soft drink anymore.

Regards + HH


Fowledup thank you for sharing about your own family. I don't drink(hiatal hernia I need fixed) never smoked, I don't drink sodas (about 2 gallons of water a day) I do love Gatorade and lemonade though. I prefer not to run with all this hardware in my leg ( bionic man stuff) but I swim 3 miles a week, open river ( frogmen do that for life you know, easier on the knees) on inclimate weather days I do anaerobics in the pool for 2 hours. BUT what scares me is genes. I'm not that pretty boy I once was. I don't look in shape, but I can swim like a shark! I can hold my breath for over 3 minutes on a good day. I can freedive down to 100 feet and back up on one breath! But I have a "belly" yeup. My real dad was 6'2" 280-300 pounds. My mother is 6' about 180 but carries it well. I have cousins that are. 6'10 320 and I'm the little guy !!!! When I graduated high school I was 6'1" 154 pounds! I remember because I was a Golden Gloves boxer....... So I believe our genetics has a lot to do with who we become . With that being said, I'm a little bit afraid, my grandfather died of a heart attack at just 54 years old, whereas the other one lived into his 80's..... Oh the confusion............,

It is very scary, were gonna have to have all these advancements in medicine because people may be living longer but their getting sicker sooner. Think about it, our generation (I'm a couple months shy of 50) are having and showing age related illnesses that used to be a decade to twenty years down the line. I don't care what the media would have you believe, all I have to do is look around my own family, friends, and community. I'm convinced it's our diet. I've been on an old movie kick lately (thanks Deepseeker) the first thing that you notice is that the people were are all about the same size weight wise. Not just the main characters look in the background at the crowds, you simply do not see the differences in weight that we do now. We have a few nurses amongst family and friends and I've talked with them alot about this. They have all pointed out something I hadn't thought of. Which is the COPD (Chronic Obstuctive Pulmonary Disease) folks, I guess the numbers are huge but because they are for the mostly homebound we simply do not see them. Fortunately those numbers should be dropping as smoking fades in popularity. Another factor which is huge for overall health condition is dental. Look at our soda intake, the vast majority do not drink water as their primary liquid intake- gotta have that sugar taste. I know I no longer feel the same about "Live hard and leave a worn out corpse". Sorry for the lecture/rant this stuff has been buggin the heck out of me lately.

Yes, I have noticed the size thing myself. We as a society are definitely getting fatter. I have had massive dental problems myself but not because of soda or sugar but overcrowding, two major impacts to my teeth, and complete lack of dental care as a kid. I am cutting way back how much soda I drink, but lately the cholesterol thing is really starting to bug me. I've just got to much to live for. My wife's grandmother just died from advanced copd, it's not a good way to go. Totally self imposed though...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Unfortunately sir, this is only the relationship I have with my 9 y/ o grandson. My tadpole.... But thank you

Actually a better way to put it (my words don't always mimic my thoughts the way I want) show me what light the children in ones life hold them and I can tell a train load about them. Leave the adults out as they have their own problems and agendas.

I forgot. Before my great nephew moved away; we use to play Airsoft a lot. We would stop and my boys and I would slam down bottles of water. He would slam 2 cans of Coke! I said whoa what ya doing there buddy ? I'm thirsty! No you're trying to kill yourself. No I'm thirsty I need a coke. You are dehydrated, you need water. His mom would argue with me so I'd let it go......until after the game. It's 90 degrees in Florida we are all sweating..... Then he stops sweating WARNING..... I throw him on the 4x4 speed home, we have to get him to the hospital now! Why? He's dehydrated. Well he was drinking...... Shut up let's go......3 bottles of IV fluids, a lecture by me and the doctor later probably saved his life ! What would have happened if I wasn't there ? He moved away and everytime he calls I ask him " what color is your pee ? Can you smell it?" But that's how he was raised, thirsty pop open a Coke........ Not a bottle of water. He would sometimes call me " I have a migraine." " How much water have you drank today?"

Fowledup - I like you. Now my friends here will tell you I don't drop my guard often, I don't let people inside my " circle" but you sir seem alright in my book...... Thanks for finding us! Or maybe thanks for finding me .


Here's a link to the mayo clinic lists of foods to help reduce cholesterol.

Cholesterol: Top foods to improve your numbers - Mayo Clinic

Yes, I have noticed the size thing myself. We as a society are definitely getting fatter. I have had massive dental problems myself but not because of soda or sugar but overcrowding, two major impacts to my teeth, and complete lack of dental care as a kid. I am cutting way back how much soda I drink, but lately the cholesterol thing is really starting to bug me. I've just got to much to live for. My wife's grandmother just died from advanced copd, it's not a good way to go. Totally self imposed though...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Fowledup - I like you. Now my friends here will tell you I don't drop my guard often, I don't let people inside my " circle" but you sir seem alright in my book...... Thanks for finding us! Or maybe thanks for finding me .

I can't resist...:laughing7:

I've been busy, busy, busy!

I HAVE found time to acquire the PVC and have started amassing the Treasure to put into it.

(5" tall and 4" in diameter)

The collectible currency to include thus far:

("Star" notes)

(Older notes)

(Silver Certificate and a US Note)

Total face value at this time=$50.

There's a lot more room in the PVC.

What will Scott add to this Booty?!

Best Wishes to All!


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I'm pretty computer stupid and I am worried.....:censored:

I MUST pass this course with at least a "C." :BangHead:

However, yesterday, after having found some confidence, I paid the outstanding balance on my tuition and class fees. :thumbsup:

Tomorrow, after class, I'll pay the Graduation fees.....
Like for the "Derploma" and such. :tongue3:
(Hope that they spell my name right....)

I wonder how much the Cap and Gown is gonna cost?

Will I be able to wear "Honors" signification, though I've slipped under the requirements the last couple of semesters? :dontknow:

At least I'm learning how to lay good clues for "THE TUBE!" 8-)

Did someone mention The Tubes?

My Best Wishes,


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I'm pretty computer stupid and I am worried.....

I MUST pass this course with at least a "C."

However, yesterday, after having found some confidence, I paid the outstanding balance on my tuition and class fees.

Tomorrow, after class, I'll pay the Graduation fees.....
Like for the "Derploma" and such.
(Hope that they spell my name right....)

I wonder how much the Cap and Gown is gonna cost?

Will I be able to wear "Honors" signification, though I've slipped under the requirements the last couple of semesters?

At least I'm learning how to lay good clues for "THE TUBE!"

Did someone mention The Tubes?

My Best Wishes,


Don't be aimin for no C .
Home stretch...shine now and kick butt.
Cap and gown rental should not be great...gown ,l.o.l.. Toga!
Caps and mortar boards an hoods an parchments ,commencement ,red book..
What the heck kinda cult you gitchersef in Scott?:laughing7:
Stay focused and vigilant and stay workin on it till the cat(fish/diploma) is in the burlap bag , lest it get away...fight it proper, no horsin an no countin chicks yet.
(No , not them kinda chicks! What'd I say bout forecussed?)

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The singer was in a New Zealand gang as a youth.
It may reflect throughout the song as to current (in the video's plot) incidents while having dodged an original pursuit and subsequent escape at the start. The poster at the gas station reminding them they are wanted... and the earlier traffic stop in which due to distraction the officer did not recognize them.
At the end a big city seems a destination option.

By the way, my Friend,

I forgot to ask if this was your analysis?

If so,

I will certainly "Tailor" my clues towards Difficulty 3 (DIFCON 3) even more.

You are too close in my head, Brother. :laughing7:
"There ain't even enough room in my head for all of me..."

Hope you are well, my Friend!



Gomer Soldier.webp
"Somebody mention "Taylor?" I've known Andy since we was young-ens! Why, we'd go a fishin' an' huntin' all the time! But Andy NEVER played hookey to go a fishin' or huntin', 'cause his Momma would have skinned him alive! Where did we go a fishin' a huntin'? Well, lemme think back a ways....."

My last post, about Gomer,
Reminds me of my Final in Anthropology.

The Paper that I submitted, and the samples provided.....

Scott Xxxxxx
Anth. 1102​
Tucked among the mountains and valleys of the eastern United States are a people with a unique culture; the Appalachians. Named for a stretch of a mountain range that runs from southern New York to Georgia, the people of Appalachia have learned to adapt to the harsh environment of mountain living and isolation.
“In the 1700’s, immigrants from Scotland, Ireland, England, and Germany moved into the area, bringing with them the customs, stories, and language of their ‘grands and greats.’ The first settlers were also farmers; growing their own food, making their own clothes, forging their own tools, and building their own homes.” (1). It was/is a life with simple needs; food, shelter, and “likker.”
There is no waste of the precious resources for the Appalachians. When domesticated livestock is butchered for food, all parts of the animal are used. Even the feathers of chickens were used in pillow stuffing. From a hog, this includes the rendering of fat to lard to cook with and to make lye for soap, hog hair for the bristles of a tooth brush or hair brush, the snout or “rooter” is roasted, the skin fried for “cracklings,” the feet are either pickled or used for soup stock as is the tail. Indeed, everything on a hog is used except the “oink!”
Many indigenous plants were found to be edible and were thus cultivated along with crops newly introduced to the area such as corn, grains and tubers. It was also believed that cures for many ailments could be found in the local flora. Several “cures” involved the use of a “poultice.”

Xxxxxx 2
While some of the remedies have valid properties, some border upon the inane. For example, one suggestion for someone afflicted with chest congestion is to, “Render the fat of a polecat. Eat two or three spoonfuls. This brings up the phlegm.” (2). I’m sure that it will bring up more than just phlegm!
Along with the domesticated livestock, wild game teemed throughout the mountains. Methods learned and handed down from generation to generation were employed in trapping, fishing and hunting. A good hunting dog was often thought of more highly than children and prized as much as a “straight shooting iron.” Wild game, “in season,” such as deer, rabbits, squirrel, turkeys and hogs were always a welcome sight on the dinner table and often larger game was smoked, cured, dried or preserved for the long cold winter months. Wild hogs were semi-domesticated. One who owned hogs usually marked the hogs with splitting of the hog’s ears. The hogs were allowed to run free in a stretch of woods during the spring, summer and fall to graze on chestnuts. In November, several were rounded up and brought to the homestead for two to four weeks to be fed a corn diet to purify the meat and fat of the bitterness of the chestnut diet. The lard rendered without the purification would be dark and bitter.
Occasionally, disagreements arose among neighbors over ownership of the “wild” hogs, land boundaries and a general mistrust of strangers or someone not in their own “clan.” It was an argument over a hog that ignited the infamous “Hatfield-McCoy Feud.” While instances of disagreements with neighbors are not common, the closeness of neighbors in helping each other is.
Though your closest neighbor may live five miles away, across two creeks and on the other side of the valley or mountain, you knew them and their family as well as your own. Unlike today’s urban dweller who doesn’t even know their neighbor’s name, your neighbors were always willing to help with a barn building, a deer hunt, an illness in the family or just getting together for a “shindig.” And you are just as willing to be there for your neighbor.

Xxxxxx 3
In the tradition of gender assigned responsibilities, women of different families would share recipes, swap cloth and patterns on sewing, swap canning jars and supplies and share cleaning tips. The men would share hunting stories of where game could be found, maybe swap some nails for some bullets, lend tools, admire each other’s hunting dogs and both genders would share these times over a twist or a pipeful of tobacco. The men would also share samples of their pride and joy; home-made alcohol. For drinking. Or “medicinal use.”
The “Whiskey Rebellion” of 1791, as a result of a tax levied by the federal government to pay for the cost of the revolutionary war, caused many in Appalachia to hide their stills in the woods and make their liquor at night creating the term, “moonshine.” “Other aspects of the excise law also caused concern. The law required all stills to be registered, and those cited for failure to pay the tax had to appear in distant Federal, rather than local, courts. In Pennsylvania, for example, the only Federal courthouse was in Philadelphia, some 300 miles away from the small frontier settlement of Pittsburgh.” (3).
This mistrust of government officials “poking around” asking questions and monitoring the sales of sugar, yeast, copper tubing, etc. led to great animosity via the “Revenuer.” Though I do not know anything about how it’s made, I have tasted it and find it suitable for paint removal, weed killing and temporary stupidity if consumed in any quantity over a teaspoonful. Perhaps the only beneficial use that I can conceive of IS a teaspoonful in a hot toddy mixture including hot water and honey. My grandmother used to make a hot toddy when she felt a cold coming on, however; she replaced the liquor with vinegar as she was of temperance beliefs.
Many activities are planned around signs of nature including crop planting, crop reaping, hunting and fishing. For example on fishing concerning the direction of the wind; “Wind from the East the fish bites the least. Wind from the North the fish bites the poorest. Wind from the South blows the bait in the fish’s mouth. Wind from the West fishing is best.”
It is of interest to note that all cultures have endeavored to understand Nature and try to reap benefits when the opportunity is favorable and presents itself. Some observations and

Xxxxxx 4
correlations are surprisingly accurate, especially when weather is concerned, whereas, most are of little benefit or at the worst, dangerous. Perhaps a couple of teaspoonfuls of rendered polecat fat?
Slowly, in the early to mid twentieth century, modern conveniences found their way to the people of Appalachia. Beginning with the WPA, which employed many men on projects like the TVA which helped to bring electricity to the mountains and the introduction of transportation other than horseback or buggy, life evolved. In both instances, the degree of isolationism decreased resulting in the integration into a more national identity and the old, hard ways of survival became less hard and time consuming. Sadly, at the same time, the lifestyle, the closeness of neighbors, the history and oral traditions began to decline and are found only in a few remote pockets scattered among the mountains. “They are as rare as hen’s teeth.”
I am fond of the lifestyle of self-sustenance, being embraced by nature and in general, a less frenzied 21[SUP]st[/SUP] century existence found only in the mountains of Appalachia.
Do YOU know your neighbors?

References Cited
1) The Girl Scouts of Black Diamond. Appalachian Heritage Activity Guide for Girl Scouts.
2) Wigginton, Eliot. Edit and Introduction. The Foxfire Book. 1972. p234.
3) United States Department of the Treasury. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. The Whiskey Rebellion.
TTB | The Whiskey Rebellion

Cornbread Recipe
1 cup milk
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 egg
1 1/4 cups white cornmeal

1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Heat oven to 400ºF.
Grease bottom and side of round pan, 9x1 1/2 inches, or square pan, 8x8x2 inches.
Beat milk, butter and egg in large bowl. Stir in remaining ingredients all at once just until flour is moistened (batter will be lumpy). Pour batter into pan.
Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.



I got an "A" :thumbsup:
(Also includes the work put in for the entire Semester....)

Took my samples in having been baked in a well seasoned
deep, Griswold cast Iron skillet!

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