I too have saved a live through direct action. Not in the Military, but the training proved successful.
There are relatively few people who can say that they saved a life.
I'm proud to be one with you!
Yeah, you want the story, don't you?
I'm young, just discharged from the Army and I'm back in my Hometown of Lawrence, Kansas.
Lawrence, Kansas. A "College" town....
One night, a few Friends and I were at a local "watering hole,"
And, always observant, I noticed a confrontation between some "local biker dudes" and a man of Eastern Indian descent of some nature, obviously a newly arrived Student at the University, involved in a loud confrontation.
I'm really not sure what the beef was, but I followed the scene outside to the parking lot.
That's when a coward POS from behind cold-cocked the student.
Down he went like a sack of hammers. Knocked. Slap. Cold. OUT!
By then, the bartender comes outside and said that he had called the cops.
With the sound of sirens nearing, the biker dudes got on their bikes and left.
I knelt down beside the unconscious student and found that he wasn't breathing.
I positioned him and myself to begin artificial respiration.
Soon, I had him breathing on his own and becoming coherent.
By then, the police were on the scene followed by the ambulance.
I spoke briefly with the paramedics and retreated back inside for another beer....