This one is currently next door.
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I also have a Delta industrial 12' that has
dual lasers built into the guard, so you can see exactly the width of the blade, on the material!
Sweet for white trim.
Left laser, right laser....small space in between....the blade! When cutting I have a vacuum set up where the "dust bag" would be. When I cut vac turns on very clean. I use 100 + tooth blades since finish carpentry is my specialty.
Oh, Crap!
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(Yeah, Thinkin' 'bout you, Pat-Cat...Hope you have been Well, my Friend...

Guess I better catch up! 21st Century and all....
Where are the lasers attached?
Damn! I remember working with 2x4's that WERE ACTUALLY 2x4!
Not your sissy 1 1/2 x 3 1/2......
But, your building skills and mine are greatly appreciated at a concern that I espouse.
"Habitat For Humanity."
Regardless of any political belief that you or I may have,
Can't we all come together to build and make "A Home" for a Vet?
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(checking the plumb of walls. I was also the only one on site who was qualified with Hilti Ramsets and "Impulse" nailing guns....)
Air Force vet, mom of 3 calls getting Habitat home 'emotional,' 'overwhelming'
Hope all have a Happy and Joyous Holiday Season.
I plan on camping in my Mountains this Thanksgiving....
My Love of Humanity and Best Wishes to all,
Charmaine and her Family moved into their new home for Christmas last year.
Perhaps I'll make a journey again, to see how one year later is.....
Of course, I'll have my camera.
And gifts.....
Shall I follow up?

"Yours are the steps to Salvation."
Do you not also see a potential media "write-up" here?
"News Flash...."
Or something....
"Yeah, I see it!"
"We have fought and died for you to make your choices...."
All you ever really needed to know....
For me, EVERY day is Thanksgiving!
For my Friend, Pat-Cat.....
Yeah, we still rock!
Now that I've got your attention, here's a quick opinion, before the Mods get wind.....
I've searched how to receive salvation. Before the internet. AND Since.....
I found: 4 ways, 5 ways, gimme 6! Got 5 now you're out!
Got 5, now, who gimme six.....
IS "Religion" really so important, while surviving upon the land?
Pray for rain? Really? To whom?
Every "religion" has points to be debated.
Mostly, they all rely upon "Faith."
Define, "Faith."
I once found myself in a
Pentecostal Church, in Augusta, Georgia one Christmas Morning.
No, I didn't join in when several jumped up on their pew seats....
But the music was captivating!
Be real. Stand for what you believe in.
Myself and thousands of Vets do.
Join us in our belief in America!
Guess you might search for the closest religion that you agree with....
That ain't the real thing.....
(Michael McDonald, of Doobie Brothers fame....y'all)
I know y'all want that story, right? Of bein' in a Pentecostal Church on Christmas Morning, right?
OK. Soon.....
I choose to define my "faith" in, as a human being, basically alone, on this big blue marble, as what I can do to help others who may or may not see things my way.
Yet, are still trapped in the constraints of mortality. Aren't we all humans?
But, let a deranged "Human" threaten me, my Family, my Friends, Humanity or the "normal" order of a societal system.....
May YOUR god be with you....Dig?
I'll make that introduction possible.....
Call me crazy?
Why... you may be right, my fellow passenger seat-mate!
"Who can tell?"

Oh, my, Toto. I may have just pushed the envelope beyond mere politics...."