CRISPINS CRITTERS's almost mandatory that all of us who serve in this unit to become part of the heritage......we get the 2 green feet tattoo. But you are not allowed to get the feet until you save a life! This is the New Generation! I would say 99% of the men in my organization have 2 green feet tattoos It's heavy in heritage and history. When I got my feet, I had them for about 2 weeks. Anyway I get home been home 2 weeks and my wife sees my tattoo and punches my back! Why did you get a tattoo ? I explained....she calls her mom.... She says "he got a tattoo on his arse" her mom says how long ago? He says 2 weeks but I don't believe him" her mom in her 60's says " let me get this straight.... Your husband got a tattoo on his arse for saving a mans life? Yes..... And in the whole military there are less than 250 guys that do this? Yes...... And you haven't seen your husbands ass in 2 weeks? Yes ......You should be ashamed!!!!! Haha I miss my mother-in- law!!!!!!! These my friend are the next generation of badasses.....I'm really starting to miss the military. The last time I went to Virginia at Christmas, I taught a SERE class with emphasis on primitive shelter and fire craft for 3 days.....

So do you believe in Mermaids? Looks like my boys found one! Hahaha. Feels good to share some military humor. These were recent pictures from my friend on the team who is the Team E-8

That's a cool tradition. Yeah, your mother in law sounds pretty fun.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Scott you are hilarious. If the 2 of us could get together....... Watch out world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is latest picture of the bedroom progress. That was a ton of sanding! We have vacuumed the drywall dust three times as I sanded! Sanding the ceiling just about killed me! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Like I said, "Less mud, less sanding!"

Looks good!
Time for paint, the flooring and then trim it out!



OV, my Friend,

I once got a washing machine cheap, (free...minor repairs...)
Had it set up in the front yard.

Yep. Did laundry in the front yard!

Only a few steps to the clothes line! :thumbsup:

Does that count?

Yeah, I'm a Hick!



I'd say that qualifies you! But...have you ever cooked a meal on a exhaust manifold?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Thanks DR she passed from cancer real fast in 2009. Thank the good lord I was home to support my wife. I felt like her own son. She was always good to me. I miss her. Thanks friend

Like I said, "Less mud, less sanding!"

Looks good!
Time for paint, the flooring and then trim it out!



Yeah, the guy that mudded it for me was a "little" heavy handed... If you notice in the pics the bottom of the Sheetrock and the small strip, I am now muding those in and fixing lots of imperfections. The strips on the bottom are spacers for the baseboard as my ceilings are8'4" high.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

No DR but I have heated up meals on the engines of helicopters, or M1a1 Abram tanks, APC's....... I bet Scotty being in Germany has a few good ones. What ya say Scott?

TGF, I worry about ya'll too at times. If you knew how much fun I was having, you'd all be mad at me! :laughing7:
You can always PM me anytime, it goes straight to my main email. I also get my Etsy store convo's there. You can always send a private msg if you need me, I reply.
I did hear from Deep over the summer and am sure me and him will trip over each other again around here.

A friend isn't necessarily someone you see or talk to everyday.
They're the person that comes running, when you call on them. :notworthy: Call on me anytime.
Ya gotta shake your tail to make a wave, whether you a fish or a shark. Ya'll all have a good day!


Seems I might have to SERIOUSLY consider moving to Florida when the time is right.....
Y'all havin' too damn much fun without me! :occasion14:




Thanks DR she passed from cancer real fast in 2009. Thank the good lord I was home to support my wife. I felt like her own son. She was always good to me. I miss her. Thanks friend

Sorry to hear that. Cancer is horrible for sure. Your lucky to have had a awesome mother in law. Much luckier than me.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

No DR but I have heated up meals on the engines of helicopters, or M1a1 Abram tanks, APC's....... I bet Scotty being in Germany has a few good ones. What ya say Scott?

I heat up rice on the nacelle of my starship's almost mandatory that all of us who serve in this unit to become part of the heritage......we get the 2 green feet tattoo. But you are not allowed to get the feet until you save a life! This is the New Generation! I would say 99% of the men in my organization have 2 green feet tattoos It's heavy in heritage and history. When I got my feet, I had them for about 2 weeks. Anyway I get home been home 2 weeks and my wife sees my tattoo and punches my back! Why did you get a tattoo ? I explained....she calls her mom.... She says "he got a tattoo on his arse" her mom says how long ago? He says 2 weeks but I don't believe him" her mom in her 60's says " let me get this straight.... Your husband got a tattoo on his arse for saving a mans life? Yes..... And in the whole military there are less than 250 guys that do this? Yes...... And you haven't seen your husbands ass in 2 weeks? Yes ......You should be ashamed!!!!! Haha I miss my mother-in- law!!!!!!! These my friend are the next generation of badasses.....I'm really starting to miss the military. The last time I went to Virginia at Christmas, I taught a SERE class with emphasis on primitive shelter and fire craft for 3 days.....

So do you believe in Mermaids? Looks like my boys found one! Hahaha. Feels good to share some military humor. These were recent pictures from my friend on the team who is the Team E-8

I too have saved a life through direct action. Not in the Military, but the training proved successful.

There are relatively few people who can say that they saved a life.
I'm proud to be one with you! :notworthy:



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I'd say that qualifies you! But...have you ever cooked a meal on a exhaust manifold?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Does fresh "road kill" count?



"Yep. Had to chase that cow all over the pasture before I finally hit it...."

I too have saved a live through direct action. Not in the Military, but the training proved successful.

There are relatively few people who can say that they saved a life.
I'm proud to be one with you! :notworthy:



I have never saved a life, however I have saved hundreds of marriages. ( by telling the Ladies NO)

Yeah, the guy that mudded it for me was a "little" heavy handed... If you notice in the pics the bottom of the Sheetrock and the small strip, I am now muding those in and fixing lots of imperfections. The strips on the bottom are spacers for the baseboard as my ceilings are8'4" high.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I suppose you could have gotten 10' rock, but that is pricey.
And a lot of waste....
Why don't they make 9' rock?
Best is at the bottom for seams, as shown.
Perhaps wider base trim?

Crown molding?
What texture for the ceiling?

A knock down, a stomp, or an orange peel?




No DR but I have heated up meals on the engines of helicopters, or M1a1 Abram tanks, APC's....... I bet Scotty being in Germany has a few good ones. What ya say Scott?


Due to regulations concerning "Flame Producing Devices," and my activities,

I can only relate of heating cans of soup on the barracks radiator....
Meaning several dinners of cold C-Rats in the field.....



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Dram use a sponge (wet and wring out) It smooths out the mud

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Lol, no popcorn! Smooth finish most likely eggshell paint (color to be determined) the base board is 1x4" pine

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Dram use a sponge (wet and wring out) It smooths out the mud

10-4 on that. I just picked up a new drywall sponge last weekend. It has 45* edges to smooth the corners well.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


Jeff is spot old time plasterer of Italian descent uses the sponge method to avoid sanding....let dry and paint problem solved.

Regards + HH


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