Hey, careful of calling people nuts, as it borders on being disrespectful to your elders, and in Florida, that is almost a state crime......also you seem very young and will grow up some day with an open-mind and will KNOW the truth.......for example as proof of what I said, let's check to see what this man has to say:

..........a fast selling factual book has already been written about Mr. Corey Goode, who has spent over 20 years in, on and around MARS and beyond .....a most recent whistleblower that Dr. Michael E Salla just wrote a non-fiction book on this person and others, released Sept 2, 2015, on Amazon(check it out) titled:

Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances.

View attachment 1239553

Note: This is a first-hand account by a person who has been to the moon, mars and beyond and has met many humanoid intelligent life beings, even beyond our solar system. So my question is why don't they just google the names of Mr. Goode, Dr.Steven Greer, Dr. Michael E Salla, or Mr. David Wilcock, just to name a few.

Actually there are hundreds even hundreds of thousands, but more like millions of people that already knows this information. It may even save us a few million or billion dollars in unecessary spending searching for aliens. So, the big question is, why all of the mystery and cover-up, and looking for alien life outside our solar system and galaxy when it is all around us. On the moon, on Mars, under your feet inside the Earth, and on many, many planets just in our Galaxy alone.

Although other insiders have come forward recently, Mr. Corey Goode is the ONLY person, that is currently known, that is also in 2015 still traveling into outerspace, that has recently came forward from the Secret Space Program. See for yourself.......Thanks.

P.S. And I know that some of you may think I am making false statements, but I stand behind my statements 100%.....and Yes, can prove they are my free will opinion, or official, public statements or excerpts of copyright-protected material, under the fair use law, that I have access to, in accordance with Federal and Florida State Laws.
Thanks for looking.

Lol!!! You are amusing! Well done!!
Almost a state crime in Florida? What about Maine? Maine has the oldest population in the country.
Well done!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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Hey, careful of calling people nuts, as it borders on being disrespectful to your elders, and in Florida, that is almost a state crime......also you seem very young and will grow up some day with an open-mind and will KNOW the truth.......for example as proof of what I said, let's check to see what this man has to say:

..........a fast selling factual book has already been written about Mr. Corey Goode, who has spent over 20 years in, on and around MARS and beyond .....a most recent whistleblower that Dr. Michael E Salla just wrote a non-fiction book on this person and others, released Sept 2, 2015, on Amazon(check it out) titled:

Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances.

View attachment 1239553

Note: This is a first-hand account by a person who has been to the moon, mars and beyond and has met many humanoid intelligent life beings, even beyond our solar system. So my question is why don't they just google the names of Mr. Goode, Dr.Steven Greer, Dr. Michael E Salla, or Mr. David Wilcock, just to name a few.

Actually there are hundreds even hundreds of thousands, but more like millions of people that already knows this information. It may even save us a few million or billion dollars in unecessary spending searching for aliens. So, the big question is, why all of the mystery and cover-up, and looking for alien life outside our solar system and galaxy when it is all around us. On the moon, on Mars, under your feet inside the Earth, and on many, many planets just in our Galaxy alone.

Although other insiders have come forward recently, Mr. Corey Goode is the ONLY person, that is currently known, that is also in 2015 still traveling into outerspace, that has recently came forward from the Secret Space Program. See for yourself.......Thanks.

P.S. And I know that some of you may think I am making false statements, but I stand behind my statements 100%.....and Yes, can prove they are my free will opinion, or official, public statements or excerpts of copyright-protected material, under the fair use law, that I have access to, in accordance with Federal and Florida State Laws.
Thanks for looking.

OK I'm sorry, I mean no disrespect. You have to admit it is hard to believe for most of us.

C'mon...believe young fella.8-)

Hey, jeff-gordon......Yes, I agree it IS hard to believe for ALL of us.......but I think you have heard often that the TRUTH is even more stranger than as it is in this case:

....I was born during FDR's Presidency(who was in office over 12 years) and I am now 73, and every President from Truman thru Obama knew/knows the truth about UFO's, ET's, etc., Truman & Eisenhower made secret agreements with some ET's, and yet this has been kept secret from ALL of us.

The ET's on the moon & mars have the technology to cloak and keep from view their activity, mostly underground, and the earth humans on the moon & mars was kept secret by the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) & Black Ops/Secret Space Program, and in the past, threats & heavy handed dealing by world overt & covert governments with whistleblowers....

But the most troubling thing of all is the several million human workers(held under slave conditions) by the ICC were told over 60/70 years ago that the Earth was nearly destroyed and is currently inhabitable as discovered by LTC Gonzales(a pseudonym) & Mr. Goode on their last visit to Mars earlier this year, while on an inspection tour of the ICC.....So humans are being lied to on Mars, just like they are here on Earth, by the world secret Cabal/controlling elite and/or demonic beings Black Ops Secret Space Program and the ICC, who are all in this together.

.....I know this sounds unbelievable, but all of this will be part of the UFO Full Disclosure & Data Dump to be done world-wide sometime in the very near future......

And if you really want to know what is going on, check out this Truth & Disclosure Forum, held in Washington, D.C, just this past weekend on 11/21/2015 by Dr. Steven Greer. The results and follow-up video of the actual meeting has not been realeased yet, but will be in a few days........However you can see a lead in to this open invitation forum with this short 4 minute video, it will blow your socks off!!...... Just click on this link:

P.S. Please watch the very end of this video, because it will outline what was discussed at the forum, and the subject matter is unbelievable.....Good Luck.

Thanks, for looking.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This information/disclosure is for research and educational purposes only with the purpose of promoting environmental, human rights, social, economic and scientific awareness. Any information and/or videos which are, or contain copyrighted material which use in accordance with US Copyright Law 17 U.S.C. Section 107 "Fair Use" is allowed for the purposes of criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, and or research and is not an infringement of copyright.

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Hey, jeff-gordon......Yes, I agree it IS hard to believe for ALL of us.......but I think you have heard often that the TRUTH is even more stranger than as it is in this case:

....I was born during FDR's Presidency(who was in office over 12 years) and I am now 73, and every President from Truman thru Obama knew/knows the truth about UFO's, ET's, etc., Truman & Eisenhower made secret agreements with some ET's, and yet this has been kept secret from ALL of us.

The ET's on the moon & mars have the technology to cloak and keep from view their activity, mostly underground, and the earth humans on the moon & mars was kept secret by the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) & Black Ops/Secret Space Program, and in the past, threats & heavy handed dealing by world overt & covert governments with whistleblowers....

But the most troubling thing of all is the several million human workers(held under slave conditions) by the ICC were told over 60/70 years ago that the Earth was nearly destroyed and is currently inhabitable as discovered by LTC Gonzales(a pseudonym) & Mr. Goode on their last visit to Mars earlier this year, while on an inspection tour of the ICC.....So humans are being lied to on Mars, just like they are here on Earth, by the world secret Cabal/controlling elite and/or demonic beings Black Ops Secret Space Program and the ICC, who are all in this together.

.....I know this sounds unbelievable, but all of this will be part of the UFO Full Disclosure & Data Dump to be done world-wide sometime in the very near future......

And if you really want to know what is going on, check out this Truth & Disclosure Forum, held in Washington, D.C, just this past weekend on 11/21/2015 by Dr. Steven Greer. The results and follow-up video of the actual meeting has not been realeased yet, but will be in a few days........However you can see a lead in to this open invitation forum with this short 4 minute video, it will blow your socks off!!...... Just click on this link:

P.S. Please watch the very end of this video, because it will outline what was discussed at the forum, and the subject matter is unbelievable.....Good Luck.

Thanks, for looking.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This information/disclosure is for research and educational purposes only with the purpose of promoting environmental, human rights, social, economic and scientific awareness. Any information and/or videos which are, or contain copyrighted material which use in accordance with US Copyright Law 17 U.S.C. Section 107 "Fair Use" is allowed for the purposes of criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, and or research and is not an infringement of copyright.

Does the name"Pine Gap/Merino"mean anything to you?

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Ya'll have no idea how much I missed ya'll this past summer!
I thought about ya'll, wished ya'll could be with me, and carried you all in my heart.
(Just wanted it known, further explanations will be forthcoming, later.......)

Ok here's one for you. It was written in the local paper that the first Thanksgiving was at the oldest city in the US.....St Augustine, Florida.....and they wouldnt have had all the Turkey and fixings........they would have eat what they brought I thought hmmmmmmmmm. And 50 years later when the Pilgrims landed thats when the first Thanksgiving we celebrate is.......I thought yeah, but when the Spaniards hit Florida they didnt have no Indians to make peace with........not even the Seminole Indians at the the article was full of fluff......anywho Happy Turkey day to all who celebrate! (Tomorrow)

Ok here's one for you. It was written in the local paper that the first Thanksgiving was at the oldest city in the US.....St Augustine, Florida.....and they wouldnt have had all the Turkey and fixings........they would have eat what they brought I thought hmmmmmmmmm. And 50 years later when the Pilgrims landed thats when the first Thanksgiving we celebrate is.......I thought yeah, but when the Spaniards hit Florida they didnt have no Indians to make peace with........not even the Seminole Indians at the the article was full of fluff......anywho Happy Turkey day to all who celebrate! (Tomorrow)

St Augustine is a awesome place to visit. My favorite place there is the pirate and treasure museum.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Ya'll have no idea how much I missed ya'll this past summer!
I thought about ya'll, wished ya'll could be with me, and carried you all in my heart.
(Just wanted it known, further explanations will be forthcoming, later.......)

Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Well friends today I am doing my most favorite thing in the world with my most favorite person. You got it. My grandson and I just sat down under the bridge - fishing. Which reminds me of a story..... I know what doesn't remind me of a story. Many years ago I was stationed at Hurlburt Field Fl. One night I get a call...... My crazy friend must have had nitrogen narcosis. He loved fishing. With much vigor Otis told me "the Blues are running, the blues are running, we have to go fishing tomorrow." Well Bluefish were these elusive fish Otis always said were running and I thought I'd oblige him. Oh yeah we called him Otis because he wore his LBE below his butt cheeks so he could wear his ruck sack. He was a surfer dude from CA, strong as a mule! So I asked Otis is anybody else coming yes Bob, be at my house at 0430 roger that. So I called Bob and said. "Bob these fish are ghosts bring your snorkeling gear so we can swim later ok. We meet an drive to the jetties. By 0515 we have wet shrimp...... By 1030...... Not ONE BITE. I said Bob let's go snorkeling for awhile. Ok. So Bob and I hit the ocean. Now the ocean floor is just sandy. So Bob and I turn and head down. We are about 20-30 feet deep when at the same time we both see Otis' fish bait on the hook. We both laugh and get choked and surface. We turn our backs and Bob says. " I have an idea, I"ll go down first, then you come down so he isn't suspicious. Ok. So I'm treading water and I watch Bob go to the bottom. He takes off his rocket gin and starts weaving the hook through the "jet" on the fin. I start laughing so I go down and finish the job. I surface, then Bob returns and he starts swimming with the line at first. I have my back turned to Otis. Then Bob gives the line several real hard jerks. Otis screams " I'm on, I'm on fish on" well the harder he pulled, the better the fin fought against him because we had it through the fin so the fin would "plane " against him. We are dying trying to hold back our laughter. You guys see anything? Yeah man it's about 6 feet long! He's screaming, laughing.............and then he gets it about 5-7 feet away.........he never cursed..... He finally sees what we did. We can't contain our laughter. I mean this guy lived to fish. SUCK, THIS SUCKS, YOU GUYS SUCK....... and that's my best fishing story. I would take many more fishing trips with Otis. 3 days camping and fishing on rivers......the good old days

I love those 6 panel pine prehung doors with the adjustable door jam. They run around $200 at Lowes around here but the big downfall is applying three coats of polyurethane by brush, takes forever!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I went with my locksmith Friend today to install a Schlage Deadbolt on an interior door.
Of a house. On the National Historic Registry.....
Built in the late 19th Century.!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xf6faab4762124942!6m1!1e1

SOLID wood doors.
Wood so old, I called it "petrified wood."
You know how hard old wood gets.

My Friend said, "You got one shot, Scotty. Make it count."

I glanced up and gave him the look, "I got this!"

20 minutes later he was making out the receipt! :thumbsup:



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If you mean the eagle, I like it. What problem do you speak of?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Does it not seem that one or two people who are bored, seek fame or are purely idiots can change the fabric of American Society?

Here we have a small group.....Oopps!

"Stand down, Scott...Gettin' close to politics again.....

Always Your Wolf Pack Rep.


You easily surmise my choice, Dram....:thumbsup:

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Does it not seem that one or two people who are bored, seek fame or are purely idiots can change the fabric of American Society?

Here we have a small group.....Oopps!

"Stand down, Scott...Gettin' close to politics again.....

Always Your Wolf Pack Rep.


You easily surmise my choice, Dram....:thumbsup:

Yes, you are correct.
I too will refrain from further comment.
I'm on my iPhone currently, are you a charter member?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Isn't Sheetrock a pain?/QUOTE]

Nah, not really if you know what you're doing.


Beware of FBN (Fly By Night) drywall hangers and finishers!

When I remodeled the interior of my locksmith Friend's home,
I made my measurements, room by room. Hallways and kitchen.
Knowing that electrical was involved with ceiling fans and updating switches and receptacles....

When we went on the materials run,
We went only once.

What little scrap rock was easily disposed of in the normal trash. :thumbsup:

Yeah, I'm all that!
On Point, Dig?

I got the power!

Do you?

{I thought so....:notworthy:}

Well, then...


(Someone hit me with a "hashtag" or whatever....!) 8-)"

I'm the



The way it is....

Standing in line, marking time
Waiting for the welfare dime
'Cause they can't buy a job
The man in the silk suit hurries by
As he catches the poor old lady's eyes
Just for fun he says, "Get a job."

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
Ah, but don't you believe them

Said hey, little boy, you can't go where the others go
'Cause you don't look like they do
Said hey, old man, how can you stand to think that way?
And did you really think about it before you made the rules?
He said, son

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
Ah, but don't you believe them, yeah

That's just the way it is
That's just the way it is

Well, they passed a law in '64
To give those who ain't got a little more
But it only goes so far
'Cause the law don't change another's mind
When all it sees at the hiring time
Is the line on the color bar, no

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
That's just the way it is, it is, it is, it is

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Ok, just finished servicing the old Dodge and installing a ujoint in the blue quads axle. Between yesterday and today I'm beat!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Ah! Memories.
Of packing cylinder bearings in the cups of U-Joints....


Have a great holiday my Friend and to all of my
Friends here, at this here, "Critter Page!"

My Best Wishes,


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Thanks Scott, you have a great thanksgiving as well!

The ujoint pictured is replacing a "staked in" u joint. It has no clips whatsoever. Soooo, I pressed it in after coating the outside of the caps with loctite sleeve retainer.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


Because why not?

Think about it,.

If you were home-less...

As a vet...

Like me.
Once.....Friends, I served.l

My wounds are not what you might expect.l
The pain is still real....

My original post, before corrections.
Sometimes it may take me awhile to reply....
I still serve...:thumbsup:

I still give my all!


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Happy thanksgiving to all!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Happy Thanksgiving Critters!
I gotta go, we having 15 or so for dinner at SIL's. We got to hurry and get up there, because,
EVERYONE WANTS TO GO SHOPPING! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

Thanks a lot retailers...... I guess me and all the men folks gonna be passed out in the living room, when all the women folks get back. I'm thankful, but not to go shopping, which I can do any other 363 days, outta the year. :laughing7:

Happy Turkey Day!


Can't you tell, I'm a happy cat! LOL! :laughing7:

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