Small world my's time to pull out a sledge hammer and step back!

Any of you guys tried the online chess game here at T-net yet? Real time speed chess I can see happening....
I think....think only, that others can log in to the lobby and observe.
A back seat chess player!! comment, ask you shouldnta made that move brah!

I agree this is just the tip of the iceberg...the world leaders are doing almost nothing to curb it either...ours included. We play footsies with Isis while they decapitate our guys. Apparently the woman we knew on the El Faro her mother lost a cousin in the Paris attacks. She lost a daughter and a cousin tragically and so close together. This truly is sad...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

We (and they) need.......


Trying to prep for school, do laundry, clean house sorry for the misspellings...... Hell I'd make a good wife someday hahaha

Not yet OV but will after this plays out. Problem is I just don't have much time to dedicate to a game. I will when she leaves on her " next cruise "

Not yet OV but will after this plays out. Problem is I just don't have much time to dedicate to a game. I will when she leaves on her " next cruise "

Cool. I have been know to be checkmated in 15 moves! :laughing7: So speed chess!!:headbang:


Haven't been asleep ha! Hate these nights

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Tgf, the news source you posted earlier is a excellent source. So is

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Thanks DRAM. I couldn't sleep so I retread SFC Charles Martlands story...... He was involuntarily discharged. I went thru something I'll keep my mouth closed about......arm chair quarterbacks. This story makes one not to EVER join the service. They send you to war and charge you with murder. Like I heard in a movie once" that's like going to the Indy 500 and handing out speeding tickets" lets just say I'm glad I'm retired!!!! Thanks DRAM

Yeah I was a little off on my story. I had heard it along time ago thru the carrier pigeon. The boys mother reported it to the SF. She was beaten for doing that. However shackles were found at the Police commanders bedroom. When confronted he laughed it off and said " he's just a boy" when I reported for my 1st tour, I was being shown around my new home. We had like 10 showers. We were told don't use specific showers. I said "why not?" The SFC said "those are reserved for HADJI love nights" thank god it was the men and not little kids....let's just say I'm glad I made it out of that dust bowl!

Yeah that's some sick stuff. I heard about the story before. The only thing good about that area of the world is it is a great place to drop some nukes. Islam is not a religion but rather a cult as was said earlier. Nothing good will come of us playing to their rules!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Roger that. I am behind you brother Bill. I don't see this conversation as religious or political, but more of life changing for Westerners. You're right though ...... Come on Mr Bill get us on a new topic! Haha

Your right Bill, yes this topic is going to get us in a mess . How about a song?
Any suggestions Bill?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


I had to work on this one a bit because I wanted a worthy tribute based of what's happened/happening.

This is from a fellow Canuck....Neil Young from the Tribute to Heroes concert and to me is still as worthy today as it was then.

Regards + HH


D-6 to D-5


Brother, don't worry about "being slow" to post....

I got more time than money.

(I hope....)

If I die, you win, OK?



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At baseball practice. Hey Bill how did you know Neil Young is one of my favorite performers?

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