
Never mind....

And tonight,

I shall sleep, safely in my own bed.tonight...
Once again.....
Thanks to our Vigilant Military!


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I don't know if I just did the right thing or not. The boys and I ran an errand and there was a homeless lady sitting at the 4 way stop. The boys looked at her and looked at me. I gave her all the money I had in my pocket: a $20.00 bill. She thanked me. I said no need for words I understand. At 16 you see I was homeless. The boys said who was that poppy? I said another human being it doesn't matter....... But here's my mixed feelings. When I was a small kid living with my grandmother a man knocked on our door. My grandmother went into the pickle jar ( she was a loving person) and gave him most of the " shiny" money we had........ Later that day other family came to get us because my grandfather was in a horrible car accident. There was a bar there and my uncle took me inside the bar to call for a tow truck..... And there.... Sitting at the bar....... With my grandmothers "shiny money" was that man...... Drinking my grandmas money away! I was angry, I was hurt. We were poor. She was a good person and he took advantage of us. So I did what any young boy would do....... I walked over and kicked him in the shins over and over until he get off the stool then I kicked him right in the groin and down he went! Now here I was...... Probably 8-10 years old in my first bar fight and having to be pulled out the front door!!!! Thank god he was drunk! Since then and a few other incidents I've been a " hardened soul" lord forgive me.......

Feeling fresh and full of.....ahem, ideas,
At the locksmith shop,
I looked over some recent challenges involving "IC cores,"

ic core 6.webp

There are at least 2 keys needed; one to operate the lock itself, called the "Tenant Key," and another key to remove the core, called the "Control Key."
The control key operates only the "lug" seen in the photo on the left side.

If the customer has lost the control key, there is no way to easily remove the core.

The customer had several locks needing the same control key.

So, I had to use a Dremel to split the knob to get to the core;
Destroying the knob and requiring replacement.


I then was able to "drop" all the pins in the 6 chambers and made a control key.

Then the customer came back in with a mortise deadbolt that another group of locks used a different control key.

Here we go again.

Split the lock to remove the core....


Once again success.

But I was not happy about having to destroy the knob and cylinder.

So I dissassembled the IC core.



I then noticed that the control "lug" sleeve turns independently of the rest of the core.
And, it's only the last 4 pins involved!

I then made a tension wrench that hooks into only the lug sleeve.


The "teeth" are only deep enough to engage the lug sleeve and a skilled operator of picking locks, (yours truly) Can now pick the core to operate only the lug sleeve thus saving the knob and/or cylinder!

joe vitale.webp
"R&D, Baby!"

I can't wait until another application presents itself to try out my new tool!

Hope all are well!




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You did what you thought was right.....can't fault you for that some of the homeless types are con artists and others are legit down and outers.

It's not always easy to tell which are which.

Regards + HH


I don't know if I just did the right thing or not. The boys and I ran an errand and there was a homeless lady sitting at the 4 way stop. The boys looked at her and looked at me. I gave her all the money I had in my pocket: a $20.00 bill. She thanked me. I said no need for words I understand. At 16 you see I was homeless. The boys said who was that poppy? I said another human being it doesn't matter....... But here's my mixed feelings. When I was a small kid living with my grandmother a man knocked on our door. My grandmother went into the pickle jar ( she was a loving person) and gave him most of the " shiny" money we had........ Later that day other family came to get us because my grandfather was in a horrible car accident. There was a bar there and my uncle took me inside the bar to call for a tow truck..... And there.... Sitting at the bar....... With my grandmothers "shiny money" was that man...... Drinking my grandmas money away! I was angry, I was hurt. We were poor. She was a good person and he took advantage of us. So I did what any young boy would do....... I walked over and kicked him in the shins over and over until he get off the stool then I kicked him right in the groin and down he went! Now here I was...... Probably 8-10 years old in my first bar fight and having to be pulled out the front door!!!! Thank god he was drunk! Since then and a few other incidents I've been a " hardened soul" lord forgive me.......


If it were me, I would have asked if the person was hungry.

Offer to buy them food at a grocery store.
$20 would go far, believe me.

During the discussion of food, I would look closely at their mannerisms:
Needing a drink? Drugs? Or really hungry?

A few years ago, on my way to work doing remodelling, we had stopped at an intersection and I noticed a man on the side of the road with the usual "Homeless" type sign.

I rolled down my window and motioned for him to come over.
I could tell that he was starved of food, not drink.

I opened my lunch cooler and gave him my entire lunch.

The look that he gave me showed that his appreciation was true.

Let's hope that you have done right, again! :thumbsup:

My respect for you, my Friend,


Thanks buddy. I was in a hurry and had 2 grand kids with me but you are right. I do value your opinions sure did the right thing.


You need not to seek the scam artists; they seek you.

Having once lived on the streets,
I know.
I've seem many forms of them.....
Their "Pitch," their "Spiel...."

Yep. I know.

A homeless Vet with no Friends and fewer Family.....

What have I got to lose?

Times are now "more better" for ole Scotty,.....

(Yes, I know that the grammar is wrong, but enjoy the vernacular, please.....)

Something about a silk purse and a sow's ear?

Or Chicken Salad out of chicken Shi.....?


"I might make good one day......"

Kansan by Birth, Georgian by choice!

"Ad astra per aspera."

Yes, my Friend Crispin, I now see your meaning. :notworthy:


"Sic semper tyrannis" was, and still is authoritatively regarded as what John Wilkes Booth quoted upon landing on "stage left" after committing the first of America's Presidential assassinations.*
Three more Presidential assassinations followed.
Can you name them?

The assassins?

How well do you know American History?

Just so that everyone knows, Kansas was a "Free State." An abolitionist Hotbed." :thumbsup:

Ever hear of Quantrill? Lawrence? My "birth town?"
Name Kansas's first "Territorial Capitol."
(without Google....8-))

It's easy for me. I'm as old as history!

Ask me why the dinosaurs became extinct. Go on. Ask me.....

Yeah, I know....History and such....


I have donated many items, some found with my metal detector, to the Historical museum in Lawrence.

I also have a 78 rpm player that I restored in another museum in Eudora, Kansas.
(Gimme a minute or three....I got a photo here somewhere.....)

* According to the book by Jim Bishop, "The Day Lincoln Was Shot."

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I've seen the bright lights of Memphis
And the Commodore Hotel
And underneath a street lamp, I met a southern belle
Oh she took me to the river, where she cast her spell
And in that southern moonlight, she sang this song so well

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tennessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

We made all the hotspots, my money flowed like wine
Then the low-down southern whiskey, yea, began to fog my mind
And I don't remember church bells, or the money i put down
On the white picket fence and boardwalk
On the house at the end of town
Oh but boy do i remember the strain of her refrain
And the nights we spent together
And the way she called my name

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tennessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

Many years since she ran away
Yes that guitar player sure could play
She always liked to sing along
She always handy with a song
But then one night at the lobby of the Commodore Hotel
I chanced to meet a bartender who said he knew her well
And as he handed me a drink he began to hum a song
And all the boys there, at the bar, began to sing along

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tennessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland, Down in Dixieland

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For my Friend, Mr. Bill.

Come along on my next outdoor adventure!

My Best Wishes,



I've seen the bright lights of Memphis
And the Commodore Hotel
And underneath a street lamp, I met a southern belle
Oh she took me to the river, where she cast her spell
And in that southern moonlight, she sang this song so well

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tennessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

We made all the hotspots, my money flowed like wine
Then the low-down southern whiskey, yea, began to fog my mind
And I don't remember church bells, or the money i put down
On the white picket fence and boardwalk
On the house at the end of town
Oh but boy do i remember the strain of her refrain
And the nights we spent together
And the way she called my name

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tennessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

Many years since she ran away
Yes that guitar player sure could play
She always liked to sing along
She always handy with a song
But then one night at the lobby of the Commodore Hotel
I chanced to meet a bartender who said he knew her well
And as he handed me a drink he began to hum a song
And all the boys there, at the bar, began to sing along

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tennessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland, Down in Dixieland

Ah, my Friend!

You invoke "Little Feat."

Here we go!

I nearly drowned in a bathtub some 30-40 years ago.

Now THERE'S a story......

Yes, Quaaludes and alcohol were involved.....

Saw Little Feat at Sandstone with Charlie Daniels during my "Summer of Glory" Concerts!

Hope you are well, my Friend!



I'm SURE that I have a bootleg tape around here somewhere....

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Every time you go away....

I always thought that Paul Young penned this song. It was "overplayed" back in the day. Young's version hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on July 27, 1985. Until now, I have never heard Hall sing it.
Thanks, you learn something new every day:icon_thumright:


The day that you stop learning is the day that folks toss a handful of dirt upon you....

Then begins yet another journey.....



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I always thought that Paul Young penned this song. It was "overplayed" back in the day. Young's version hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on July 27, 1985. Until now, I have never heard Hall sing it.
Thanks, you learn something new every day:icon_thumright:

Paul Young reached #1 with this tune on July 27, 1985.......
(Saturday, yes, it was definitely a Saturday.....)


......and was on the charts for 23 weeks, in the top 40 for 15 weeks, in the top 10 for 8 weeks and number 1 for a brief moment in July.

30 years ago.


I was there.



Still wanna play poker with me?
Can you also "count cards?"

How many "shoes?" 4-5?

Perhaps knowledge that will help me in my next College Course, "Statistics." :dontknow:

By the way, what a marketing package this singer was!
Money changed hands?

I dunno.....:dontknow:

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Having conversations with my Psychology Professor/Mentor /Friend.

She has provided many ideas towards my "Project" of a Course in Military Mental Health First Aid offered at my College.

I may soon investigate a "Project" espoused by Representative Collins. Called, "Veterans Court."

Congressman Doug Collins : Press Releases


I will give until there is nothing left.....

My Best,


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Did I mention that I just received notice of a "Supplemental" Scholarship award? :headbang:


"More Books, Less ramen!"

My Best,


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"and no courses came up within 300 miles"
Well...he confirmed a need and tossed some names out. As well as possible hurdles in financing.
Only hurdles though, not walls.
Jab with the left to keep target popped enough to not close till you have the measurement just right, and the hole/opening to reach the button.
Transfer weight to left foot and transfer it to follow the slight turn of your wrist to level your knuckles, all before contact without telegraphing..


Once trained with a 9th Degree belt in Ta-Kwan-Do. Sparred twice a week.
Usually ended in a draw....

He had been on TV for world championships.

I knew him as "Steve." From 3-4 houses down.

Right after I got out of the Army.

Funny what you can learn, so close,
If you just pay attention and do the work.....



Just, cause, ya know.....


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