Through communications with a Psychology professor,
It appears that my passion is yet,
just beyond reach.....
Without the boring details, it appears to be ......
Hi Scott,
I looked through the attached pdf and the website. At the moment, I am finding it fairly overwhelming. It’s clearly not a simple process where you just make a call and invite someone to come speak — which is what I had in mind. And, even after spending some time with the webpage, I’m still not clear on the process.
I was about to suggest contacting the organization, The National Council for Behavioral Health, but that’s what you did in the teleconference. My current thoughts are that you, Vincent, Christy, and Bryan (or some combination thereof) need to sit down and put together a tentative budget. That will probably require estimating (guestimating) the number who would attend. Then you (meaning as a group) get commitments from organizations, departments, people for funding. (There was a federal grant advertised on the website for state and local educational agencies [that includes Universities] but its deadline was May 1.) We would expect Christy’s office and the student organization to contribute something (depending on what funding the student organization asked for & received). The Counseling Center should be asked to co-sponsor. This is where maybe Vincent or Christy can help — because I don’t know who above them would be the appropriate people to go to. The military college should be willing to co-sponsor. Possibly Student Affairs. Congressman Collins might be able to play a role in either helping with funding and/or talking to people at the University, as you suggested — but he may need names of the appropriate people to contact at the University — unless he already has contacts here. I believe that whatever Congressman Collins contributes will need to be asked for specifically and directly.
Once the funding is reasonably secure, then a date could be set and the advertising started. [Ok, I have not done anything of this magnitude — but this seems like a reasonable procedure.)
On the Mental Health First Aid website, they have a page on “how to start a local program”:
and at the bottom they have a “sample course budget” to help in planning: sample course budget
I thought the title of the page suggested how to go about bringing in a program, but the link sounds like it is about training people to become instructors (and that’s not what we’re are doing — I assume we are looking at the one day course). I am hoping that budget is for training instructors, because I don’t think we want to be providing $16 manuals per person. We want people from the community to be able to attend as well as students, faculty & staff. The thing about their budget is that it can help people remember to consider the inclusion of certain costs. The good thing about being at a University, and the talk sponsored by a student organization, is that a number of the costs (such as for the room rental and AV equipment) will be zero.
The website’s Find A Course seemed somewhat quirky. When I first asked for courses, the ones listed in Georgia all said “Adult” or “Youth.” So I assume that “Adult” is a different program than “Veteran”. On my second attempt at Find a Course, I put “Veterans” in for course — and no courses came up within 300 miles — but there were two instructors listed for Georgia, and they are both within 50 miles of Oakwood — which would minimize travel costs and possibly eliminate lodging costs. The Georgia trainers listed were
·Tavis West of Western Defense Academy LLC,, 404-210-7011,
·John Avery of Avery, Loose, & Associates, 678-653-7891or 831-809-3877, no email listed,
I was thinking either one of them might be helpful–because I’m assuming that they would want the gig. However, if you should decide to contact them, there is a way to see previous class reviews on the website; and that would probably be worth checking out.
In my searching, I did find out that the instructor for the KU training were Sharon Thomas-Parks, out of Columbia Missouri; and the co-facilitator was Bryan Gibb out of DC. I also noticed his name were written on your notes. Sharon is with Abacus Behavioral Consulting LLC (, and is willing to travel up to 5000 miles. Bryan’s email is They may or may not be better trainers. Certainly the travel costs would be higher.
Having said all that, my original assumption had been that The National Council would assign an instructor.
I am sorry that I don’t have more to say that would actually be helpful. I think you can tell that I have made an effort . . .
Hope you had a good 4[SIZE=-1][SUP]th[/SUP]. [/SIZE]
Will look for your future emails.
Yes, My Fall semester beckons me.....
My efforts surely show my passion.....