"Saturday, in the park, I think it was the 4th of July...."

Hope all have a safe and happy 4th!



(July 4th, 1776 was on a Thursday.....)


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Next week,
My locksmith Friend will be on vacation and I will find myself with time on my hands.

So, I just sent an email to Sonja, at Disability Resources, to wit:

Sonja, my Friend,
I have all of next week open to make a sweep of repairs from the 6th-10th.
I'll bring tools, tube tire repair gear with air pump, nuts,(besides myself! LOL!), bolts, washers and anything I can wildly imagine being needed!
Please let me know what day would be best so I can plan it around a trip to the mountains for a few days before this Fall Semester begins.

Hope that you and all of my Friends have been Well!

Hope you have a Safe and Happy 4th!

Best Wishes,



Perhaps I'll also check in with Tim, the Construction Manager with Habitat For Humanity of Hall County, or Johnny and Lori at the "Restore" shop.

I hope to squeeze a bit of Mountain Time in, though my swollen and painful foot has not has gotten worse. :BangHead:

Still, I gotta keep on truckin'.....

My Best Wishes,



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Diagnosis on the flipper?

Jest waitin' on dark, heh, heh!

View attachment 1182985

I've had these for a few years.
The ones in the baggie are for sure 10 years old....

They were fireworks that Carol and I shot off on our last 4th of July....{sniffle.....}

The others are maybe 4-5 years old.....

I have no idea what to expect other than to hobble like hell and drop!

I suspect the top right one might be inclined to chase you if you don't set it correctly before lighting.....:icon_scratch:

I'm old enough that I want to play with buzz-bombs, M-80's and Blackcats!
Why, I used to make my own fireworks many years ago.

Sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate.

"You want colors?"


Years ago, if you didn't hear tell of several fools losing fingers,

IT WASN'T THE 4TH of JULY! :dontknow:



All around here, in my corner of Dixie,

Yankees and Rebs alike,
Celebrate America today.

The controversy of a "confederate flag" is just that, a diversion.......a

Look! Over here!
Pay no attention to the Potus behind the curtain....


What would the "media" have you to believe?

Since I see nothing in the TN rules about....

How 'bout this?

confederate flag.webp

Happy Birthday, America, from both sides of the Civil War.
(Think about it for a minute or three.....)

We ALL are, have always been and always will be ...




God Bless ALL Americans!

Don't we all break some rules? Sometimes?
The definition of a Patriot?

Surely now you can see why I'm seldom invited to parties or events.....

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Diagnosis on the flipper?


I received notification, through the United States Postal System this Missive,
From the VA out of Atlanta.....;
Concerning my RIGHT Foot!

"Signs of 'arthyritis'...."

View attachment 1183032
"Ya don''t say...."

"Oh yeah, Doc....Are We're talking about another government mis-use of money?

OUR money?

The Military and benefits for Veterans?
Certainly a broken system!

A million smackeroos? Two?

How 'bout a billion, a trillion? Every year, every dollar that could help our Veterans!"

I'm sorry,

Days like today,
America's Birthday, stir my passion,
My desire,
to help my fellow warriors. :notworthy:

May ALL take a moment,

To acknowledge the sacrifices made for you yesterday to be here today....

Our Founding Fathers, who pledged their
Life, Their Honor and fortune to bring about a new Nation! One that embraced Freedom and Liberty!

My sweet land of Liberty....

I can say no more....


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That's no fun.
Good to know whats going on with your foot though.

So nice to know that you are understanding my "ZONE....." :notworthy:

My Best,


I've been shot....Twice.
No stories allowed.
Except that I "might" have lived.....

"No 'official' records will be found,"
Yada, yada....

I still carry traces of lead in my body....

No matter how hard your past,
You're still here, right? :thumbsup:

Make the most of it, Folks!

Live Life!

And it's getting dark.
Dare I attempt photos/videos of my fireworks?


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Jessica Alba... pfffft...

I want a real woman who can work underwater.

Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 12.30.00 PM.webp

Jessica is doing fine. She's worth $200 million bucks now!!! She said thanks for those leads on the investments..........I have her on speed dial, and she has my number on speed dial too. She's prettier even without makeup than the creature from the black lagoon here.......but I think I KNOW her too...........hahahaha

Jessica is doing fine. She's worth $200 million bucks now!!! She said thanks for those leads on the investments..........I have her on speed dial, and she has my number on speed dial too. She's prettier even without makeup than the creature from the black lagoon here.......but I think I KNOW her too...........hahahaha

That you?




Receiving a reply to my email from Sonja at DRC this morning with my first cup of coffee,

My afternoon was planned!

I spent a full 4 hours giving my talents,
skills and time for others I'll surely never meet.

It had been awhile since I had visited my Friends at Disability Resource Center,
and things were pretty much in dis-array in the back....


Sonja, Bless her Heart, as Good as Gold, hadn't called me to request help.
She "didn't want to bother me...."

I made sure that she now understands that she can call on me ANYTIME!
I even made sure that she put my phone number in her phone!
My Jessica Alba! :thumbsup:

So, I went to work.

First, sorting and moving equipment.


Down to fixin' stuff!


I started with the best condition to maximize total available,
Then moved on to others requiring brake adjustments and repairs,
tightening of nuts and bolts then finally flat tires.

In between, I plugged up 2-3 power chairs and ran them through the paces for availability.

This one was the "Cadillac!"


At first, it wouldn't accept a charge, so I opened up the plug-in module and found a broken wire.

Soon, it was like brand new!


By the end of the afternoon, as we all were leaving,
I made a final count, and took a couple more pictures....
12 Brake adjustments
10 flat tires; 2 requiring "Schrader valve" replacement
2 Power Chair repairs
2 rollater repairs
3 lift help repairs, one being electric

And a total of 14 wheelchairs now ready for use!





I think I'll contact my Friends at "Habitat For Humanity."

Hope all have been Well!

Best Wishes,



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With some tires taking a hundred pounds of pressure, your using that tiny pump makes you da man!(Breaks required for me to bring them up...)
Let alone the other labor required to rehab.
Good man Scott.
Wheeled mobility remains a tremendous value to those needing options. Thank you for your efforts.
Cushions remain a financial challenge there I'm sure. There is an open source instruction on video for making them, but a general approach vs custom per each user.
Not the right salute video but worth a smile.Has wheels in it.
A faster approach follows.:laughing7:


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With some tires taking a hundred pounds of pressure, your using that tiny pump makes you da man!(Breaks required for me to bring them up...)
Let alone the other labor required to rehab.
Good man Scott.
Wheeled mobility remains a tremendous value to those needing options. Thank you for your efforts.
Cushions remain a financial challenge there I'm sure. There is an open source instruction on video for making them, but a general approach vs custom per each user.
Not the right salute video but worth a smile.Has wheels in it.
A faster approach follows.:laughing7:


Back around the mid to late 90's,
when I was the Maintenance Department Head of a
"Long Term Care Facility,"
(A Nursing Home...)
In Wichita, Kansas,

There was a young man who was "shuffled" to our care.

He was yet younger than I, who had broken his back in a fall as a roofer.

I found a Friendship with him and one day,
I don't remember if it was the 4th of July or what,

It was a weekend and I went to the Facility,
picked him up with his wheelchair,
and took him to my place for a keg party and grill out with my Friends and his....

Ah! Now I remember!
It was HIS Birthday!

If we would have been caught,
Him leaving the property without authorization, yada, yada, yada,
it would have cost me my job and seriously jeopardized his disability income.

It all went smooth. :thumbsup:

I'm sure that he will always remember that day!
(I certainly do.....MAN! C'mon! Shrimp kebobs!)




"Gimme a rule. I'll break it.
Ain't no rule? I'll make it...."

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I'll be repacking my ruck, again, in anticipation of a few days alone,
lost once again in my beloved mountains....

Say, 3-4 nights?

Yes, my plans surely...



take into consideration that of my VA diagnosed "Arthritis" of my foot.


Pain is for whiners. Wah!

MOVE OUT, Soldier!

YES, SIR! 8-)



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Receiving a reply to my email from Sonja at DRC this morning with my first cup of coffee,

My afternoon was planned!

I spent a full 4 hours giving my talents,
skills and time for others I'll surely never meet.

It had been awhile since I had visited my Friends at Disability Resource Center,
and things were pretty much in dis-array in the back....

View attachment 1183946

Sonja, Bless her Heart, as Good as Gold, hadn't called me to request help.
She "didn't want to bother me...."
View attachment 1183947

I made sure that she now understands that she can call on me ANYTIME!
I even made sure that she put my phone number in her phone!
My Jessica Alba! :thumbsup:

So, I went to work.

First, sorting and moving equipment.


Down to fixin' stuff!

View attachment 1183954

I started with the best condition to maximize total available,
Then moved on to others requiring brake adjustments and repairs,
tightening of nuts and bolts then finally flat tires.

In between, I plugged up 2-3 power chairs and ran them through the paces for availability.

This one was the "Cadillac!"

View attachment 1183955

At first, it wouldn't accept a charge, so I opened up the plug-in module and found a broken wire.

Soon, it was like brand new!

View attachment 1183956

By the end of the afternoon, as we all were leaving,
I made a final count, and took a couple more pictures....
12 Brake adjustments
10 flat tires; 2 requiring "Schrader valve" replacement
2 Power Chair repairs
2 rollater repairs
3 lift help repairs, one being electric

And a total of 14 wheelchairs now ready for use!

View attachment 1183961

View attachment 1183962

View attachment 1183963


I think I'll contact my Friends at "Habitat For Humanity."

Hope all have been Well!

Best Wishes,


Scott you are a good guy no matter what anyone thinks!!

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