Reaching #1 on May 7th, 1977, before I graduated High School and went active Duty.

You will always remember that day.....



A few months later,

Picture 604.webp
Word, dog....

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For Our North American Friends!

America's Best Wishes on Victoria Day!



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"Are you ready?

Let's go.

Everybody knows their assignments, right?


Protect America, defend the constitution and live as Free Men....

Yeah, That's me.
How 'bout you?"



Sometimes, I may grow weary.
Yet, I always have strength for my Veteran Brothers and Sisters....

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If I could only be beside you........



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If I could only be beside you........

My Brother, we have always been together as one!

Our journey forward must surely continue.....

My Best,


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Hit me Brother with a PM.

Your Friend,




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I sometimes feel that my time of Service wasn't worth sh*t.

Who cares?
Cold War. Really?

When I meet with Congressman Collins, in a week,
I'll also push for Congressional recognition of Our Military's Service.
The "Cold War."

Yeah, I got stories......That I can never tell.....


Always an idea....

Always a discussion...

Always a solution....

Have you any ideas?

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All of our time was worth something. " One team, One fight"


You should both be proud of the service time you did....nobody can take that away from you.

Regards + HH


Heros seem harder and harder to find these days. However, there are TWO right here on this page. Thank you, more than you know. Bill is correct!

It is also so nice to see when people are brave enough to stand up for what and who they believe in... And you believed in ALL of US! Wow. In fact, I was thinking about that (as I often do) two days ago when I saw a soldier at the airport. I looked at his boots and knew only a few could walk a mile ( or a single step) in 'his' shoes.


This one's for you guys....David Bowie - Heroes.


Have I said this lately ?????? You guys ROCK!!!!!!!

Is the server down? I can't post via computer?

No, it is issue with the titles that have ' and : in the titles admins are looking at it.

Problem is with PCs access, I'm using android smartphone and tablet and everything is working...

Here we find ourselves another Memorial Day. I have a few things to say, please bare with me.........
Guys another year has come and gone but it doesn't stop the pain I feel in my heart. I miss you very much. My heart feels empty...... We knew the risks, but I should have been with you. I made peace with my own death...... I wasn't prepared to lose all of you. Life just isn't the same. I keep you all close in my heart....people don't understand our friendships, our brotherhood. Women/wife's came and went and who did we have? We had each other....remember when that Marine got that video tape of his wife doing his best friend during Desert Storm? The kid lost his mind. He dug a foxhole about 15 feet deep. But what did all of us do? Adam asked for all of us to send home for lingerie from any woman and we did. We sent pounds of lingerie to that Ho and Adam crafted that letter "Here honey, since we have broken up, I've decided to send your lingerie back, problem is, I've been with so many women, I don't know which is yours..... Good luck finding your lingerie " we weren't Marines, but we all came together for that kid.......because that's who we are. I miss you all so damn much.....One lesson I've learned from all of you "'s a little like wrestling with a don't quit when you're tired, You quit when the gorilla is tired.....

ROLL CALL - Jones, Hayden, Eccleston, Willis, Stevens, Gehringer, Beseke, Eaglin, Kelly, Kessler, Maltz, Williamson, Bobbitt, Buchanan, notes, Medieros, Samek, McDermott, Mason, Tumilson, Strange, Reeves, Mills, Workman, Robinson, Roberts, Spehar, Cunningham, Douangdara, Vaughn, Pittman, Day, Faas, Houston, Langlais, Vickers, Benson, Kelsall, Bill, null, Ratzlaff, Campbell, Nichols, Carter,Zerbe, Brown, Duncan, Hamburger, Bennett, Harvell

Greater love hath no man than this that a man lays down his life for a my prayers always. I love you all

Not all in one day...... I lost my friends over 30 years......


The words you posted brought tears to my eyes...

Many I served with are also no longer here but are always in my mind and heart.

The main reason I torture myself with School.

Most people my age who have served are content to have enjoyed their transition into Civilian life and nothing more.

There are many who are coming home with difficulties adjusting.

My passion is to provide some measure of understanding, camaraderie, Friendship, advice and positive solutions.

I cannot, nay,
I WILL NOT turn my back or compassion on our Heroes,
whom have VOLUNTEERED to continue the mission of protecting America,
Americans, our Allies and provide security in a world that is fast becoming more complicated.

I meet many people in the course of a day and if the conversation leads to Military Service, and they have Served,
I ALWAYS shake their hand and Thank them for their Patriotism.

My Brother,

WE are members of an Honored and Special Group of individuals.

{I shake your hand} THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRIOTISM! :thumbsup:

I'm sure that Memorial Day will mean more to our "group" than to most Americans.
As it has for me the last 28 years.

My Very Best Wishes to you and all who have served and are serving.

America would not exist without us!


May I add Ron Gleason to the roll call?

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By the way,

I got your PM.

Is everything OK now?

I think I took care of what you requested....



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