Here we find ourselves another Memorial Day. I have a few things to say, please bare with me.........
Guys another year has come and gone but it doesn't stop the pain I feel in my heart. I miss you very much. My heart feels empty...... We knew the risks, but I should have been with you. I made peace with my own death...... I wasn't prepared to lose all of you. Life just isn't the same. I keep you all close in my heart....people don't understand our friendships, our brotherhood. Women/wife's came and went and who did we have? We had each other....remember when that Marine got that video tape of his wife doing his best friend during Desert Storm? The kid lost his mind. He dug a foxhole about 15 feet deep. But what did all of us do? Adam asked for all of us to send home for lingerie from any woman and we did. We sent pounds of lingerie to that Ho and Adam crafted that letter "Here honey, since we have broken up, I've decided to send your lingerie back, problem is, I've been with so many women, I don't know which is yours..... Good luck finding your lingerie " we weren't Marines, but we all came together for that kid.......because that's who we are. I miss you all so damn much.....One lesson I've learned from all of you "'s a little like wrestling with a don't quit when you're tired, You quit when the gorilla is tired.....
ROLL CALL - Jones, Hayden, Eccleston, Willis, Stevens, Gehringer, Beseke, Eaglin, Kelly, Kessler, Maltz, Williamson, Bobbitt, Buchanan, notes, Medieros, Samek, McDermott, Mason, Tumilson, Strange, Reeves, Mills, Workman, Robinson, Roberts, Spehar, Cunningham, Douangdara, Vaughn, Pittman, Day, Faas, Houston, Langlais, Vickers, Benson, Kelsall, Bill, null, Ratzlaff, Campbell, Nichols, Carter,Zerbe, Brown, Duncan, Hamburger, Bennett, Harvell
Greater love hath no man than this that a man lays down his life for a my prayers always. I love you all