Last year there was a lot of gold recovered on/in the Rogue river.
This year I'am going to hit the Sixes river, only an hour and a half away. A lot of gold there also. Every year it's replenished. (flood gold) Hmmmm Now I get why people are up the banks diggin' around!

I have sluiced many times in the galice area. One spot I used to go to had a legend that a couple guys in the 1920's (I think it was) were blasting and were killed and the bodies never recovered. Right in the same hole I was digging along with some homeless guys who were trying to make wages. I also used to dig in rainbow canyon (I may have the name wrong) this was back in 1995 . I used to live at the top of Savage creek road in rouge river.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Tgf, I used to have family that lived in nome. I really want to get up there and visit the Gpaa property

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Scott, I hope you do try your luck. Gold digging is one of my favorite things to do. I have sluiced so far in Washington, Oregon, California and New Hampshire. Please post how you do!

I don't see Maine listed- 'sup with dat?

...and I enjoyed dinner the other night- you have a wonderful family, thanks for meeting up!

I don't see Maine listed- 'sup with dat?

...and I enjoyed dinner the other night- you have a wonderful family, thanks for meeting up!

I haven't gotten around to sluicing in maine...yet lol! We usually head to Bath New Hampshire and camp at the campground there on the river. But I here coos canyon in maine has a fair amount of gold and even some nuggets. Problem is the campground there doesn't have a pool! Lol!
It's always fun to meet up for dinner with you. Hopefully we can get some detecting time in with you when we get down to Florida this summer.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

DR holy cow bro that place just looks so desolate ......

DR holy cow bro that place just looks so desolate ......

It is very desolate, I don't think I could ever live up there for a winter...just summer! Lol
Another place I want to visit is Chicken, Alaska
Go to if you have a moment. It's a absolute riot. I have read the book Tisha (takes place in chicken) and am almost done with the book Dark boundary (takes place in the same area, the forty mile mining district)

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Drop me a hint what is Dark Boundary about?

I would love to search for gold, but my problem is I watch this darn tv show Bering Sea that's what I would like to try as a diver. As a diver though I have never seen such dangerous idiots diving for gold..... I mean they don't even have bailout bottles, several times I've seen divers get carbon monoxide poisoning......, I think their only requirement is to be willing to get freezing cold wet, with no training , and no brains!!!!!!


Sounds like I could train you to dredge underwater for gold.

Are you familiar with the "Bernoulli Principle?"

Call me...


"Or else my cousin will be looking for you...."

clint 2.webp
"That's right, Junior.
Today, you may have just won the lottery.
Today you may have helped another.
Or today, you may die..."

Either way..... How 'bout you?

Live your Life.
Be proud of who you are and how you are remembered.

Is there anything beyond death except memories and a tombstone?

Ahem....I digress. My apologies......

But, really....

Get off my lawn!

You Damn kids.....sheesh.....
This ain't Sandstone Ampitheater....:tongue3:


Best Wishes,



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Drop me a hint what is Dark Boundary about?

It is about the town of eagle in Alaska. Written by the same author back in the '50s it paints a picture of the time when the gold rush was over and how they lived with the Indians. It's not a long book but I only usually read 10 minutes a night or so.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Oh yes Scott I forgot Bernoulli effect has something to do with the conservation of energy through fluid flow? Right? Now I don't know if that would apply to a sluice box or an underwater dredge line........ Hook me up Professor.... You see I know nothing of mining gold......


Are you familiar with the "Bernoulli Principle?"

No no no... the Bernoulli Principal, that's Valarie Bernoulli, she was married to that rock singer dude and then divorced his drug induced self-

What a cutie pie.

Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 2.02.33 PM.webp

DR sounds like an interesting book. I've traced my heritage back to Native Americans. Lots on both sides. I have a funny story to share...... Imagine that. While preparing for Operation Iraqi Freedom in March of 2003, Arabic interpreters were hard to come by. My unit was issued a young British Army Leftenant as they call them to be our " terp" I swear I have never laughed so hard as I did with him. I wish I could remember his name...... So during the build up we spent a few days at the makeshift range, sighting in every weapon we had, letting him shoot too because he was really a linguist. I remember one drive to the range he said "you know, I forgive you all " we said for what? He said " for going AWOL back in the late 1700's....... It's ok the statute of limitations are up you can come back now!" Oh my gosh I laughed so hard..... Then he says " well if you won't come back, it's the Navy's fault?" For what? The Navy was ill equipped to fight that little skirmish with you guerrilla *******s, The Army didn't lose that fight, the Navy did..... But I forgive you now" I tell he was sooooooooo funny......

Ok ok another war story. So OIF finally kicked off. The bells and whistles were screaming "incoming Scud" probably..... Everybody was running for cover to the bunkers. Well except me and a few of my friends........ I walked in the hallway....... And there standing bare a$$ naked with his gas mask on, hung like a bear, or was he hung like a light switch, was my best friend who had just stepped out of the shower.....just letting " cousin it " swing from side to side while most were running to get to the bunker. Most of our team mates just laughed so hard we said screw it. We sat down in the middle of the barracks and all agreed...... Well if a scud hits us......let them figure this bunch out...... Sometimes you just have to laugh at adversity........

GIB I really had a crush on her..... And she gave me up for a rock star imagine that. Oh the luck

No matter how the wind blows, the Mountain cannot bow to it.

Still action packed, I keep it flipping like acrobats. That's why I pack a mack. Because on waist is more heat then a Shaq attack.

Still action packed, I keep it flipping like acrobats. That's why I pack a mack. Because on waist is more heat then a Shaq attack.

That's Ludacris...

When there are no great tigers in the deep mountains, even a monkey can become king.

Hey Crispin!
Hope you and yours are well.

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