In the depths of despair, in the darkest of hours. When all light is gone. I give you Ellindil, our brightest star. To be a light for you when all other lights go out. None of us can see the future. All we can do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us. Ahhh, that must be the does not smell as foul. Not all of us are champions. Not all of us our heroes. Not all of us can stand against the tide of inevitable onslaught, the white hand of Saruman, the Blackness of Kaza-dum, the dark mines of Moria, a Balrog of Morgath. Few will ever be asked or given the privilege of such an honoralbe claim.

However, we can all decide when Enough is Enough!

Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

Ps. Keep calm, I'm the doctor.

If anybody needs a pick me up. Tune in to Aloe Black...."The Man"

‘Not all those who wander are lost.’ – J.R.R. Tolkien

"Find a Swim Buddy. A swim buddy loves you. A swim buddy will pick you up when you have been beaten down. A swim buddy will hold you fearful feet to the fire. A swim buddy will charge into life's greatest challenges right by your side. A swim buddy is the perpetual strength that graces you with the knowledge that you will never be alone. What makes a swim buddy so powerful is when you give the exact same commitment back to them. The bond between swim buddies is eternal because of the unwavering need to show the other just how much you are willing to endure with them because of how much you love them. Find a Swim Buddy.”

Our wisdom comes from our experience and our experience comes from our foolishness.......thought for today

Our wisdom comes from our experience and our experience comes from our foolishness.......thought for today

I prefer to observe and learn from other people's foolishness. :thumbsup:



Oh yes Scott I forgot Bernoulli effect has something to do with the conservation of energy through fluid flow? Right? Now I don't know if that would apply to a sluice box or an underwater dredge line........ Hook me up Professor.... You see I know nothing of mining gold......

The Bernoulli Principle works on displacement of air/gasses/fluid flow.

View attachment 1161769
Typical Dredge Nozzle.

Water, in this case, is forced through the smaller tube to create a vacuum effect on the larger opening.

View attachment 1161770

A fairly simple concept yet very effective. :thumbsup:

The resulting material that is "sucked up" flows to a floating sluice box.

The process is safely accomplished by at least 2 persons.

View attachment 1161774



Here's the science and math.....
Bernoulli's principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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In light of this thread, and gubbermint takeovers and such,

Listen to the words of this song from 1978.....



Time after time I sit and I wait for your call
I know I'm a fool but what can I say
Whatever the price I'll pay for you, madame blue

Once long ago, a word from your lips
And the world turned around
But somehow you've changed, you're so far away
I long for the past and dream of the days
With you, madame blue

Suite madame blue, gaze in your looking glass
You're not a child anymore
Suite madame blue, the future is all but past
Dressed in your jewels, you made your own rules
You conquered the world and more, heaven's door, oh


Red white, and blue gaze in your looking glass
You're not a child anymore
Red, white, and blue the future is all but past
So lift up your heart, and make a new start
And lead us away from here

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I reluctantly lent my tent this weekend.
Camping is now discounted.

How shall I enjoy a summer's weekend then?

Perhaps a couple of metal detecting sites that I've noticed...

Or, how 'bout that panning for gold at a property that I encountered just this last week while doing locksmith work?


I'm leaning towards the gold pannin', Friends.

Camera battery fully charged?

Absolutely! :thumbsup:

The weather will determine my adventure....

Hope all enjoy their weekend!

My Best,


Last year there was a lot of gold recovered on/in the Rogue river.
This year I'am going to hit the Sixes river, only an hour and a half away. A lot of gold there also. Every year it's replenished. (flood gold) Hmmmm Now I get why people are up the banks diggin' around!


I have detailed maps of the gold bearing streams and creeks of Colorado and Georgia.





I have sluiced many times in the galice area. One spot I used to go to had a legend that a couple guys in the 1920's (I think it was) were blasting and were killed and the bodies never recovered. Right in the same hole I was digging along with some homeless guys who were trying to make wages. I also used to dig in rainbow canyon (I may have the name wrong) this was back in 1995 . I used to live at the top of Savage creek road in rouge river.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I may have found a blob of platinum... I'm not sure.....

Problem is, I can't remember where! :BangHead:

It was a turn-off of some road onto a gravel road, and....several years ago......
Was it "Cane Creek?"


I'm so close!

I still have the specimen.
Let's see if I can take a decent picture.....

Gimme a day or two, K?

Gotta find it, and so forth.....

Yeah, I know where my gold is.....



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I may have found a blob of platinum... I'm not sure.....

Problem is, I can't remember where! :BangHead:

It was a turn-off of some road onto a gravel road, and....several years ago......
Was it "Cane Creek?"


I'm so close!

I still have the specimen.
Let's see if I can take a decent picture.....

Gimme a day or two, K?

Gotta find it, and so forth.....

Yeah, I know where my gold is.....



Time sure has a way of helping us to forget things. I look forward to your picture. How did you find it?panning? Sluicing?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Time sure has a way of helping us to forget things. I look forward to your picture. How did you find it?panning? Sluicing?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Now, my Friend,
Seems that you request a story....

I'd say that would require a beer, or three, just 'cause I'm thirsty....

Here's what little gold a piker such as I still have in my poke.....still have.....tonight....


Best Wishes, always,


Got a deck of unmarked cards?

I LOVE to play Poker. You?

It's your bet.

On Scott. Where will he land?


I said that I was thirsty....

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Just 'cause it's late and I'm


Enjoy the sounds of life as you may step outside your door at my hour.

Relish the sounds, sweet to your ear, that you may hear, far beyond the normal.....
Love the Earth, love others and, Love yourself.....

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Come on soldier you don't need a tent to go camping..... A sleeping bag and the stars, or a poncho for shelter haha

"Now, here's a video, from a Friend.
And, most certainly, there's likely a story about this.....
When we return to....
'American Top 40.'"



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(From my "School" thread)

Dr. Ringger,
whom has been involved from the beginning of this project,
just replied to my queury of how to help Veterans.
Questions like:

"Do I need a 'Minor?'"
"Do internship's count?"
"In what areas?"

"My adviser leaves me confused...."

My Mentor's reply:

....It's probably my fault for not comprehending the information.” said the member of Mensa. I do like that you are not arrogant, but I don’t think you should take this one on as all of your fault. Let’s just say there was some miscommunication. Sounds better. If you look at this way, you’re likely to feel better. {I hope you’re smiling. I wouldn’t give you a hard time if I didn’t think you could take it, even appreciate it, and maybe even laugh at it.] [I was in grad school before I figured out – with the help of my fellow grad students -- that most of the time that I didn’t understand something, most everybody did not understand it. It wasn’t me. It was the speaker.]

There’s so many ways that you can go in helping veterans, that it makes your question hard to answer. Assuming that you stay with a Psych major, you will have to choose a minor. Unfortunately social work is not an option – but sociology or human services is. (Or you could major in one of those and minor in psych.) Human services is probably the closest to social work. You may want to talk to a professor in that area, in order to make a more informed decision.

If you were not finishing your Associate’s degree – or depending on your what your minor is – Introduction to Social Work is offered as a 2000-level class. You have also maxed out the number of lower-division psych courses you can count toward your Associate’s degree. Otherwise I would recommend PSYC 1102. It’s for majors only and it’s required for psych majors who started in Fall 2014 or later. It gives a more in-depth introduction to research methods, does some career exploration within psychology, and probably some other things. (We offered it for the first time last fall – which is why I don’t know that much about it.) In the bachelor’s degree in psychology, you will have two “open electives.” If you do not already have classes that you need to use there, you might want to consider taking PSYC 1102, and using it as an open elective.

I would definitely recommend Abnormal Psychology. Not to mention that it is a required course for the bachelor’s in psychology. Dr. Teem is wonderful. He has such a wealth of knowledge and experience. You will appreciate that. Also, Abnormal Psych is a prerequisite for the Counseling Theories course – and that sounds like a course that has the potential to be helpful in your endeavors.

Right now I am only teaching two of the required psych courses: Quantitative Methods and Social Psych. Here’s what I have to tell your fellow psych majors about Quant – because they don’t want to take it, don’t believe they should have to take it, and don’t believe they will ever use it: Understanding stats and research methods is potentially useful in everyday life. For example, if you have a family member become seriously ill, it can help if you can understand and critique the medical studies. Plus stats and research methods can help students develop critical thinking skills.

Social Psych is a course you will want to take with one of the other professors. I say that because you took Intro to Social Psych with me, and I believe you’ll learn more if you take Social Psych with a different professor. At the same time, last fall I did have two students in Social Psych that had taken Intro to Social Psych with me, and they seemed fine with the redundancy.

The other courses that I’m teaching (besides Intro) are electives: Human Sexuality and Organizational Psychology. Org Psych has the potential to be of value in your career. Let’s see what the department does with the course. By that I mean, it’s going to be under discussion on whether to make it a “straight” industrial/organizational psychology course (which is how they teach it on the Dahlonega campus), leave it as Org Psych, or even possibly offer both (because Org Psych would be more relevant to the leadership minor). I have also volunteered to teach Tests & Measurements (Psych 3070 will be a prerequisite for it); but Dr. Havill and Dr. Teem also would like to teach it. [I didn’t raise the issue of a minor in leadership because right now the different departments involved in it are not doing a good job of offering the courses on the Gainesville campus. That situation should improve as more students choose a leadership minor, but I don’t know how quickly it will improve.]

My usual advice to my advisees is to start picking up the required psych courses. We are encouraging students to start early on with PSYC 3070 (Quant), because it is a prereq for PSYC 3080, which is a prereq for the one-hour lab. (BTW I was glad to see that Prof Reed will be your instructor for MATH 2400 this summer. I have heard good things about her as a stats prof, and I like her as a person.) Then keep your eyes out for the electives that look interesting. You only get four psych electives, and my advice is to jump on the ones that you are interested in when you see them offered.

I may not have answered your question as simply as you would have liked, but hopefully I’ve given you some things to think about.

Hope you’re having a good weekend.

Dr. Ringger



"The Greatest minds in the world will now come up with the cure......"

How to help? How to help....




Late night. But I'm coming up with ideas....

Gonna see a Congressman here, soon.......

What's the game?
I'm in....

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