i am so confused


Me, too!

I'll share some popcorn with you and maybe we'll cypher it all out.... :icon_scratch:

My Best,




For my Friends,

Always remember some silly thing I've said...

And know that I'll always remember you!

My Best,


Got a box of 50 in today, I just need some address to mail them to.

Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 12.17.00 PM.png

0000old woman.png
"Yeah, Summer is ahead. Don't be an ....."

"My, what a nice crocheted collar-piece."


"I want a 500 page thesis on what Summer means to you.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation?
Yeah. That's your downfall, Mister....
I'll see to it that you'll fail my class!"

wicked witch2.jpg

back to school.jpg
"Yeah, Granny, I've made love to women older and uglier than you. {UGH!}
So, how 'bout it? Can we work a deal?"


I need less coffee and more sleep....



Gotta go camping soon,
Gotta go camping soon....

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I'm trying to convince the Mrs to let me get a small boat so the little guy and I can stay on the water fishing all the time. She says boats are. "Holes that you pour money into" I said. " like marriages ?" Wrong answer....... No wonder I always lose........

Off to the VA tomorrow. Can you believe I have yet another new primary care Dr? I swear people work there just to put it on their resume and that's it. They don't care about us 5 years this is my........7th new Doctor!


It started off as a bit of a tongue in cheek thing.....over time it just evolved into a place for everyone to hang out and enjoy each others company.

Regards + HH


Gov takeover ?

I thought they already had.


TGF, Bring home a note from the DR requiring you to get a boat and go fishing.

It's for your health. You gotta turn this boat into a medical necessity.



I see....

Said the blind man

to the deaf dog as he stuck his wooden leg out the door to see if it's raining.

HEY !!! how did you know I had a deaf dog !

He at least acts deaf sometimes...
Like when I really need him to do something... heh

Which actually brings up an interesting thought ...
Has anyone known a blind MDr ?
I suppose it can be done.

I have heard of ON HERE of a guy who was deaf wanting lights etc.
But not ever of blind.

Sorry bout T GRamer... mmmmerr. :)

Typing like "shorthand" old days. :P

Gov takeover ?

I thought they already had.


My Friend,

There will be no "Government takeover"
Unless Americans, Wolf Pack Members,
Veterans and Patriots take back our Government.
I'll keep you informed, if you wish.....

All of us Vets have our lives invested in America by our OATH.

Oath of Enlistment

I, My Friend, Honor my Oath. :notworthy:

Welcome to the thread and seek guidance to our (my idiosyncrasies). :tongue3:

My Best Wishes,


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Please keep politics out of Crispin's thread..

Which actually brings up an interesting thought ...
Has anyone known a blind MDr ?
I suppose it can be done.

I have heard of ON HERE of a guy who was deaf wanting lights etc.
But not ever of blind.

Sorry bout T GRamer... mmmmerr. :)

Typing like "shorthand" old days. :P
The Fors line up is perfect for the sight impaired, the built in vibration feature works great...[emoji106]

I'm trying to convince the Mrs to let me get a small boat so the little guy and I can stay on the water fishing all the time. She says boats are. "Holes that you pour money into" I said. " like marriages ?" Wrong answer....... No wonder I always lose........

Perhaps you should listen to the Boss...

I've heard that the two happiest days in a boat owner's life is the day they buy a boat.

The second happiest day is when they sell it.

{sell and secretly look for a replacement...}

NO! I DIDN'T say that "out loud," did I?

My Best,


"I'm Your Captain"

Everybody, listen to me
And return me my ship
I'm your captain, I'm your captain
Though I'm feeling mighty sick

I've been lost now, days uncounted
And it's
YEARS since I've seen home
Can you hear me, can you hear me
Or am I all alone....

If you return me to my home port
I will kiss you, Mother Earth
Take me back now, take me back now
To the port of my birth

Am I in my cabin dreaming
Or are you really scheming
To take my ship away from me?
You'd better think about it
I just can't live without it
So, please don't take my ship from me, yeah, yeah, yeah

I can feel the hand of a stranger
And it's tightening around my throat
Heaven help me, Heaven help me
Take this stranger from my boat

I'm your captain, I'm your captain
Though I'm feeling mighty sick
Everybody, listen to me
And return me my ship

I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home, oh

I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home


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