Silver Member
It was a blast brother and all for the kids! Thanks
Well okay, maybe you. What kind of detector you got?
i am so confused
Gov takeover ?
I thought they already had.
I see....
Said the blind man
Gov takeover ?
I thought they already had.
The Fors line up is perfect for the sight impaired, the built in vibration feature works great...[emoji106]Which actually brings up an interesting thought ...
Has anyone known a blind MDr ?
I suppose it can be done.
I have heard of ON HERE of a guy who was deaf wanting lights etc.
But not ever of blind.
Sorry bout T GRamer... mmmmerr.
Typing like "shorthand" old days. :P
I'm trying to convince the Mrs to let me get a small boat so the little guy and I can stay on the water fishing all the time. She says boats are. "Holes that you pour money into" I said. " like marriages ?" Wrong answer....... No wonder I always lose........