bill from lachine
Platinum Member
I don't remember if I posted this version or not.....a seniors
I don't remember if I posted this version or not.....a seniors
I AM PISSED...........I took my grandson to Walmart to buy some stuff for dinner and his lunch for the week. As we were leaving this man was standing outside handing out red carnations. He gave my grandson one and I said "no thank you" He said "No no, take one, it will change your life" I said "No thank you I am in a hurry" He kept persisting. The more he persisted, the more I said no and kept an even tone. I just pushed the buggy a little faster........I told my grandson get on the buggy which he did. We got to my truck and I was watching the man following us. I told my grandson get in the truck quickly........I put the groceries away real quick and my grandson asked me to read the words on the carnation.....I started to read it.....then noticed it was a bible verse, so I skipped straight to the bottom and read......"From the Prophet Mohammed" My blood was boiling......I noticed the man had followed us 2 cars over behind me. I got out and said "I have had enough, do you people ever stop? How many of my friends have you already killed and will continue to kill? I began to shake all over and knew something bad was about to happen.........I wadded up the flower and threw it at us feet and said "Go back to hell from where you came" and drove off as quickly as I could...............I'm still shook up because I have fought and my friends have died and I'm sorry but 9-11 will forever be a hate crime against all humanity..........and just the beginning
I just got the nicest thing in the mail. Many years ago I use to play paintball. I just received a coin from a US Navy LT. He was a young kid that thanked me and a couple of the "elders" that took him under our wing back in the day. He thanked me for our encouragement and just being there for him. Now he's married, has a little boy, is a Navy Lt in the Submarine service of our country......a truly thankless job. Man I am so proud of him and to think he wrote me a letter thanking me for motivating him to get where he is!!!! I am PROUD!!!! I have a best friend that retired a year before I did that has 3 boys, that I found out about 18 months ago all 3 of his sons are on the Seal Teams!!!!!! Just think I remember testifying at his divorce when his crazy wife said he wasn't worthy of being a father...... Did something right huh? And my own a Firefighter/EMT that works part time venues at Daytona International Speedway..... He actually worked this years Daytona 500.....,,I guess we all have high hopes for our kids. I'm proud of him too
"I'm sorry sir, but I've evolved beyond your pagan ritualistic beliefs."
Usually works.
Hey Reb I'm going to try that fishing guide. You know we fish a lot here at my house. Need all the Voodoo help we can get !