Okay, here's a little winter fun.

Who do you think we will discover first in the spring?

1. Bill from Canada 'eh
2. Backbacon
3. GMD52
4. Dieselram
5. Releventchair

The weather has been strange this year, no telling who will thaw out first, or what condition they will be in.

If you guess correctly you get dibs on all their MD gear.

View attachment 1124214

Hey at least we know what's under most of the snow here when diggin....


By gosh, I think that's Dieselram... I knew he was a little different.

... wait, could be anyone of them- Everyone from up in frozenville is a bit strange. They can use that tail fin for a snow plow.

Oh yeah, and you can tell it was a MerMAN not a MerMAID.

It wasn't talking when it was frozen.

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Think it was M.H. of Canada who shared a version of this with me last year near this time.


Hey GIB was that Mermaidman from Spongebob fame? Sorry I got little ones haha


I just heard "from a little bird,"
That Spring is near!

The Atlanta Braves play their first
Spring Training game next Thursday against the New York Mets!
In Florida....

That means that Spring is near! :hello2:

Best Wishes to All!


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And the Toronto Blue Jays play the Pittsburgh Pirates on Tuesday.

Once again, in Florida.

A bit of info for our Canadian Friends.


Spring Training is a GREAT time for the treasure collection of autographs. :thumbsup:

(You listening, Florida Folks?) 8-)

Also, a good place for autographs is AAA ball.
Sometimes a player is sent down for an injury rehab or a training session....

I hear that there's money in sports autographs....:dontknow:




Since Spring Training and AAA games are less attended,
I've imagined that getting close to the dugout, with a new baseball along with 3-4 different colored "Sharpies" passed around the players would make for a nice collectible.

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I stopped in to a favorite retailer this afternoon, where my adult libations are purchased,
and saw 2 window panes missing and being repaired by local glaziers....

I had stopped in to exchange rolls of pennies that were requested....

I talked with Miss Kelly, the owner,
And found out that it was the result of thieves....
and we reached a preliminary agreement for me to install a security system.

Should be a snap....

I sure like Miss Kelly.....

Yeah, I'm probably doin' this too cheaply....

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Where is life once you lose power?

No Phone. No Facebook. No Internet.

My Mountains?

Yep. 8-)

Where and how the hell will you survive when TSHTF??

Me? I'll live off of the ignorant.

I've a rosy future, if nec·es·sar·y.
A short lesson in spelling and grammatical usage.

You're Welcome....



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For my Friends.

An early version.
Earlier in the evening....
Before he had a "Flying 'V'."

And yet you ask about "full screen" here....

For shame....

Of course go full screen!

You certainly know of my meaning....

When I die, I'll surely fly away.....

I just want to get away, from the "Norm" and make a difference.....
In my life.
In Your life.
In Society......

But, that's just me....

How 'bout you?

Do you ever Dream of Flying?

Over water?

Let's talk!

Based upon my many self diagnosed psychosis,
I can provide suggestions for mental health! :tongue3:

(#1 August, 1965)



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And then,

I think of my "Late Night" Friends,
and smile to myself, knowing that.....
All is right here.....
For now.....

(Nightmare Fuel)

"Sleep much?"

"Nah. Not really...."

I volunteer for all night watch tonght~
And tomorrow night, and........


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Well friends my wife is home!!!! The old hag she works for, not anymore. She was mean to my wife on the ship, that's all I'm going to say about wife called me crying I said enough is enough. Next port I'm bringing you home. She stopped in one of the Saints......called me, I emailed the ship her itinerary......she told the rich old hag have a nice life.....walked off the ship, went to customs, got on a plane, and flew home!!!!!! Now she's in great hands...... Mine!!! Just because you are rich you can't be mean to people and think you own them!!!!!!! My baby is home and safe and the boys and I and momma are happy!

Scott I wish they would ban Facebook for one week! I think my daughter would lose her mind though. Could you imagine?????? No Facebook for one week...... There would probably be an increase in criminal activity. People might lose their mind.......I know of 2 soldiers that were Court Martialed in the early days of this war because of Facebook. Really......hey everybody I'm in unit so and so we are gearing up to go to so and so. Be leaving...... get it. My CO suggested we never have I didn't then and still after a few years of retirement don't have it. I think it ruins peoples lives....oh wait......déjà vu we've had this conversation before. Imagine the world with no internet for a month. Oh my school research from a real book..... My goal is to find as many legit questions I can that Goggle can't answer! That's what I told the 12 year old...... Haha


Tgf , I agree as I have absolutely zero use for Facebook! And your right it does ruin many lives. I'm glad you're wife is back, people regardless of the amount of money they have never have a right to treat others badly. I seem to run into equally nasty/mean people be it their rich or poor. Hopefully you can spend some quality time with your wife now.

Sent from a empty soda can!

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G.I.B, lol! It's so cold up here I have gone numb in places I can't mention online!! Let's just say I think I'm permanently damaged! Lol!

Sent from a empty soda can!

Crispin, take care of yourself. I sure hope you can hold off that pneumonia as life is to short to be sick. Your sand shark is calling!

Sent from a empty soda can!

Scott, any great ideas for a way to monitor/ alarm system a screened in pool?

Sent from a empty soda can!

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