And finally - - - - - -

200. My chain of command is not interested in why I “just happen” to have a kilt, an inflatable sheep, and a box of rubber bands in the back of my car.
201. Must not valiantly push officers onto hand grenades to save the squad.
202. Despite the confusing similarity in the names, the “Safety Dance” and the “Safety Briefing” are never to be combined.
203. “To conquer the earth with an army of flying monkeys” is a bad long term goal to give the re-enlistment NCO.
204. NEVER nail a stuffed bunny to a cross and put it up in front of the Battalion Headquarters sign as an “Easter Desecration.”
205. Don’t write up false gigs on a HMMWV PMCS. (“Broken clutch pedal”, “Number three turbine has frequent flame-outs”, “flux capacitor emits loud whine when engaged”)
206. Not allowed to get shot.
207. The Chicken and Rice MRE is *not* a personal lubricant.
208. Not allowed to play into the deluded fantasies of the civilians who are “hearing conversations” from the NSA, FBI, CIA and KGB due to the microchip the aliens implanted in their brain.
209. An airsickness bag is to be used for airsickness *only*.
210. Must not make T-shirts up depicting a pig with the writing “Eat Pork or Die” in Arabic to bring as civilian attire when preparing to deploy to a primarily Muslim country.
211. Don’t ask LTC Steele to sign my copy of Blackhawk Down.
212. Must not go on nine deployments in six years that require a security clearance that I don’t have, even if the Army tells me repeatedly that I have one and I have no reason to question them.
213. Do not convince NCO’s that their razorbumps are the result of microscopic parasites.

But of course but wouldn't that take longer? Haha

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like the old saying " the elephant walks slowly up the mountain, but the earth is patient"


all going smoothly, looking like a bumper crop of corn this year


all going smoothly, looking like a bumper crop of corn this year
The corn is soon ready, along with the peach crop.

Reminds me of midnight Kansas "shoulder corn."

"Shoulder corn" is corn that you drive in the country at midnight,
stop on the shoulder and pick a dozen or so ears.
Hope that you don't catch salt from a .410........

That was in my youth.
Now, I'd stop during the day and offer the owner some cash for a dozen ears.

Had a call today from an older Gentleman who needed a desk lock opened at his house
and possibly some keys made.
I arrived and soon faced the challenge.

It was an older, all wood desk.
Looked to have a 5 wafer lock on the center drawer.
No problem.
I placed my tension wrench and used a curved rake,
and in just a couple of passes had it picked open.

I then removed the lock, at the customer's request,
and will have a pair of keys made in the morning.

A minor bit of sand in the Vaseline is that someone had once tried to pry it open
and I'll have to repair that damage.

I talked to the Dentist people today and I'll have to wait another week to get some teeth. :BangHead:

No matter how much "MUSH" that I eat,
I still "feel" hungry!
I've also got to pick and rekey 3 Corbin "knob type" locks.
Takes a CO88 blank.
Not a CO89.
There IS a difference, even though they are both 5 pin.....
If you don't have a working key, you have to pick them to remove the cylinder.
Corbin's are a real Challenge.
They are of higher quality and provide better "anti-tampering" features.
Should be no problem.....

My Landlord just got back and I'm sure that a discussion
will soon transpire about the length of the grass...


Here's pretty much my August schedule....(subject to change)

Work this week, try to get cheap textbooks,
mow, blow, clean roof and gutters and weed-eat on Friday,
Go Camping this weekend, :hello2:
Work next week, Get teeth on Friday,
Start classes the following Tuesday.

And in between, this week,
I'm to meet with a woman who has many collectibles including coins, currency, stamps, etc.
Perhaps I can make a nickel helping her to sell on *bay.

Yesterday was spent on domestics like dishes, changing plugs, laundry, oil change,
vacuuming, including the house and picking up misc. limbs from the yard to take camping.

I'm planning ahead again, Friends,
though I learned over the weekend that a Friend passed.
We grew up together, had many of the same classes and I was 1 week exactly older than him....

Obituaries /

It's sad that we plan our own future and someone else's future has ended....

That's what I was speaking of earlier about when I mentioned "the blur of life......"

I will also stop in soon to see Julie and take some supplies.
And I'd bet that Sonja will be glad to see me and point me towards some equipment needing repair....

I truly wish for Everyone to plan their time for the betterment of:
Of Course,

Hope that All are Well and Happy!

Best of Wishes,


When your last blood is dripping onto the floor,​
and your thoughts are of home and Family.....


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The corn is soon ready, along with the peach crop.

Reminds me of midnight Kansas "shoulder corn."

"Shoulder corn" is corn that you drive in the country at midnight,
stop on the shoulder and pick a dozen or so ears.
Hope that you didn't catch salt from a .410........

That was in my youth.
Now, I'd stop during the day and offer the owner some cash for a dozen ears.

Had a call today that an older Gentleman needed a desk lock opened and possibly some keys made.
I arrived and soon faced the challenge.

It was an older, all wood desk.
Looked to have a 5 wafer lock on the center drawer.
No problem.
I placed my tension wrench and used a curved rake,
and in just a couple of passes had it picked open.

I then removed the lock, at the customer's request,
and will have a pair of keys made in the morning.

A minor bit of sand in the Vaseline is that someone had once tried to pry it open
and I'll have to repair that damage.

I talked to the Dentist people today and I'll have to wait another week to get some teeth. :BangHead:

No matter how much "MUSH" that I eat,
I still "feel" hungry!
I've also got to pick and rekey 3 Corbin "knob type" locks.
Takes a CO88 blank.
Not a CO89.
There IS a difference, even though they are both 5 pin.....
If you don't have a working key, you have to pick them to remove the cylinder.
Corbin's are a real Challenge.
They are of higher quality and provide better "anti-tampering" features.
Should be no problem.....

My Landlord just got back and I'm sure that a discussion
will soon transpire about the length of the grass...


Here's pretty much my August schedule....(subject to change)

Work this week, try to get cheap textbooks,
mow, blow, clean roof and gutters and weed-eat on Friday,
Go Camping this weekend, :hello2:
Work next week, Get teeth on Friday,
Start classes the following Tuesday.

And in between, this week,
I'm to meet with a woman who has many collectibles including coins, currency, stamps, etc.
Perhaps I can make a nickel helping her to sell on *bay.

Yesterday was spent on domestics like dishes, changing plugs, laundry, oil change,
vacuuming, including the house and picking up misc. limbs from the yard to take camping.

I'm planning ahead again, Friends,
though I learned over the weekend that a Friend passed.
We grew up together, had many of the same classes and I was 1 week exactly older than him....

Obituaries /

It's sad that we plan our own future and someone else's future has ended....

That's what I was speaking of earlier about when I mentioned "the blur of life......"

I will also stop in soon to see Julie and take some supplies.
And I'd bet that Sonja will be glad to see me and point me towards some equipment needing repair....

I truly wish for Everyone to plan their time for the betterment of:
Of Course,

Hope that All are Well and Happy!

Best of Wishes,


WONDERFUL song... Vietnam Vets sing this song at reunions, dancing in a CIRCLE OF SURVIVAL, and remembering...

Now then,
Please forgive me, my Friends,
If I post infrequently,
You may surmise,
I have my time pre-planned......

I suppose that....

I'll fly away and yet somehow I'll still progress....

I have plans.
Plans to help others.
Plans to help myself.
Most importantly,
Plans to Live my life.
Helping whenever, wherever possible.
Looking out for Children, the Elderly, Animals and yes, Even You!

I may be just a "simple man,"
But I have a "simple plan."

I will learn what they teach,
And I'll learn what they preach,

But it's up to me alone to make my own choices.

What are your choices?

"Every step of your way"

We ALL can make the difference.....



Just give a little bit.....OK?

Make a commitment tonight!

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Like Scott I've been a bit busy with this that and the other things....another one for the pot.....

The Animals - Bring it on home to me....the original by Sam Cooke coming up shortly.



Like Scott I've been a bit busy with this that and the other things....another one for the pot.....

The Animals - Bring it on home to me....the original by Sam Cooke coming up shortly.

As you might know, I'm somewhat of a music aficionado....

Here's an Animals tune done to an original Percy Mayfield.....
(Yes, I have the 78 rpm of Percy.....)

Hope it is pleasant for you...



On the"Specialty" label.....


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Some want the story of me and that Kansas Tornado.....

Yeah. Well, here's the last page: I lived.

In my "story-tellin'" ability?

I'll think about it.....


Yeah, I kicked that tornadoes' you know what.
At least I lived to tell a story....

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According to Nostradamus 17 more pages and we will hit page 10, and I can say I was but a tiny speck in the universe!!!

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Did you know there is more life in the oceans than on land? Things that make you go hmmmm........ Going to be another long night.

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Yeup pondering. I like that word. I guess I ponder a lot...... Hehe

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Hey Scott I have a question for ya bud. I have a safe with a round key that fits a round hole. Can that be easily copied? Thanks

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Any friend of my friend is a friend of mine. RIP buddy.

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Hey Scott I have a question for ya bud. I have a safe with a round key that fits a round hole. Can that be easily copied? Thanks

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Replied via Personal messaging.



Hey everyone!! Just stopping in to say hi. Hope everyone is well!

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