Have a super evening! Great to leave the hospital for sure.Where is home really?(It's not your address.)
Yaa Hoo..

Here's a "Thought at Random,"

Pulled from the depths of Scott's wonderings....

I've attended colleges, etc.

And in 30 some years of looking over the "Help Wanted" ads from all over,
I've never seen an opening for a Philosopher.


Am I THAT damn old?
Why, I can remember when a Philosopher was one class higher than the Court Jester!


A Degree in Philosophy is offered in most any College!

A College "money-making" worthless degree?

Y'all be Well!


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I have to find cheap textbooks for this Fall's Semester classes,
and I guess I'll schedule an appointment to get at least some temp. dentures next week.....

I'm SO tired of mashed potatoes, bananas, soup, applesauce,
cottage cheese, grits, oatmeal and such pap........

You get the picture.

When I'm fitted up with some chompers,

I'm going to a sushi restaurant!

So for now,

I search for books in the hope of saving a dollar-two-ninety-eight....

My wishes for a Great day tomorrow to All!


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Young or old,


You ain't lived till you've flirted with disaster....

(Reminds me of a Kansas tornado...
I fought to a draw....
Surely you've heard that story?)

Bonne nuit à tous. Jusqu'à la prochaine fois.


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All I can say is you are all great. And I know if I needed you everyone of you would pile up in a plane and head down here to help me! You all remind me of my first ODA Team words can't describe how strong our bond as friends has become. I stand before you a humble man and appreciate all of you. Sounds like momma is going to be ok.......... I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and so does she. A friend is a gift you get for life. Bless you all!!!!!!!!!! If I ever win the lottery my friends will be much compensated I can tell you that,,,,,,,,,,her head is hurting so she went to bed early, I've been doing what I do best taking care of the grand kids tonight. Good night my friends and god bless you all. Yeah back in the day we use to call it a " hospitality" check haha thanks for those memories. Especially since the fridge is currently empty of all beer haha you all Rock !!

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Managed a couple of rings this morning detecting....even though most of my posts here are only on this thread I actually do find some

Regards + HH



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Nice finds any idea of the value? And thanks

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The scrap value for silver jewelry is pretty low about 50 cents or so per maybe $2.00 on that one....if the other one is white gold maybe $50.00 or so...I just toss them in a drawer or give them away....I just do this for fun....I'd do much better working for minimum wage if it was about the

Regards + HH


Nice finds any idea of the value? And thanks

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The scrap value for silver jewelry is pretty low about 50 cents or so per maybe $2.00 on that one....if the other one is white gold maybe $50.00 or so...I just toss them in a drawer or give them away....I just do this for fun....I'd do much better working for minimum wage if it was about the

Regards + HH


Ever notice EVERYTHING goes up,but WAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well said and no truer words have been spoken!

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So true about the costs of everything going up but not our salaries or in our cases pensions.

I'm fortunate that I have a corporate pension as well as a government pension and me and my wife are debt free with some money put aside for a rainy day.

We also prepare most of our foods from scratch and have a garden in our back yard and heck even the bit of clad and jewelry we find adds a bit to the pot.

We managed to survive our misspent youth so somehow we'll figure out how to make it to the end of the road hopefully in one

Regards + HH


Ever notice EVERYTHING goes up,but WAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say is you are all great. And I know if I needed you everyone of you would pile up in a plane and head down here to help me! You all remind me of my first ODA Team words can't describe how strong our bond as friends has become. I stand before you a humble man and appreciate all of you. Sounds like momma is going to be ok.......... I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and so does she. A friend is a gift you get for life. Bless you all!!!!!!!!!! If I ever win the lottery my friends will be much compensated I can tell you that,,,,,,,,,,her head is hurting so she went to bed early, I've been doing what I do best taking care of the grand kids tonight. Good night my friends and god bless you all. Yeah back in the day we use to call it a " hospitality" check haha thanks for those memories. Especially since the fridge is currently empty of all beer haha you all Rock !!

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ummm get on a plane? Would it be ok to march down like at thermopylae?

But of course but wouldn't that take longer? Haha

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But isn't a Thermopylae another term for a " hot get away?" We could rally the troops and continue south to the Keys !!!!!!!

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Nice as always Mr Bill

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Be a lamp, a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Thought for today.......2GF being all all philosophical and stuff......

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