Well critters, it's been real fun. Or, was that just me? :icon_scratch: :laughing7:
Gotta cut out for a little bit. Hard to tell yet, if the day is going uphill or down...... :icon_scratch:
I just keep wondering, how do I keep ending up in the, "how did I end up here", section? :dontknow: :laughing7:


I come here because you are all my friends. I dont mean to air my laundry but I ask if you believe in the man upstairs please say a prayer for us. My wife has a non malignant brain tumor, but now she is in the hospital. She's had a stroke and is undergoing testing right now, MRIS, MRAS, I'm holding down the fort with all the grand kids pulling my hair out. I was up pacing all night and on my knees praying........ She couldn't move her left arm, as of now she has regained movement she just has numbness in her pinky...... Man I'm scared...... I lived a fast violent life, I'm suppose to go first. I've never been scared of anything or anybody . She's a good woman lord..... I'm sorry folks I've got to go. I need to talk to the man upstairs some more. Peace be with you all

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One more night for observation but she's going to be ok. Thanks Relevant Chair and all and the good lord above! Remember this their are no atheists in foxholes!!!!!

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Just remembered the name of that 4th press.
A Goss.
Not that it matters, I guess...

Keep pushin' on, Brother!
Prayers for you and yours.




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Hang in there buddy, we are all pulling for you and your family...remember that you are the rock they depend on....and keep them strong, as you learned to be. I can testify that there is a reason that everything happens, and it was not you wifes time to leave, just regroup, as happened to me this Feb. Keep strong and live large......Gary

TGF, like everyone said hang in there and I'm real sorry ya'll are having to go through this.
Good thoughts and prayers for you all. Keep us updated as you can.

Thanks everyone. You are all my shoulders when time of need. I can only say thank you hopefully ill reset up a raid and me and the boys will get her out tomorrow....... You guys are my rock.

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Thanks GMD and Pat cat. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger they say. I should be a man of Herculean strength, and I know my wife has such inner strength. We got through this with everyone's prayers. I'm with her at the hospital awaiting paperwork to bring her home. She awoke a couple nights ago during one of my house roaming times and grabbed her head. I was making my rounds checking on everybody when she sat up but fell over. All I could make out was "baseball bat , head" the left side of her face appeared to be drooping, her arm was weak/ numb and her speech was very slurred. I checked her pupils and they were unequal . Oh god not another cerebral vascular incident........ I called my son told him to get to the house to tend to the children ASAP, carried her to the car and the rest you all know. God once said he won't give us more than we can handle,,, Lord if you're reading this I cry UNCLE.....I need a big break! But thanks for saving her. I am reminded of that story Footprints in the sand.........,

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About that '96 Audi A4 trunk lock....

Had to make keys.
Takes a V37 blank and there's 7 cuts at 4 possible depths.
Once keys are made for the trunk lock, they will also operate the doors and ignition.

After removing the vacuum assembly and the gears,
I could see the core.

I also saw a damaged part.

So I set out to find a replacement lock.


1996 was a "split year" for the keying systems.

It went from a regular V37 blank to a high security,
or as some call them, "laser cut."
Those locks take an HU66 high security blank.
The mechanisms are the same, it's just a difference in which blank the core will accept.

Sure, I could use a high security core, but, really?

Only half a year the V37 core was made that fits the cylinder.
In Germany.
18 years ago.
How many were even shipped to the US?

I could find NONE!!!

Oh, and the customer is moving to Florida this weekend.

Without going into many details,
I relied upon my jewelers saw, needle files and
skills of hand fabrication that I've been blessed to acquire,
and after an hour and a half I had the replacement part made,
installed in the cylinder assembly,
reassembled the gear system, vacuum assembly and had a pair of V37 keys cut to fit.

I then called up the owner, drove across town, re-installed the lock,
tested it thoroughly and had the customer operate it and he was happy.
And I was happy.



There are many good folks here who care about you.

We are there with you in spirit.

Your shoulders are broad because you will carry another's weight if needed without complaint.
Know that we will now help you with our collective broad shoulders with prayers and maybe a word
or two of encouragement....

Who else wishes they were close enough to be there to offer a hand?

Always in my thoughts,

Best Wishes,



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Some fine skill there Scott. Yes we just try to support each other online. Would be more helpful crashing 2G,s place and corrupting the kids and dogs.:laughing7:

Dash ignition,interesting.

Some fine skill there Scott. Yes we just try to support each other online. Would be more helpful crashing 2G,s place and corrupting the kids and dogs.:laughing7:

Dash ignition,interesting.
View attachment 1030915

Let's go to 2GF's!
I'll drive!
Somehow, for some odd reason, I heard the word "corrupt," and well...
Seems a fairly broad and subjective verb, don't you think?
I'll drive and even have a bucket of Lincoln cents towards gas...

And forget trying to get the ignition out.
I believe it has an active retainer.
Which means drilling and replacing.
Yeah. Good luck there....
And the door locks MIGHT have a key code stamped on them.

I chose the trunk....


I came out a winner!


Hope All are Well,


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Tomorrow I have to be at a foreclosed house at 8 AM to pick a lock,
gain entry and rekey all the locks.
Shouldn't be a problem; In and out.

As we go about our lives,
planning our tomorrows,
Do we stop to think of Friends we haven't seen since...?
Or think about Friends we've yet to see?

When the planning of "Life" starts to become a blur of one day after another,

I like to fire up my computer in the morning,
sip on a fresh cup of just now ground coffee,
Reflect and think of Friends.
And play this.

I used to play the whole album, every morning, on my turntable,
probably 20 some years ago....

Try it.

See if your day is any different! :thumbsup:

Let me know....

My Best,


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Boston rocks it for sure. What else we got for 2G. I,m multi trying to get tomorrow set up some how but lets see.
Goin in without audio but here's to that young couple back when.

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