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My mouth is salivating reading your guys posts of finer homemade cuisines! Looks like I was volunteered as babysitter again today. I've got 4 boys from 18 months to 12 years old. I think I'll give them a proper education at the exotic pet store. It's huge!! And cool with the kids!

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Apathy vs empathy. Case hardened vs malleable. Age and experience has led to bouts of both.
Today dropping a dog at the vets office for a while led to a long chat with another patron who was outside when I arrived and still when I left. Not my plan to chat a while but had to acknowledge the dog as it had a familiarity, unrelated but near enough of a litter from decades past, besides he was a dog and the owner was a bit too sad. Having been there before enough the owner sought a familiar staff for visit,that made more sense to me later. A well foreseen and planned event though never easy. I missed till reflecting on our discussion the finality and had hoped for a reprieve. Did mention the outliving pets unwritten contract for most and congratulated her for being a loving mom. One of those folks who treated a formerly worse than not cared about pet like family very much cared about. (oh yes, the history of the dog and recent events of its life,l.o.l.. Seeing the bond many dogs choose with one person and the owners heart was no strange feeling and owner seemed to appreciate being told she had done good by her dog and after I wished them well I cranked up the truck. The owner then mustered the what ever was needed to go inside. Stupid me caught on quick then as it was the backdoor and final goodbye time while I started leaving. Can,t help her grief but her bill will be covered anonymously. Danged lifespans. Dang empathy.

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Yep- it's a dilemma.

I've lost some very special dogs. My last one was a working dog who spent every day with me for her entire life. I'll never get over her being gone.

So- I got a parrot. She is 16 now and will live to be 60.

I'm feeling bad because it's going to be the other way around this time. She get's depressed when I go on business. I can't imagine how depressed she will be when I take my final dirt nap. She's going to outlive me...

It's a hard time to go through.

RC... you did a good thing.

Have a blessed day my friend

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Both my Yellow Nape Amazon and my Eclectus parrots will out live me since both are 9-10 and still have another 50 to go......

Wow do you bird owners have family members to take over? I guess that might be why I have dogs we kind of will last together I hope....

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Wow do you bird owners have family members to take over? I guess that might be why I have dogs we kind of will last together I hope....

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My wife is 20 years younger than I....

Something about robbing the cradle comes to mind....... Haha more power to you !!!!!!

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Something about robbing the cradle comes to mind....... Haha more power to you !!!!!!

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I didn't rob the cradle, but I may have raided middle school...... I married my wife when she was 30.......

HAHAHAHAHA you got me on that wifes father was 25 years older than her mother..............when my wife was born her father was 65 !!!!!!!! He ws born in 1899!!!!!!!! What a MAN !!!!!!!!!

Ok So I am sitting here reading an ad about Catamaran sailboats.........why do they say "Hot water heater?" You dont need to heat hot water, its already heated, shouldnt it say...........water heater?? just saying.........

HAHAHAHAHA you got me on that wifes father was 25 years older than her mother..............when my wife was born her father was 65 !!!!!!!! He ws born in 1899!!!!!!!! What a MAN !!!!!!!!!



I managed a gold bracelet the other day 3 toned gold 10k and 4.8 beats another pulltab.


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Tomorrow I dance with the dentist needles for the last time.
I'm NOT looking forward to it at all.

I got the grass cut after helping Sonja at Disability Resources.
She had me go to a gentleman's house to adjust the brakes on his wheelchair and repair his hospital bed.

I was able to repair and adjust his equipment in about a half an hour.

When I got home,
I found this message in my emails from Sonja:

Bill, called and said he was so happy you came over to fix the problem he had with the Bed and Wheel Chair . Scott, I thank you so much for your know how . Good people like you are 1 in a million. Thanks talk with you soon. Sonja

Hope everyone is doing well and has a Fantastic weekend.
Have a steak for me!



That's a sweet find, Bill! :thumbsup:

Good job Scott. Nice find Bill do you have pics?

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Ok, cat popping in, lol. Popping in, not pooping, lol.
TH and TGF actually made me laugh. LOL! Listen, I've seen a pic of TH's wife, whoa horsey........ that's all I got to say bout that. lol.
I'm 12 yrs younger than the Mr. I once asked him, why did you marry me? Which was quickly followed up with a, "it's not a trick question, just want a valid legit excuse/reason that flys well, in case someone asks why you married me". He thought a few moments and replied, "cause I didn't want to be stuck with some fat, old, ugly woman!. LOL!
All I could think to say was, "fair enough"! LOL!

Good on you Scott for all your triumps! Enjoy that steak, my friend! Kudos on your find, too Bill!
I'm in a grooving mood again, ready to go dancing, lol.
I guess the groove is in the heart, huh. lol! Have fun critters.......


R.I.P. Johnny......



I Johnny live on 3 different occasions one with his brother Edgar....


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