Hey Scott ,could you do me a quick favor and blow these up?:laughing7:
View attachment 1021318

Hang in there, don,t knock a clot/plug out smoking or all the warnings you were given and don,t forget your salt water rinses when safe per instructions..


The unmistakeable humor of my Friend, RC!

I have been putting it off for some time now....

4 last Friday,
The rest on next Friday.

I volunteer at Disability Resources on Thursday,
and then.......


Good news, Bucky!

I found my "drool Cup!"




I hope they gave you some laughing gas to cheer you up.....

No gas,

But PLENTY of needles...
I lost count after 10-12....

Got a script for antibiotics and some schedule 3's.

I've been taking the antibiotics religiously.

The other?
Only once.

I hate "pills."

The tolerance of my pain threshold has increased due to the wait of a week to seek relief.

I must say that I swear one of those needles was so deep that it tickled my eyeball....




Tommy plays some great music.
I'm impressed with his ability.

I first learned of Tommy by way of this, while searching
"Lewis and Clark" for an Honors History project a semester or three ago....

(From the same "session." )

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Hey where you been Scott? Still working on those pennies?

View attachment 1022329

Well, it's like this, Boss,


Still working on the pennies and...

I really appreciate your help in this mastication process that I'm currently involved in....


Look the word up, you sophomores and quit snickering....

I'll cut the grass again before the day the final teeth are removed.

You know that I will take care of my responsibilities!

Best Wishes, Michael, for a GREAT WEEK!

Your "tenant" and Friend,


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I enjoy this radio frequency. You guys have music for everything ! And most times pictures too.....

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

You know, Friend,

We're all on this "radio."
What's your frequency?

I hope that my Friends are on the Frequency of Helping others and
can see that humanity is for all and life is finite.

Make your contributions worthwhile!

You will never be forgotten!



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Is a discussion necessary?

You know why....
Perhaps a PM to clear it all up.....Why I cannot post pictures....
If not.....
Well, then.....


No more posts here.....
My efforts are for those who need my help.

I will always be there for those in need.


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AU, sent you a pm.

hey guy' growing, hot pepper's almost ready to be processed, and have started to organize a herb farm and orchard, I thought I had retired!!!!!!!I really wish I could turn back the clock 6 months and regain the health and strength I once enjoyed....found out the damage is such I won't get it back....but that only means I work just as hard, but slower, and that will be a challenge!

Got some great recipes and sauce ideas I;m working on to try and market, will let you all in on the process for trials.....later all....Gary

Let's see here. Fall is a better time and some of GMD country syrup or some honey would have been nice but in the words of ol blue eyes I did it my way. (a cupboard status/ inventory thing.)
Two year old sassafras saplings roots from under utility line where they can be thinned heavy and hardly slow their progress. One day the line will get cleared again and the eventual and previous cycle of cut and sprout will be repeated. Veggie brushed them under running water then cut to fit bottom of a large pan. A couple quarts of water and boiled gently fifteen minutes,strained and back to stove top to bring up to low boil again with roots put aside to dry for reuse in the future. At near boil a large spoon of blackstrap molasses stirred in and a gentle boil another ten minutes ,cooled and a wine bottle filled for reserve. The balance was consumed. Some cloves in a wrap of muslin and a few drops of anise along with a natural sweeter or two mentioned earlier with more molasses could have been used to make a thick syrup to dilute at tea time by adding to boiling water.
Clipped a few mullein leaves and flowers to dry too while out rooting.

RC....Interesting concoction, and sounds right along the line of what I'm working on. I'm working on a maple/sumac syrup, and a horseradish/mint. Already started a vodka infusion of lemon balm and I shake it and wait 4-5 months....if it's only half as good as the blackberry vodka we did a couple years ago, and still have in will demand a party!......Gary

Party sounds good.Celebrate getting to view and smell the lake again for ya and hear taps with just a bit more meaning.
I,ll have to hit the wine cellar,(basement milk crates) and start reducing whites. Dandelion and apple getting old. Grape just getting better.
Come fall, early winter it will be time to start brewing again.

The Lake is finally dropping, and is at 68 degree's......go down to the dock now and then, but the long walk back up the hill still taxes me, but we need to be on the water! Hopefully get to get out and start filling the freezer for the upcoming winter season, pretty much deleated at this time, although have put in a good crop of rhubarb, and my blackberry patches have just comein and picked the first yesterday! What I'm really waiting for are all the hot peppers that have formed to mature, need to replace the used up relishes and sauces!!!!!! Nothing better on a hot day than a fresh tomato sandwich with sliced hot peppers!....Gary

Alright. Computer upgrade giving me fits. Time to quit fighting it awhile. Scott ,you around to fill in? Been rebooting to get sound. Argggh.



Looks like you are onto a good have to come up with recipes that are not available commercially.

Heck last year I made a big batch of crap apple jelly from some trees in the park....the only cost was the sugar and a bit of effort.

Made 24 - 8 ounce jars and the local market sells them for $6.25

Regards + HH


Alright. Computer upgrade giving me fits. Time to quit fighting it awhile. Scott ,you around to fill in? Been rebooting to get sound. Argggh.


I've done the "re-boot."

A dozen or so times.

My conclusion is that I have no problems with my computer.

All other sites load and display in a timely manner.

Here, not so much.

And I would have posted pics of the "Book Bank" clear back on Monday but "difficulties" prevented such.....

I finally had to go through "Photo Bucket" to post the pictures....
No continuation of my Camping adventures without the posting of pictures!
Every time that I tried to post a picture,


That's OK.

I can better spend my time Volunteering.....

I wonder how Julie is doing?

Be good to one another, you Kids.

My Best Wishes,



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I get no sound on other sites too. Getting to where if I leave and go back to start on main screen it works again. (I think that's the deal) Update was earlier today so I,m convinced something is related. Looked up others with similar problem but not going to run the courses they did.
Styx. Got me there Scott. Lots of good tunes. Over riding my humming green river.


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I get no sound on other sites too. Getting to where if I leave and go back to start on main screen it works again. (I think that's the deal) Update was earlier today so I,m convinced something is related. Looked up others with similar problem but not going to run the courses they did.
Styx. Got me there Scott. Lots of good tunes. Over riding my humming green river.


As you can see,
I have no problems posting YouTube videos.
Or posting period.

Even the "Go Advanced" to post in a "centered" manner.

Just posting pics....

That equals a "FREEZE!"

About your sound issue....

I've occasionally tried to watch a you tuber and for some reason,
the sound was on mute.
Check that and see if that is it.

Do you have good sound otherwise?


I like Styx.
Seen them 4-5 times, over the years.
Once or twice with REO Speed Wagon.

{Got some bootleg tapes 'round here somewhere...}

Full screen recommended....
(apropos starts at 28:02. And is also at 1:15:30...Oops! Politics?)
Hope that I haven't "offended" anyone....
If so, I apologize...and you can spank me....

Only if Jeff gets to take pictures! :tongue3:

Ya know, the hardest part of playin' a 12 string is not in playin' it...

It's TUNING it!



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Speaking of Squiggy,

My plants have survived, my chipmunk Friends survived and all is well!
There must be at least a half dozen of them little devils runnin' 'round here!

I have some pecans harvested last year and have been setting 3-4 on the brick wall for them after cracking them open.
I watched one stuff his cheeks today from about 5-6 feet away.

He turned and looked at me, with a cheek full of pecan,
as if to say,
"Yeah, I got teeth. You?"

I'll try to post some video soon.....



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Reminds me of a story about a house party.
Back in the 70's.

I was the DJ.
Rode my motorcycle there carrying about 30 albums in my back pack....

Surely, I've told this story before....:icon_scratch:

It involves the police....

Yeah, guess I've told it.
No need to re-tell it.
Is there?



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